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Enemies Of The Tenno: Corpus Submissions


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Name: Moa Commander

Behavior: when enemy is near M.C. can transform his right arm into saw , if his shield / hp is depleted to 10 % he can pop out electric  shield (similar to volt's shield only attached to arm) from his left arm, run faster than any Moa, can wallrun

Attacks: M.C. stomp like Shockwawe Moa but insted knocking down he disarm enemies range weapons forcing to melee combat, he also can give orders all nearby moa to attack one specific target, M.C have powerful melee wpn (saw), also he can use corpus rifles/ pistols

enviroment restrictions: you can encounter Moa Commander in all corpus locations

art. :

www.imgur.com/jIvME13.jpg  or   www.imgur.com/a/x51QA

if link dos not work try to coppy it into browser

ps: I apologize in advance for spelling mistakes if I commited any ;P

Edited by sjzmisiek
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Name: Excavator

Behaviour: Excavators idle by patrolling the grounds on all fours, occasionally stopping to scan the soil and mountainsides for valuable mineral deposits; they may also occasionally open and shake their integrated cylindrical carts to settle their precious cargo. Alerted extractors are defensive of these prized energy crystal payloads and try to avoid exposing their carts to enemy attacks: if these carts take too much damage, the crystals inside may detonate violently, harming friend and foe alike—but more importantly, profitable weapons-grade materials will be lost.

Attacks: In combat situations extractors lock down the carts on their backs and shift into an upright, bipedal pose. Their chestplates part down the middle to reveal a built-in Cestra barrel that they may fire with their upper bodies facing Tenno (shifting their carts 'safely' behind them) even as their lower bodies rotate to help them defensively maneuver when Tenno advance. If a Tenno does manage to close the distance, extractors will defensively strike with their magnetized drill arms, sapping energy if the Tenno do not defend themselves in time.

Environment restrictions: Corpus 'planetside' maps (possibly other rocky, yet-to-arrive Corpus areas) and invaded Grineer 'asteroid' maps.

Art/Reference Images: Something akin to Tachikoma (Ghost in the Shell), but with their carts centered on their 'upper' bodies to allow them to shift their weight onto their hind legs.


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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max) Detonator


Behavior:  (max 200 words)

Usually sneaks up on tenno rather than taking them head on. Does not travel alone, usually encountered in a group of at least three. Uses a lot of hide-and-seek tactics. Relies on teammates to distract the enemy then attacks.  Weak against fire attacks to due his explosives.


Attacks: (max 200 words)  

Throws a flashbang or a stun grenade that will blind (similar to Alad's Blinding beam or Excalibur's radial blind) or Daze (Commander's Switch teleport stun). During this period, the detonator will lob penta grenades on the player. Commits suicide if a player gets near, killing himself and damaging both enemy and friendly units nearby. Drops a bomb if killed. The dropped bomb can either damage, blind, daze (similar to grineer commander's switch teleport) or a dud explosive.


Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words)

Preferably places with abundance of covers. Boss stages (as helpers) 


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).


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Name: Robot-Rex

Behaviour: It is a huge robot that it moves slowly, if alert it will roar so loud, to alert all its allies and will start chasing it

Attacks: Two gatling guns on each shoulders, dealing little damage, Gigantic Cannon on its mouth after use it recharge for a long time, Melee with Jaws,tail,legs and claws(Rarely used) and roar increase damage like Rhino roar.

Envoriment restriction: It spawns on large and wide area, Rarely inside ships and also outside it will only spawn 1-3 Robot Rex.

Apperance: Same size as Vay hek Terra frame, it body is shiny made of metal, It is like from transformers age of extinction.

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Name Suggestion: Corpus Turtle


Behavior:  Slow moving, tries to stay away from tenno, when you get to close to it it hides in its body and takes less damage from all guns, melee, and warframe abilities.


Attacks: With a mounted laser gatling gun on top of its shell, it will fire a stream of bullets with no cooldown, creating a constant outpoor of damage until you get close to it and scare it into hiding, or kill it from a distance.


Environment restrictions:  Yes. Uncommon spawn rate, on pair with an Oxium Osprey.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:

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Name Suggestion: Corpus Puncho


BehaviorThe Puncho is a frontline soldier. He charges straight towards combat fist raised, trigger held down.


Attacks: Standard gunfire (Cestra for the light unit, Tetra for the heavy), Extending Super Punch, Forward Ground Punch Shockwave.

Heavy Exclusive: Magnetized Fist: an extended punch that drags enemies back to be bullet hosed into.


Environment restrictions:  The Puncho can fit into any tile set. But, any that give it ceilings to jump and swing from are preferred.


Reference Images:

Light and Heavy



Extending Punch



Rock 'em Sock 'em Crewmen(?)

