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Your Go-To Set For Every Mission!

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My typical loadout for when I'm being dead serious and not leveling things up/using things I find fun rather than good is Volt (the only warframe I use), Dread, Dex Furis and whatever I'm leveling up as my melee weapon.


I'm not picky when it comes to my bludgeoning/slashing/whipping/smacking tool.

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Well, for general useability, I can generally go through anything with:

Nova with a -power strength +++power range +speed ++shields AMdrop wormhole MPrime

Latron Prime

Akstilleto +++proc chance

Reaper Prime


It's high wave defense missions(Nova +++++power strength, Paris prime), nightmare missions (Valkyr), or infested survival missions (vauban) that I'll generally want to switch it up if I really want to wipe stuff out.

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If I had a gun to my head and had to pick my absolute mainstay loadout I'd have to say it's probably Frost(Squall) or Banshee(Reverb), with my Braton Prime, Marelok, and Orthos.


It's not the best loadout I could muster from my extensive armory to be sure, but every part of it plays to my gameplay sensibilities and style. 

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If I'm just blowing through an alert, don't really care what's going on?

My Zephyr totals more than 2200 between shields and health and has an "immune to Corpus attacks" button, plus a terrain-jump that blows Super Leap out of the water and a room-clearing CC you can apply elements to. The Penta kills mid-game Grineer when they get hit with the physical grenade, let alone the explosion. Dex Furis because my pistols only need to show up in revive time, and they should put out the most damage as fast as possible, once. Dragon Nikana because I have one and I can.

It's kind of a no-brainer.

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Excalibro Prime and Glaive.


Thats about it, no sentinel, no syandana, no badge. Just pure simple Tenno and Glaive. Going back to the good old times when this was not in the game. 


Or when I bring a gun to the battle;


Excalibur Prime - Braton/Burston - Marelok/Lex - Glaive/Dragon Nikana. 


And if Im doing that, I might aswell bring the parrot to bring my stuff to me.

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Solo/General: Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime, Despair, Dual Ichors


Defence (Grineer/Corpus): Frost Prime, Paris Prime, Dex Furis, Jat Kittag


Infested Defence: Booben, Ogris, Despair/Hikou, Dual Ichors


Fun: Hydroid, Soma, AkBolto, Nami Skyla (maybe dragon nikana once i get it).


When i want to murder everything effectively without Nova: Volt, Boltor prime, Hikou, Scoliac/Lecta

Edited by RidingAValkyrie
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