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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Infested Colossus (Corpus Tech Mutation)


Attacks: Slow attack speed (0.25 attack per second), but high impact damage that can have a 100% proc to stun and knockdown a Tenno. The attack range is 1 metre. It should be able to negate electricity due to large body fat and have a weakness to slash damage (as of all infested).


Behaviour: Slow movement, similar to unalerted Infested Ancients. When it spots a Tenno, it will dash towards him/her

at a speed that is a bit slower than a Infested Ancient (perhaps half the speed?) 


Environment. Rarely appears and when it appears it comes in a group of 2/3 and mostly in the Orokin Derelict.


Appearance (cannot draw so added this instead): Big-sized, one hand mutated into a tentacle and the other into a mace-like deformation. The Technotyte virus had also injected some kind of toxin that made him have an enlarged stomach, which is filled with fats and muscles, mutated so that it could endure and  negate damage.



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horde infested, infesting the air changing all enemy units present in infeste and causing severe damage from poison 

- Very agile / fast / capacity camaleotiche 

- Can jump and walk on almost every surface (they jump on the wall like the hyena boss) 

- Leave more eggs around that fast open and become horde of infestid




shoot corrosive drops that stick to the opponent. These drops are sticky and slow down more and more until the opponent to immobilize and cause serious damage by poison (can change your warframe into infested here there is possibility to add special leavel for free warframe)


Enviroment Restrictions:

low temperature can slow contagion impact


for english i use google traslate


Edit: different from other because my monster shoot stick fire and is a plague in level, and can change warframe into infested.



Edited by (PS4)Tadino80
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Infested germ


Stays near groups of infested and fovors groups with ancient in them and also hides infested near them for the rader


doubles infested health that are nearby it and if killed relaese a big gas cloud that does slows players inside of it

Environmental Restrictions




sorry if the picture is a little big

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Name Suggestion: Infested Ancient Fastballe Special

Behaviour: This is an alteration to an existing enemy type, giving an additional behavior to the AI. Crawlers aren't that threatening, and noxious crawlers hardly ever land their vomits.

Attacks: Whenever an Ancient aggros/charges at tenno, they will physically pick up a nearby Crawler type enemy, and throw them at the tenno they are attacking, delivering them to a ninja to try to eat their face.

Environment restrictions: Depends on nearby enemies/spawns

 http://tinyurl.com/owy86j8  (baseball gif, don't click if your boss may take offense at a pitcher's butt)



Name Suggestion: Infested Dogbone

Behaviour: This is an alteration to an existing enemy type, giving an additional behavior to the AI.

Attacks: Whenever a tenno is downed and an infested charger is nearby - well, the infested love their long lost technocyte virus cousins - they could bite an ankle, and start dragging a tenno away, making it a little more inconvenient to resurrect them. Maybe a minigame to fight them off before friends get to you. It shouldn't ANNOYING, just ohgodwhatishappening

Environment restrictions: Depends on nearby enemies.

Optional Art: http://tinyurl.com/lyhgjea (doggy tug of war)




Infested are kind of the most boring enemy. They need some interplay, interesting animations, and a sense of a swarm synergizing together, while also being horror-themed enemy types.

Also, they're just under-used. the current invasion system means there really aren't any infested missions left in the game.

To this end:

Name Suggestion: Infested Invasion Base

Behavior: Give or make a planet in each system a 'home base' for infested in that area, which periodically launches  outbreaks on other nearby nodes - but can't be defeated itself. Instead, missions against it can force it into Remission, as well as to move to a different node - so you can kind of herd it around and to corners no one cares about. You can't get rid of it entirely, but it should make infested more prevalent and ACCESSABLE than they are now. Bottlenecking them into solar rail and ODD missions are kinda lame. Bring back infested!


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Name: Salter

Behavior: A little slow, about Rhino's pace. Lizard-like body with a high amount of health.Very sneaky, prefers walking on walls and waiting around corners to pounce. Doesn't follow the norm when it comes to infested attack styles, likes to hang back and be opportunistic. When fought it would seem that the Salter, because of it's slow pace has more of an intelligence advantage over the usual infested. Spawns in later waves along with Ancients. 