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敵の名前:Plz Kill Me




     「Please kill me」など懇願や贖罪のセリフを喋る。倒すとか細い声で「thank you....」といって絶命する。



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Corpus Deconstructor



Will rush in through spawn points to cover and fire at the Tenno using its small weapon (Dera or something, an infantry small arms weapon) acts as a regular crewman at this stage. I will go onto the second stage in the attacks section. While idle/patrolling, it also acts as a regular crewman, although the three-pronged cooling unit on its back spins sometimes, and the exhaust emits small amounts of smoke constantly. While standing in one place the chest will light up a bit. Spawns at the same rate as railgun moas and at the same time (such as in defense missions). Size of regular crewman.



Once the 10 second period of acting as a regular crewman is over, it will rush to the Tenno/Cryopod/Artifact etc. and begin its 3 second charging phase, with its hands trembling slightly, as well as its chest beam and other light emitting sources becoming very bright, as well as the smoke starting to build up and the three pronged cooling spinning more quickly and making a lot of noise so players have a good warning, with some small fire effects in the middle of the cooling as well. When this reaches max speed/brightness/smoke level, the beam will discharge for 2 seconds, dealing a total of 1000 damage at all levels (doesnt appear before level 20). After the beam discharges, the deconstructor is stunned for 1 second and is on half health and 0 shields. Health and shields a bit higher than crewmen, around 10% higher.


Environment Restrictions: 

Appears anywhere that Elite Crewmen can, though not before level 20, as the damage is too high.





Sorry if someone's already got this idea, I'm currently in the middle of final exams so I couldn't read all of the posts, no time to draw any better than I have haha. The colours btw are teal on the jumpsuit where the normal crewman would be yellow, navy blue for the knee/shoulder pads and dark silver/gunmetal for the chest/back bits.


Edit: the hips and crotch section looks like a face i cant take this seriously ;-;

Edited by ZetaplusC2
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Tarantulas are semi-long range to moderate ranged robotic enemies which are heavily shielded and have high health, but are only moderately armored. This combination of traits would make them keep their distance but make them better damage sponges than normal Crewmen and Moas. Their weapon of choice, a form of grenade launcher, prevents them from even shooting in close range, often depending on a quick knockback strike they can use to keep enemies at range.



Tarantulas possess two attacks:

At a distance, the Tarantula will load its magnetic catapult with an armed grenade, very similar to a Penta grenade. After a moment of preparation, the Tarantula will throw the grenade over its head. After a few seconds, it will detonate with a standard explosion, dealing extensive blast damage.

If engaged in melee, it will strike with its four front arms, having a high chance to knock back their aggressor to give them time to reposition and get distance between themselves and the enemy.


Environment Restrictions

None; though wide in diameter, it can still fit through doorways.




Edited by Krion112
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Name Suggestions: Corpus Supercell


Behavior: The Supercell is a bulky Cyborg of Corpus craftsmanship, This half human half proxy can take damage as well as dish it out. His weaponry is physically attached to his body and in a way he himself is simply a Corpus weapon capable of destruction. His large armor and health make him capable of staying alive, while his relatively high damage keeps him from being ignored. He will at first stay in a group but when his health is highly compromised he will begin charging around seeking enemies to inflict close range pain on. And upon defeat the Supercell will attempt to drag his killer down with him.

Attacks: He wields an energy launcher that is attached to his arm, he is capable of switching the .launcher between two modes, A barrage of energy bullets (A lot like the Cestra) that will be used in closer range, or a small missile that explodes upon impact (Like the Angstrum's uncharged firing). After his health drops to 50% he will fully recharge his shields and start pulsating electricity in an area around him this shock damage will be equal to 10% of his missing health and activate once every second, in addition to this he will attempt to get into close range to utilize this pulsing shock damage. Suffering from the damage he incapable of using his Cestra like mode and his Angstrum mode will fire multiple shots at once with a decrease in accuracy (Similar to the Angstrum's charged shots). Upon death the Supercell will self-destruct dealing 10% of his health in the area equal to his shock pulses.

Environmental restrictions: He is claustrophobic so he can't go in vents

Art or Reference Images: Work in Progress (May not be completed due to lack of artistic skill)


Edits: I changed a lot about the Supercell mostly just because of the Angstrum which I think works better than what I had originally had, I also got rid of the Nightingale Proxy Companion to the Supercell because 1) There would be dangerous snowball potential, and 2) I'm not sure if it would fit within the submission guidelines seeing as it was technically a different enemy. I personally like this version better and hope it will be more popular.

Edited by TheShadowfoe
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This would be more suitable for a boss. Way too beast to be a normal unit.

Bones did an awesome job here. It gives me a real Prestess or Void Hunter feel. Maby boss for a new brancg of Corpus, either Clerics or Hunters?

Sorry to just change your concept Bones :p it rocks as you know.

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Name Suggestion: Corpus Bloodhound 
These units specialize in search and destroy tactics and guarding important locations. Bloodhounds are extremely agile and dangerous if faced alone since they could easily overwhelm the player. They hunt in packs composed of 3 units and circle tenno before coordinating an attack. Armed with state-of-the-art corpus weaponry which includes the corpus freeze cannon, radiation emitter ray, and 2 missile pods with homing capabilities makes them a fierce adversary.

