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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name suggestion: Infested Slinger

Behaviour: It grabs enemies with one of it's six tendrils, after which the victim is held in the air. Before it slings the victim, it first infects him with the neurotoxin, causing the victim to become a living bomb. It slings the victim at the nearest enemy outside it's tendril radius, the victim explodes, dealing poison damage to whatever it hits.

-It takes around five seconds for the victim to get fully infected, during the time the tendril glows green.
-If the victim is shot during this time, he will explode prematurely and kill the slinger.
-The tendrils can be cut off with any slashing weapon. If five or more tendrils get cut, the slinger dies.
-It can hold up to six victims.
-The slinger cannot move due to it being rooted into the ground.
-Some infected crawlers and leapers may rush to the slinger if it has no other enemies to throw.
-If you manage to get to the central mass of the creature, you may perform a ground finisher which kills the slinger.
-Due to the Tenno's warframe, it only squeezes and throws them.


Attack 1: A slow, wide sweeping motion with one of it's tendrils that can be jumped over. If it hits it the enemy trips, after which it proceeds to grab them. Can be crouched over.
Attack 2: A downward slam with one of it's tentacles. If it hits, it proceeds to grab the enemy. Very slow to recover from.
Attack 3: After it grabs an enemy, it can throw them over quite a large distance.


Environment restrictions: Due to it's rather large size, and the fact that it has to root itself to the ground to function, it may only appear during infested outbreaks on Earth.

Art: currently none, I'll make sure to post a quick doodle.


Edited by Lukap99
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Name: Infested Drifter

Behaviour: Hover from 4-10 meters away from Tenno, following Tenno at that distance and moving away when approached (similar behaviour to shield ospreys).

Attacks: 10 m radius dark red (to be fair, it really doesn't matter the colour) beam connects from unit to Tenno, and suppresses the use of abilities. It does NOT drain energy, nor apply a magnetic affect - simply prevents the abilities from being activated.

Environmental Restrictions: None, but they are rare to spawn. No more than 2 should be present at once with a single group of infestation.

Other Info: They are corrupted sentinels or Orokin drones which, as organic Orokin technology, have been corrupted by the Technocyte virus.

                  They look similar to the derelict vessels, if turned vertically:

Imagine this:
but facing you

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aaaand I'm trying it again. Guess I never learn...

Well... here it is.

My english is not that good. - If there are sentences that should be re-written, please let me know. I'd be very greatful for help.


Name Suggestion: coptera
Behaviour: Aggressive/ fearless/ will not attempt to flee ; flying or crawling/ semi stationary when firing. It is usually found at the rear end of an infested mob. The infested front is keeping the enemy busy, giving the Coptera enough time to approach, aim and fire.
Taking a lot of Damage over time might result in the explosion of the former Osprey and the infested Heavy Gunner will drop to the floor and keep firing.  Once put to the ground, the Coptera "crawls" incredible slow (using it's degenerated infested arms to drag itsself forward) – slower than a actual Crawler . Even though it is able to move slowly while firing during air mode, it can't move at all while shooting during ground mode.
It also has a lot of  health, making it a dangerous enemy to those who don't pay attention.
Unlike the infested Heavy Gunner, the infested Osprey part can not survive on it's own.

Attacks: The former Gorgon rifle has been completely adapted by the infested organism, replacing the ammo belt with a poison/acid producing organ. The gun is no longer firing projectiles, but spewing it's poison at enemies who are in range. It might not have a very long range, but the mobility while flying allows it to get just close enough (will attack while flying).
When being attacked with close combat weapons, it will desperately attempt to hit it's enemy with the rifle, which does very little damage, but might eventually knock the enemy down.
The fire of the rifle might only do medium damage, but has a very high chance to poison the enemy, doing damage over time.

Environment restrictions:  none.

My concept art: [original image size: 4724 px* x px]








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Name Suggestion: Revenant Tenno


Behavior: A corpse of a Tenno that re-animates and has to be subdued (again) before the player can re-spawn, or risk the entire team being killed and re-animating themselves, resulting in a mission faliure. Puppet-like, jerky, rigid movements; akward attacks.


Attacks: All abilities of player as well as full use of currently equipped mods and weapons, but attacks are awkward and poorly coordinated. Will attempt to attack and kill other living organisms, regardless of faction. Machines are ignored.