Attack: Pouncing with knock-down intentions, Tends to pounce either when the Tenno is very close, or when it is being attacked as a last resort. Heavy damage dealer with a slow attack speed - gathers it's wits to attack again in about 4 seconds. 

Environment: The mechanic of this enemy is best suited for the Orokin Dirilect, but can be found anywhere including area's without walls - it is most comfortable on walls but, being a tad intelligent can suffice on the ground. 


No pictures available, but let's picture a swamp colored lizard with a stubby tail and a purple gleem to it's scales, small eyes, but many of them - noticeably metallic-black and evil. The first thing you see when you encounter one of these stealthy creatures, is the angry look on it's face and the dying image of it's eyes.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Mammoth


Behaviour: This enemy is basically a more deadly version of an Ancient.  Taking a slightly different evolutionaty path than it's close relative, the Ancinet, the Mammoth is a more muscular and aggressive being.  Instead of a lashing whip-like arm, the Mammoth is partially covered in a Ferrite-Armor, similar to that of Rhino, and has a large and heavy club like appendage that it drags along beside it.  The Mammoth will engage the Tenno on sight and will charge blindly through any other infested in it's way.  The Mammoth is mainly a Tank/Crowd Control for it's fellow infested.  The Mammoth's main weakpoints are areas where the Ferrite-Armor hasn't closed and allows for a system of rotating weakpoints, as in not all Mammoths will be vulnerable in the same spots.  It can be denoted by a glow from the unarmored location.


Attacks: This infested enemy type has a massive club arm that is capable of a heavy vertical swing and also sweeping horizontal swings.  The heavy vertical swings create a visual effect much like that of Rhino's "Stomp" and can stagger and topple a Tenno.  The horizontal swings are also capable of staggering a Tenno but do much less damage.  The Mammoth also has a roar that has a chance of lowering armor rating. The Mammoth may also appear in the same variants as the Ancients.


Environment restrictions: Inhabits all infested levels


No artwork, but imagine a more muscular Ancient leaning heavily into the direction of travel to leverage itself against it's massive Ferrite covered arm.  Sparks from the dragging of it's Ferrite arm are optional


*edited for formatting

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NAME: Screamer


BEHAVIOR:Lets out a blood-curling howl upon spawning. Roams around the tileset unti an enemy enters it's line of site. Appears slow at first but moves surprisingly quick when hostile.

ATTACK: Infested Screamers tend to leap on the first enemy it sees.  Releases a cry/howl that slows down and damages nearby enemies. Barrages enemies with swift, manic claw attacks that deal moderate damage and bleed.



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Name: Noctus

Behavior: He is aggressive, yet cautious - it will prioritize attacking targets which are distant from others to avoid getting caught in crossfire while he takes care of his hopeless victim.

Attacks: Due to unnatural mutation and influence of cold climate, he possess ability to turn temporary invisible and as described by lucky survivor :

''His attack...cold as death itself, .. and dont let yourself get caught by him, stay close to comrades''

Detailed Ability information: 

# Able to turn invisible for several seconds 

# Sometimes may grab you, suppressing and reducing your global speed for brief amount of time

# Normal attacks deal half frost damage and slow down your movement speed (Reduced by Frost Resistance)

Enviromental Restriction: Will avoid any warm or hot area since he is a lot more vulnerable to fire, unlike other infested.

He is a lot stronger in cold climate, average in normal regions.

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Name Suggestion: Fury

Behaviour:  The infested known as Furies are always a terrifying site.  Cutting a swath through their own kind just to reach uninfested is a site few forget.  These bone armored monstrosities tower over the battle field ripping infested, corpus, grineer and even Tenno to shreds if given the chance.

Attacks: The Fury attacks primarily with wild haymaker swings with it's massive arms.  When surrounded, or when wanting to clear a path it will rear up on it's hind legs and slam the ground with it's front ones sending a small shockwave across the area.  When in a dire situation reports have indicated that it will resort to cannibalism to keep itself in the fight, rending other smaller infected that happen to be too close.

Environment restrictions:  Primarly appear with larger groups of infested, and avoids tight closed in corridors.


