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The Braton Prime Ideology


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Damage Values:


Braton MK1: 16 damage total

Braton Prime: 24 damage total

50% damage increase


Boltor: 24 damage total

Boltor Prime: 54 damage total

125% damage increase


Burston: 29 damage total

Burston Prime: 37 damage total

27% damage increase


Lex: 69 damage total

Lex Prime: 85 damage total

23% damage increase


Paris: 75 damage total

Paris Prime: 100 damage total

33% damage increase


Latron: 54 damage total

Latron Prime: 84 damage total

55% damage increase


What I mean by % Damage Increase:

Take the non-prime damage, multiply it by the % damage increase, and then add that number back to the beginning number.

Paris's 75 damage divided by 3 is 25. Add 25 to 75 and you get 100, which is the paris prime's damage.


Looking at these numbers, there are clear winners and losers. Braton Prime's damage is a significant increase over its base numbers, but those base numbers are so low that we don't notice just how much better it is. It can't compete with other weapons because its increase isn't as large as all the other weapons. If we gave Braton Prime the same treatment that Boltor Prime got, we'd end up with a Braton Prime that did either 36 damage per hit (125% damage increased method), or 46 damage per hit (+30 method), neither of which would make it better than the Boltor Prime. In fact, the Boltor Prime is the only outlier in the damage increasing from normal, being double the next highest % increase. I would rather the Braton be buffed to be competitive than see the boltor nerfed, and the same to be said about all the prime weapons... but do we really want to have normal weapons as tier 1, clan weapons as tier 2, prime weapons as tier 3, and explosive weapons as tier 4?

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