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Only One Day Left For Arcane Helmets.


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I thought this would be obvious. You will still keep the stats. They're only swapping the Arcane helmets with statless helmets onto the alerts.

It wasn't obvious until [DE]Drew recently edited his post to say that the arcane blueprints will remain the same after the update. Some users (myself included) were worried that the update would modify the arcane blueprints directly and turn them into blueprints for statless cosmetic helmets, meaning that we would have to build them before the update.

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And no Swindle Helmet alert...


*sigh* Time to go to the Market.





Tenno on PS4:
We will give you a more accurate notice when the change will be implemented for you (likely not until a future update), but the phasing out will still apply, so this information is still relevant.





Do you play on both platfroms?  If not, you have a while to continue to collect helmet BPs.

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I'm only missing the Essence for Loki :( RNG Please hear* my calls...\


Edit: Homonyms are really tricky... Like my Loki xD... Seriously I need that helmet though... 

Edited by genthis
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