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Name Suggestion: Myriad


Behavior: Myriad functions as a new Hunter/Warden/Capture unit for the Infested faction; can even be a character to use as a 'mouthpiece' of the Infested for a planet/events/lore/mail system. An ancient amalgamation of Tenno corrupted by the Infested, their lethal attempts at 'recruitment'/ 'saving'/<insert lore reasons here> Tenno involve devastating sword and whip play and the occasional Infested ability. Slow and lumbering, Tenno are advised to fire from afar rather than risk its corruptible touch…though Myriad is far more vulnerable to melee attacks, akin to Eximus units.


Attacks: Aside from psychological warfare from disturbingly calm, friendly 'taunts', Myriad will use a Scorpion-style Infested whip ability from a bloated arm to drag Tenno close, or fling Torid-like pussy nodules if they're too far to grasp from the same armor-rupturing corrupted limb. Should Tenno get within range, Myriad's Tenno traits will horribly make themselves clear with their mostly functioning Excalibur Prime limb and the Ether Dagger it holds, as well as slow windup attacks with their Infested whip/Torid limb. Combos and encouragement to use Melee 2.0 methods to defeat/overcome Myriad's attacks are encouraged, as firearms have reduced effectiveness, though within reason.


Environment Restrictions: Should only be reserved for unique alerts/mission types, or Hunter/Warden style situations for Infested Rescue/Capture.


Art Reference: (All used parts are copyright DE or public domain)



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Name Suggestion: Grinpider
Behaviour:  Grinpider is a small unit of the infected , is transformed by the ginner soldier's head. sensitive to the action of the victim .It has fast moving speed and able to make walk attack.
Attacks: Grinpider will jump to tenno and use himself's hook and tentacle create tenno huge toxin dmg untill tenno die, Use jump attack or other TENNO's melee attacks can remove this state(If tenno shot Grinpider while Grinpider is winding the victim ,Grinpider will explosive and create toxic gas in a small area within a short period)
Environment restrictions:  Yes,Grinpider , will appear in indoor places , which is including the ceiling ,wall (mainly will moving in the ceiling ), but still will moving on the ground

Art or Reference Images: 

Traditional Chinese version
攻擊方式: Grinpider會跳躍至TENNO身上利用三隻鉤爪與腹部的觸手緊緊纏繞並同時釋放毒素直至TENNO死亡,使用跳躍攻擊或同伴的近戰攻擊將可脫離被束縛的狀態,但若同伴使用槍枝攻擊綑綁TENNO中的Grinpider它將會自爆,造成一定範圍的毒氣傷害並留下毒霧一段時間

習性敘述:  Grinpider是grineer士兵的頭部受到感染而異變而成的,脫離了笨重的身軀使的Grinpider有著飛快的速度與靈活性,平時Grinpider會靜止在天花板等待獵物的接近,發現獵物進入房間時便靠著靈活的行動接近目標,對目標的動作十分敏感,當被瞄準時會選擇跳躍至別的牆面作為閃避

出沒場所限制:  有,出沒於室內場所,主要會選擇攀爬天花板作為移動手段,次要則是牆壁,但仍會在地面進行移動
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Name suggestion: Nim'rak  (grineer-ish)


Behaviour:  Nim'rak acts like a shadow. she's Generally an invisiblie predator, you can spot a shimmering in the air where she's standing. she only gets visiblie when she first attack you. she tend to sneak around her pray and slay it silently.

she is usually very defencive and dont attack before she is potted or feel threatned. the moment hes spotted she gets really offansive. she's really fast, reaaally strong and very agile.



Strike from above: (teleporting above the pray and and bash down with the sword)

Shadow strike: (this is a dark matter strike that apears from nowhere, and strikes the targets randomly.)


Feeding. (this attack allows Nim'rak to feed on his prays. she grabs the target with one arm and lift it up after its head and transfere energy and health from the pray over to its own body)




melee: claws / sword or knife

Primary: bow

Secondary: some sort of kunai's or something like this (throwable blade weapon)


Envoirment restrictions: This creature lives in neutral envoirment/ poison envoirment.