Environment Restrictions: Infested tilesets only; technocyte virus will only try to take over host's body (symbiotic or parasitic) where there's an outbreak, causing it to become stronger and overpower the host's body.


Art/Reference Image:

Both are the same image, the link is just to show it's source. Art made by me, from last Halloween. :3



Edited by ElohiAdanvdo
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Name: Prut


Behaviour: This infested "meat ball" is range-based enemy. It can use covers periodically. It has same movement as crewman.

When tenno is near - prut flees, but it can use his melee attack first. Main body is heavy armored but has weak spot - an eye.

Attacks: At range(~15-23 meters) prut uses his "rod" to toss (viral/cold) projectiles at tenno (with slow effect in ice-prut version). At melee it uses his rod to take and throw tenno's body into the floor. Normal melee attacks are just lashes.

Environment restrictions: Prefers cold and normal temperature planets.



Edited by Math1337
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Name Suggestion: Stinger/Chroma


Behaviour:  The same behavior (perhaps slightly modified tobe more animalistic) that the two had in Dark Sector.  They were some of the best enemies I have ever fought in a game, I'd love to see them here.  They creep along the ground, run up some types of walls, leap great distances, over balconies and bridges, and shoot spines at you if they get a good enough bead on where you are.  They attack in packs.  Try to flank and get the drop on players in addition to the pure aggression most infested have. Chromas move around cloaked, but attack uncloaked.


Attacks: Claw attacks, knockdown/stun jumps ocassionally (would give more use to dodge functionality for our frames), and fires glowing spines out of its arms when it can hit a player.  Possibly be allowed to attack while on a wall?


Environment restrictions:  None.  Possibly in places where the infested have access to ample amounts of non-grineer humans, such as the new rebel group humans, or unsuited corpus.  Maybe even restricted to Orokin derelict?


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:




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Magnetic Hulk


Slow moving Incredibly high HP. It has a field of energy like mags bullet attractor that sucks up all projectiles in a radius. Damage taken is stored as its "ammo"


A breath attack - low range, high gas damage uses "ammo"
When killed it explodes in a large gas cloud - damage equal to remaining "ammo"

Environmental Restrictions: Given there slow movement they probably would only be seen in places where the infested are well established.


Other Info: These are meant to be disruptors of normal strategy. They absorb damage that is meant for squishier mobs, can be incredibly dangerous if they get to close to something vulnerable (like a cryo pod) and would be vary difficult for a single Tenno to bring down.  Demanding that they become a priority for the whole group.

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Name Suggestion: Blitzer

Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed ‘Blitzer’, is a patroller who waits for any to come withing a 20m radius.

Attacks: This infested enemy type has a unique set of moves! He can rush at you and pin you to a wall and keep beating at you to take damage over time and you need to have to input a cinematic key sequence to escape him or he'll keep beating at you until you're dead! Once he gets to %50 HP he'll berserk and start jumping at you and also throw explosive payloads at you, At 25% he'll call for reinforcements! (Chargers) sorry if its too much..I just think we need a UNIQUE enemy..not another braindead invisible crawler!

Environment restrictions: NONE! He can climb boxes and jump on perches/platforms. Once you're in his sight..ONE MUST DIE!

Edited by (PS4)Blitz5
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Name: Tentacled Dementia


Behavior:  Medium-large sized infested that can jump around quickly on its powerful hands and feet. It tries to position itself a decent range away from the Tenno, sometimes even jumping on top of medium height platforms or elevated areas. Its six tentacles on the back, used for attacking, are withdrawn into its back when moving. When the Tenno catches up to this infested and attempts to close combat it. It will jump/run away quickly and try to attack the Tenno from afar. These should spawn less common than current ancients do.


Attacks: When it finds a position to attack the Tenno, it will stand upright on its two legs, and reveals its six tentacles on the back, raised and aiming at the Tenno. It will rapidly shoot a series of large needles at the Tenno. The each needle when hitting the Tenno has a probability of impaling them to the wall or ground for a certain duration, depending on how close the Tenno is to the wall/ground, and the angle where the infested is firing them. The infested cannot move when firing, but can turn to follow the Tenno when shooting. No melee attacks. This infested will quickly run/jump away and reposition itself when the Tenno gets too close.


Environment restrictions: None.




