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Is Soma Usage Still Looked Down Upon? Poll


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It's still in contention for the top single-target DPS in the game, so I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.. Sure, Penta and BoPrime are great for low-mid level stuff, but at super high levels accuracy matters and nothing beats Soma.

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It's still in contention for the top single-target DPS in the game, so I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.. Sure, Penta and BoPrime are great for low-mid level stuff, but at super high levels accuracy matters and nothing beats Soma.


Past 60 minutes in survival, my 5 forma Soma completely lost its luster versus my teammate's 5 forma Penta. Same deal happened with the Ogris.

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at super high levels accuracy matters and nothing beats Soma.




Latron Prime matches Soma for accuracy... While Boltor Prime and Phage beat it...


While Penta and Ogris don't give a damn about accuracy since they hit in large areas anyway...


But yeah, other than literally every top tier weapon nothing is better than the Soma!

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I really, really love my soma, so much, I wish it didn't have the 2 starting polaritys so that I could level it more times. And I constantly see people hateing on the soma.... 



Patiently waiting for the soma prime so that I can bask in scorn and loathing while I gun people down.

My man.

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Past 60 minutes in survival, my 5 forma Soma completely lost its luster versus my teammate's 5 forma Penta. Same deal happened with the Ogris.

Penta is awesome.. But past 100 minutes in survival your Soma will play a lot better with Sonar than your teammate's Penta.

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Go ahead and enjoy it while you can.  It is only a matter of time before it faces the same fate as the acrid.

Acrid was blatantly overpowered to the point of killing stalker at any level before he got off of the ground due to the stacking dots. It needed tweaking...

However DE took the Lazy non math approach and nerfed it into uselessness. "sure we could analyze the trend of use, or compare the theoretical DPS with its suggested change, but instead, lets make it so weak no one uses it." "Mastery forces them to use it anyway, so its balanced"

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