She have trouble with handling cold and warm elements.


the design: i have currently no designs made for it. but i belive it would pretty mutch look like a skinner version of "the venom" from spiderman (exept its not spiderman related and dont have the spiderman logos asnd so on.



its a skinny devil/demon with a big mouth. long sharp teeth. sharp claws, aeordynamic body.

kinda scary and cool looking :P


color: mainly black and green or black and red 

Edited by (PS4)kevin_nightwolf
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Name: Spitter


Behaviour: A small flyer insect( bigger than a roller) which erratically and spastically flies, dodging weapon fire. Camouflages in the infested spores in the tilesets and once alerted will fly around and spit toxic or corrosive projectiles that will stick to surfaces or warframes. When on surfaces will deal DoT once traversed on and if on warframe will continuously deal low damage. They suck at aiming and the projectiles mostly hit the ground so its a rare occurrence for direct hits. The projectiles look like sludge. They are quite rare but spawn in swarms of at least 4. Their wings can be shot off (please add live dismemberment DE). When wings are shot, they will crawl and explode to the nearest Warframe including one in bleed-out. Their explosion is similar to their attack but deal more damage, bigger radius and is only triggered when dewinged or on death. When not alert, will stay in the spores emitting toxic damage.


Attacks:Toxic sludge, toxic cloud and Death explosion.


Appearance: It will look similar to the Insecticon Spitter from Transformers Fall of Cybertron. I can draw my own rendition but I'd rather let DE work their magic.


Environmental limitations: Only on heavily infested areas with the spores. Will spawn in icy places but they are weakened, deal even lower damage and fly slower. They spawn from the spores and won't come out of the spores when not alerted. 

Edited by Slendy-Broseph
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Name Suggestion: Infested Self-InsertTron

Behaviour: His DNA fused with the infested, the Self-Insertron is a rogue operative that decided to trade Tenno secrets to the Grineer in order to combine his Warframe with their ruthless modificatons after becoming partially infested and exiled by the Tenno. He can generate a super force field that will block any warframe power and can dodge shots from even hitscan weapons. When female frames enter combat with him, they note the six pack on the front of his suit and immediately swoon. After inevitably being defeated, players will see a transmission box pop up in which the Self-Insertron will reveal his face. He will look like a super handsome, early 20's male with heterochromia and perfect teeth. Lotus has a crush on him. He's also an infested enemy type.

Attacks: Is a master of every warframe power and weapon. Can OHK everybody. Is technically infested.

Environment restrictions: No restrictions because his suit has boosters and gravity controllers so he can go anywhere. Runs super fast because he's part infested.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: Yhm68KZ.jpg

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Name: Ancient Swarmer


Behavior: Unlike other ancients, this one does not charge forward. It hangs in the back spawning crawlers to attack the players.


Attack: It only has the basic ancient punch attack. Its special ability is to spawn 3-5 crawlers of various types every 10 seconds or so.


Environment Restrictions: Always spawns with a group of lesser infested.

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Name: Infested Tenno



Behavior: Walks slow like an ancient infested, But when the creature sees its prey it charges, knocking down anything in its way. There is no escape once the creature lays its eyes on you. Using the tenno Arts, it can do what every Tenno can, It can jump from wall to wall, there is no escaping this infested creature, While in combat it is every effective in melee combat, so don't get to close because that might be your last.  Once the creature is near its end it screams, Alerting the other infested Making them come over and distract the enemy so the creature can regain health, while the target it distracted it will hide and wait for its prey to walk by, and then ambushing them, and finishing them off. This creature will not stop until the target is dead or bleeding out. so be careful tenno.


Attacks: using medium range pistol(Tysis) melee damage causes puncher damage and bleeding,high chance for critical hit and high base damage. using slash dash,Radial Blind and invisibility.



Environmental Restriction:

Level 20 and above appears on any infested missions with level 20 and above, can cling to walls and ceilings and hides in dark areas



​Optional Art: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120630233229/darksector/images/1/1a/288382_full.jpg

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Add a new faction please, instead of grinear please. they look ridiculous. 


This new faction faction.