Edited by Xymordos
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Name Suggestion: Pandion


Behaviour:   Pandion is essentially an Infested Corpus Drone/Osprey Drone.  It is undergoing the early stages of Technocyte infection and is covered with Infested matter with a trailing veneer of toxins. It will stay at medium range from the Tenno most of the time, launching its ranged attacks but will close after a while.  If avoided or ignored for too long it will charge a Tenno and explode, releasing a toxin cloud. Pandion has a large amount of hitpoints and mixes Robotic with Sinew/infested flesh.


Attacks: When at medium range, it will fire damaging toxin spores from a large spiky growth on one of its wings.  This toxic spore fire will alternate some with fire from the drone's underslug laser weapon, although the fire will be weak due to the damage the Technocyte is inflicting.  It also has a corrosive spray similar to the Embolist's firing that it will use after closing near the Tenno.


Environment restrictions:  None, but the spawn rate should be equivalent to the spawn rate of the Crawler.

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Name: Infested Yggdrasil [in Norse: World Tree][http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_tree]

Behaviour: Due to the Technocyte-Virus infecting the ship it was being transported, it slowly fused with it as one. As it started to gain its own Mind, it consumed everything around it, consuming Memories, Technology, Thoughts and Weaponry. As it is able to freely move around in the overall infested Orokin-Ship, it will attack everything which is not an Infested Organism. It's hate is being drivin by the memories of thought which it consumed over the time before being discovered. It will attack corresponding to the weakspots of every faction, as it has a large enough Weaponry. However there is one Weakspot: In the roots of the Yggdrasil, is one device left which initiates the self destruction of the ship. Its hidden deep down and inside the body. Tenno have first to fight the Yggdrasil itself, break the outer shell of the tree and gain access to its roots.


Infested-Blade infused-Orokin ligament-Rootwhip : Hits hard and fast, used as last resort to sweep out anything that comes near its roots.


Spawns: Yggdrasil releases cocoons which spawn distorted fusions of Tenno's, Corpus and Grinneer. [basically the same as Infested now but even more epic.]

Technocyte-enhanced Weaponry: Weapons all mounted on the arms of fallen, consumed being sticking out of either the whole tree itself, or on the Rootwhips.

Technology-infused Trunk: Having consumed Orokin and faction technologies, the whole body of Yggdrasil is infused with electronical circuits, stunning the attacker when attacked at the wrong timing.

Environmental restrictions: Due to Yggdrasil being a Tree, it can't move the body besides its arms. But shoot. And Slice.

Note: I can't even draw a square. So no Picture (,_,)


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Name:  Naegler 

(refer to naegleria for definition)


Behavior:   Naeglers are somewhat intelligent, walking/sprinting up-right and may choose to use cover when attacking. Naeglers prefer to attack from mid-range using infested side arms, but can quickly close the distance for melee. Naeglers will “call/rally” other infested to their location. Once killed, Naeglers melt leaving behind a corrosive puddle and a toxic gas cloud for several seconds.



  *Naeglers “spew/spit” mucus up to 10 meters dealing viral damage.

  *Naeglers use infested side arms like tysis or acrid.

  *One of a Naegler’s arms are mutated into a mire type sword that inflicts slash damage with a high viral proc chance. With this  appendage, Naeglers can perform slam and charged attacks.


Environment restrictions:  Restricted to infested alert missions (i.e. capture, assassinate, MOB DEF).

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I don't know if this idea has been suggested but


Name Suggestions: Flying Parasite


Behavior:These tiny creatures often fly in a group cloud (considered one body). They fly with incredible speed and debuff all allies in a nearby area, causing them to take more damage from all infested. The Flying Parasite has low health and low armor but have a extremely high evasion because of their size.


Attack: Their attack is very weak dealing minimal damage by flying around the tenno. Its main problem for Tenno is the fact that they have a high spawn rate and debuff nearby allies. This debuff, since it is stealing the life force of tenno, also applies a short regen to the Flying parasite.


Environment restrictions: They cannot fly in the rain or in the cold because they are essentially mutated flies or mosiqutoes


Reference Image: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/swarm-termites-17666359.jpg

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名称:特殊Grineer感染者 / 特殊Corpus感染者
















PS :其实我认为你们官方设计的所有正常单位都可以做一个对应的变异版,



对于活动来说,官方完全可以出一个特殊事件 (类似于3G) 遇到特殊Tenno感染者 如果被它杀死,玩家的TENNO 将会有一个负面的BUFF(研究特殊解毒剂才能移除),如果不移除将无法使用战甲或者出现氏族成员攻击氏族的特殊事件(玩家强制参与),感染可以分为多个阶段(每阶段XX小时),每个阶段下,玩家将不能正常使用战甲(无法使用技能,或者消耗更多的能量等各种负面状态),最终阶段下玩家将无法使用自己的战甲,直到解毒剂的完成




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Infested Name Suggestions: Tracker, Marker


Behaviour: The Tracker does it's best to avoid direct contact with Tenno. It will often wait for them to pass by before making it's move. It uses it's natural camouflage and small size to achieve this.