Name: Azot 


He is equipped with shields and armour, so a mixture between Grinear and Corpus. You can find his faction on any planet, if possible.

He can use a gorgon or a tetra to shoot you. For secondary he uses a bronco. 

He tries to find cover in his environment. He moves to avoid getting shot if there is no cover, but he will not run in circles or any funny shapes. 

He can survive anywhere with the right tools for him. 


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Infested are created by the technocyte virus but the infested do not use viral damage or get viral procs


Name: Ancient Sniper

Behavior: Emits a quieter version of the ancient's enemy sighted scream to attract other infested to take advantage of drag. uses drag to throw away enemies after being reduced to half their health to run off and heal up by non-lethally draining health from other infested (other infested loses 1/2 health, does not target infested with less than 1/2 health because not enough food to sustain healing)


Drag: Sentry unit for infestation with long ranged arm stretch attack that drags it's enemy toward itself (in addition to the typical knock down of an ancient's strike). Then the player will be swarmed by infestation.

Infect: as Ancient Disruptor except for viral damage instead of magnetic damage.

Environs: any


Bonus(not a part of entry): 

Name: Viral Eximus

Behaviour: Either uses normal infested rushing tactics to apply it's debuff to the enemy or uses it's debuff to discourage melee strikes against it.

Attacks: if an opponent is within (insert normal Eximus ability radius here) the opponent gets the viral status effect.

Applicable infested types: All

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Name Suggestion: Nymphalid (elite Infest)


Nymphalid is a mutation of old Earth butterfly exposed to Infest strain. They flying above the horde and spread 'pollen' from their enormous wings. They usually serve as a support unit for the infest. However, if they are damaged they will be enraged and swoop down to attack the aggressor.


Nymphalid attack are divided into three modes.

1. They usually hovering above a large group of Infest and causing them to enraged. Increasing attack speed and movement speed. In this stage, they usually trying to stay out of combat and avoid taking damage by using gusting wind around itself to propel itself away from harm.

2. Once damaged, Nymphalid swoop down to attack the aggressor and cause knockdown. Sometime, the target will be grabbed by the Nymphalid and drag up to the sky while drawing some life essence to damage the target and heal itself. Dropped target is damaged from the fall.

3. Nymphalid can shoot concentrate toxin at the target causing small toxic AOE.

Environment restrictions:

Nymphalid only appear in open environment like Earth tileset or Corpus outpost tileset. They also appear in room with high ceiling.

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Name:Infested parasite (find a better name lol)

Behaviour: small flying insect like infested creatures that can spawn in large numbers. if there is only one or two of these infested in an area they will not attack tenno, but alert the rest of the hive and infested. however they will try to join up with other infested parasites and create swarms. once they are in large numbers they will attack tenno and unleash stinging attacks, and can possibly trap tenno in large swarms.infested parasites spawn from hives or nests, and will continue to do so until the nest is destroyed by shooting them. infested parasites can also latch onto other infested e.g. ancients. once the infested creatures are close enough to tenno, the parasites are released from the infested and attack the tenno,or released if the infested enemy is killed, using the infested as a way of transport. when attached to infested they form a protective layer around the infested, making them able to absorb more damage


Attacks: sting : The  infested parasites take turns to simultaneously sting tenno.

Wave: when in a swarm, the parasites form a wall then violently dash into a tenno, causing knockdown


Environment: only inside infested ships, not outdoors. 

Edited by (PS4)Tic-Tac30
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Would be nice if DE made the enemies by themselves instead of letting the players create half the game. This way we will only get more anime-monsters or enemies that actually come from other games. The guys with the fancy drawings will win anyway.


But well, as im already at it:


Name: Infector


Behavior: A heavy, fleshy, unit that moves at slow to medium speed and has strong, slow melee attacks. Infectors are the heavy front-line boarding units of the infested and used to spread the virus to ships and colonies. Infectors are mainly there to absorb heavy fire and break defensive lines. As they are quite slow but heavy, their legs can be shot to stagger them or make them fall, they will continue crawling then. They empower nearby infested, imcresing their speed by 10% (stacks up to 3 times)


Attacks: Smash: Slow and heavy smash on the ground, dealing enormous damage but easily to avoid. Infectors are especially dangerous when           encountered in close quarter combat.