Attacks: The Tracker does not have any attacks. Instead, it latches onto passing Tenno. Due to it's semi-transparent nature, a lot of Tenno do not realize it is stuck to them until it is too late. The Tracker emits a pheromone which sends the Infested horde wild, forcing them to hunt and destroy the marked Tenno. This tracking bypasses all stealth-abilities. To remove it, an ally must shoot or melee the Tracker off of them. While the Tracker is attached, Infested spawn almost none stop and will bypass all threats to attack the marked target. If the target gets up to an area the Infested can't reach, the Tracker will leap off and find a new target, after hiding, of course. There can only be 1 active Tracker at a time.


Environment Restrictions: Cannot be found outdoors, or in Defence/Survival missions.


Optional Art (Reference)http://i.imgur.com/h9lNeis.png

Edited by BucketCommander
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name: mutator


behaviour: charges over any surface, reviving all fallen infested and also mutating dead tenno into almost immortal beasts. they are very fast and also actively avoid tenno (or other enemies), fitting in with the new rescue forced stelth.


attack: reviving other enemies and shooting with arm which has split in two and has one thread of strong but flexible bone holding it together, making it bow-like (deals low poison dmg(poison proc is 90%))


extra info: somtimes appears on grineer or corpus missions, where it turns grineer and corpus into chargers (grineer) or runners (corpus). the mutation stops when the mutator dies. also it CAN revive a tenno, where if no tenno are reviving the tenno the mutator will "dissolve" itself onto the tenno, insta kill it and spawn a stalker-like enemy.


restrictions: rare chance to replace any mob on grineer/corpus missions that are over lv30, or can appear in any infested mission (slightly commoner than ancients)


stats health: around 800

armour: if grineer varient 100 armour, if corpus, 0 armour

sheilds:10 SUPER quick regenerating sheilds if corpus due to old corpus sheild module, if grineer varient, no sheilds

speed: abit faster than loki

abilitys: invisibility: mutator goes invisible for 5 secs, letting it escape, this ability has a 120 second cooldown

ability2: shoots 5 arrows in quick sucession, which all blow up.




art: none, but if chosen plz make good art



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Name: Boiler


Behavior: tends to itch itself constantly;creating acid puddles 2-3 feet wide/long in multiple spots that it stands;has short bursts of speed when running (sprints for 2 seconds then must recharge stamina for 5 seconds.);clacks teeth;has a mind of its own, and will attack anything it sees, even other infested


Attacks: Runs up to enemy at 5 feet and begins to spew out acid/corrosive it dies; when it dies, creates a corrosive puddle 6-8 feet wide/long; both deal 15 points of damage, with an extra 5 points of damage per second for 7 seconds.


environmental restrictions: restricted to infested missions only.

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Name: infested Mimic

Appearance: similar to infested crew men, but larger with more developed musculature.

Behavior: Miimics are in tune with the infestation that is spread through any structure able to see and hear through these membranes and record Tenno activity they then mimic the most used power the Tenno displays. And their muscalature takes on an infested version of that Tenno. They would use the Tenno's attack pattern as well. In a party it would be the most effective Tenno/ most kills.

Environment: They would be restricted to areas of heavy infestation so they could absorb the data needed to form their attack pattern and warframe ability.

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Name: Ancient Replicant

appearance: It looks like an ooze/squid creature, transparent with venom bubbles. The Replicant is a vision of disease itself: rotten, crude and old.

Behavior:  He is a subtle creature that engage in melee with stealth. He moves like an amoeba but in a devilishly fast pace. He replicates itself every time he's hitted with a melee attack, which forces the tenno to fight him with firearms. He seems like immune to melee damage but he actually just divides his HP into it's replicas. Since he is an ooze like creature he should spawn from anywhere he could sense movement (ie, floor grates, walls, etc) trying as much as possible to take a tenno by surprise.