               Grab: The infector grabs a teammate, holding him in a firm grip, also easily avoidable because slow, deals medium damage (about 150 at level 50). Takes ally out of combat for 3 seconds, but ally wont take damage for this duration.


Environmental restrictions: Infested Corpus/Grineer ships, ODD, only at higher levels.

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Name: Infested Warden



The infested warden is a heavy support unit that prefers to stay behind other infested units.  Its primary function is to CC enemies with stuns and knock downs so that it can gather a large group of friendly units that it can turn it eximus versions of themselves.  


It uses its first and second attacks to CC enemies that get too close to other infested groups. 


If it's alone and alerted to an enemy presence it will call for other infested units (increased surrounding spawn activity). 


When it sees an enemy attack a large group of infested it will leap forward and attempt to use its third attack in order to maximize the number of eximus units it can create.



The infested warden is similar in design to infested ancients, tall, with tentacle arms and legs.  In addition, its tentacle arms end with a cage like structure at the end of each arm that house symbiotes used in various attacks.

Attack 1: The warden's basic attacks consist of wide sweeping attacks alternating between the left and right arm with high impact damage and a chance to proc a knock back.

Attack 2: The warden slams one of it's arms into the ground creating an AOE knockdown affect and simultaneously releasing symbiotes that steal health from enemies.

Attack 3: The warden leaps forward, slamming both it's arms into the ground, releasing symbiotes that steal health from surrounding infested units.  

During this time, the warden is immune to knockdown effects, but takes increased damage from melee attacks.  

Each time a symbiote returns with health, increasingly larger knockdown AOEs emanate from the arms.  After the second AOE, any infested units hit by one of these AOEs is healed to full health and transformed into an eximus version of itself.


Environment:  I kind of envisioned this for use in infested rescue 2.0 missions, but it needn't be limited to that.


Image reference:



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Name: Infested Abomination



The Infested abomination will stay behind enemy units and attempt to avoid close range combat with the Tenno, unless it is the last remaining unit in the area in which case it will charge the Tenno. If enaged in close range combat by a Tenno while more infested are in the area it will use a short dash to escape from the Tenno.



Attack one: The first attack by the abomination will be a simple long ranged spike fired at the tenno from it's scorpion like tail that inflicts slash very high damage.


Attack two: It's second attack will be a scream that it uses to support any infested fighting the Tenno which causes the Tenno to be unable to move for a short duration, possible knock down AoE.


Attack 3: It's third attack will only occour when it is the last remaining infested unit in the area where it will charge the Tenno with tendrils emmitted at short range from it's head and body.



The Infested abomination would only appear in Orokin Derelict missions.


Image reference: A mix of:







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Name Suggestion:

Broodling (Corpse Infester)


A parasite the size of a forearm, it would stay hidden in the ground unless corpses are nearby in which case it will burrow out. It would run away from the tenno since it is defenceless towards the nearest corpse, regardless whether the corpse belonged to an infested, grineer, corpus or tenno. If allowed to reach a corpse, it will enter by borrowing into the corpse's flesh giving it life again for a temporary amount of time. The corpse would start degrading until it bursts similar to a volatile runner in which case the parasite will drop out of the body to start looking for another corpse again. One bullet is enough to kill the parasite whilst outside of a body.


The reanimated corpses may be equipped with any weapon normally found on enemy units or in the case of a hostage or tenno corpse any of the pistol secondaries like the lex, lato, sicarus or magnus. On approaching the corpse, it may either start shooting from a downed state in which case a few shots would put it back to sleep or it will stand up quickly and barge into the tenno causing the player to stagger a bit. It will then shoot at the players until it is killed. Since it is a degrading corpse, its health would keep on draining until it dies, releasing a poison cloud similar to toxic ancients and the bug-like infested which would search for nearby corpses to bring back to life. If there are no corpses nearby, infested or otherwise, the parasite dies with the corpse. 

Environment restrictions:
It will only spawn in areas where large fights with infested occur or areas with corpses already on the ground in the presence of 3 or more dead.

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