Attacks: When he is one creature, he tries to swallow the tenno whole that is unable to move and giving viral damage over time. If the tenno attacks with melee, he replicates himself, but he can use his fire weapons to destroy the replicant from within, but with a very slower fire rate. When the replicant is divided, he attach himself on one target tenno, slowing him down and  who is forced to roll over to escape the viral embrace. Once the replicant is divided and attached to a tenno, he will give the same amount of viral damage it would give as the original creature would do, but at a faster rate, this means that a group of copies is a much dangerous enemy than the original creature would be.

Environment: As he prefer to attack by surprise he is not found in defense missions and it prefers closed, dark places.

Edited by palantir
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Infested Charger (honestly I don't know if that is taken already lol)



The design is based on Earths wild pigs and how they stampede in the jungle.  Somewhat of a 'Rhino Charge" these infested chargers are juggernauts who lift you in the air on contact throwing you back and knocking you down.  IF YOU ARE KNOCKED OFF CLIFF (usually causing auto-respawn) It now causes the un-revivable death like the stalker does when he kills you. You should hear them coming like rolling thunder cuing you to stay back from cliff like falls.



The 'Uplifting' knockback when in melee range cannot be blocked by melee block, you must move to avoid it.  It should essentially 'spit' a 'SLOW' effect from some range hindering the flee.  After player is knocked down the infested charger should perform a stomp before re-knocking you up. ;) In a herd they should be able to volley players repeatedly over the herd until throwing you off a cliff for instant un-revivable death.


Environment Restrictions:

no restrictions, simply more numerous outdoors.



(Embarrassing Art here, it is more of the idea-concept than it's physical design)


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Name : Caustic Spitter

Behaviour: This four-legged thing crawls quickly on all surfaces, climbing walls like a Tenno. It sits there, shooting from above, providing much needed ranged support for the infested.

Attacks: It has exhaust fumes on it's back which produce toxic gas and a giant cannon which shoots acidic goo on it's tail. This damages Tenno over time and temporarily disables shields.

Additional: Can change its skin like a chameleon , making it harder to see, but not invisible. Very low health.

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Nome Sugestão: Zerus


Comportamento: Este Inimigo codinome: Zerus esta parado em tetos com uma longa cauda e garras esperando que um tenno ataque com armas barulhentas.


Ataques:Este tipo de infestado alado tem uma longa cauda e garras que pode pegar um tenno com as garras e levantar do chão para atacar com a cauda e injetar o veneno.


tipos de Veneno:


verde claro:-205.de vida.

verde escuro:-50 de resistência.

azul:-100 de escudo.


Ataque com garras:-250 de vida.


Restrições ambientes:Sim só habita tetos,não e ideal para ambientes abertos.





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The infected scorpion.



Not less mad.

Abilities slightly similar on original however are spoiled by negligence of infection.

Flexible body of type spineless. Sticking out of a hand of a machete and a whip grown together with a body.



Uses abilities but in quite negligent execution. Fast but clumsy attacks periodically dropping a body on a floor. Quickly rises. As pulls a whip.


Environment restrictions:

Stability and weakness combination on a half of the scorpion infected on a half.


Art or Reference Images (Optional):

There is no opportunity to make drawing :((

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Name: Subverter


Behaviour: This creature appears as a large, elongated humanoid mass, seemingly composed of glowing, yellow nanites, swirling with living streams. This creature erupts into the battlefield out of a lesser infested unit, coalescing near Tenno while spraying them with debilitating spores to assist its allies. It responds to melee damage by dissolving into a shower of spores and flowing into a nearby enemy, escaping damage and relocating. Killing it requires either keeping a bead on it and concentrating a lot of fire, or clearing out other enemies long enough to keep it from escaping via teleport.


Attacks: The Subverter attacks with blasts of nanospores that coat enemies in glowing biomass, reducing the damage they do and increasing damage done to them by Infested. The creature can also 'teleport' into the body of nearby Infested by dissolving its body, spraying nearby Tenno in the spores, as well as those near the Infested. The hapless infested is kiled, but the Subverter regains health, allowing it to continue to do damage and weaken enemies.


Environmental Restrictions: Has a wide utility; narrow environments allow it to stack its spores more easily and teleport around corners out of line of sight, while wider areas give it more ground to cover. However, it's reliant on other Infested to do serious damage, and is vulnerable while alone.

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