Bloodhounds are also equip with heat sensors, movement detection, heightened hearing, wireless communication, and AI capabilities which makes them very effective at taking down groups of tenno using coordinated attacks and also seek out invisible warframes.


AI capabilities allow to them instinctively take cover if a tenno uses an offensive ability minimizing loss. It also allows them to move out of the way of the player’s crosshairs if they are targeted or apply suppressive fire when the player is reloading.


Each Bloodhound can connect with other corpus units and send information about the enemy. Being spotted by a Bloodhound will immediately trigger the alarm alerting everyone in the outpost.


Bloodhounds sacrifice armor and survivability for shields and speed but they can be mass produced very easily and are fast to assemble.

Curl-up: Curls into a ball shape to increase movement speed. used when circling tenno.
Radiation howl: Emits an AOE cone howl that depletes shields and energy.
Freeze: Fires a projectile full of liquid nitrogen that explodes and freezes everything in an AOE.
Missile Barrage: Fires 6 fast homing missiles at the enemy.
Bite: Bites tenno giving a powerful bleed proc and radiation proc
Ram: Uses its head as a battling ram to push enemies away.
HE Shot: fires a short range HE shell that knockdown enemies.
Tail Buzzsaw: uses it tail in a spinning attack shredding enemies multiple times.
Alert: Triggers alarm 
Environment restrictions: anywhere except corpus ships. 
(Optional) Art or Reference Images:
Edited by H.Katsura_999
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HazMat Crewman


Behavior: HazMat Crewmen are the custodians of any given Corpus installation. As such,like most organic Corpus personnel,these ladies and gentlemen are poorly trained conscripts,at best,pressed into combat in the worst of times. Their equipment is durable,but can only be used in close quarters,if used as a weapon. They rush at the enemies in desperation,and,should their equipment get compromised,it'll be in danger of catastrophically failing. The suit,thankfully,has sirens and lights to warn the operator and anyone nearby about the impending disaster. Can be Toxic,Radioactive or Viral,depending on their cargo (sewage,fuel rods,medical waste). The suit is extremely heavily armoured,for hazardous work.




-HazMat Device: Their "weapon" is actually a manipulator device,meant to safely collect and manipulate hazardous materials safely. When used as a weapon,the HazMat flings their hazardous materials at the enemy with creative manipulation of the device's containment field.


-Bludgeon: In melee,the HazMat will attempt to assault the enemy with their HazMat Device,in an attempt to get some distance.


-Containment Breach: At 50% or lower HP,the suit begins to emit an obvious warning. If killed,the suit will explode in an element matching the cargo the Crewman was carrying. If they survive for five seconds,they contain the cataclysm to their device,which they then hurl at the nearest enemy like a bomb. Disarmed,the HazMat will then produce a Prova for defense.


-Buzz Baton: Should the HazMat be relieved of their device for any reason,they have a Prova on hand to defend themselves with.


Environment Restrictions


-Sabotage Missions: Corpus tilesets only.

-Any Mission: Jupiter only.

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Name: Corpus Healer


Behavior: Female, normal-sized corpus, with a backpack and a tube attached to a rifle that shoots out lightning-like beams (like an amprex, except focused, similar to Trinity's Link). Weak in armor and health but strong in shields, she stands at the back to boost corpus personnel.She also moves around fairly quickly (at the speed of a normal MOA?)


Attack: Using her rifle, she heals nearby Corpus (7m range) with a healing rate of 25 health/sec. The backpack also has a minor electrical aura that damages Tenno at about 15 damage/sec. 


Environmental Restrictions: None, appears as often as a Shockwave MOA.


References: Something like that, except more corpus-ey and female.  http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Zr8v_LGJdkA/T63Zg3pR8pI/AAAAAAAAGpE/wHl2BwUBXAI/s1600/DSCN5225.JPG

Edited by Ghital
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Name: Telemetry Officer


Behaviour: The Telemetry Officer is identical in appearance to Corpus Crewmen except for a subtly different helmet indicating rank to other Corpus, which serve also as identifiers to observant Tenno. The officer's highly specialised training in visual communications allows her to create and maintain a number of holographic projections of Corpus Crewmen and security proxies: the more skilled (higher-level) the Officer, the more holograms she can manage simultaneously. These holograms are indistinguishable in appearance and behaviour in all but one aspect - they can inflict no actual harm [although perhaps they could still trigger the 'damage indicators'?].


Thus Officers are deployed as part of medium-sized \ large security details where their holograms are most effective at drawing fire away from actual crew, misleading any Tenno as to the number of Corpus present and hiding the Officer herself. Real weapons fire from other sources will help disguise the holograms further.


Although seemingly low-threat, Tenno on Survival\Defense missions or under heavy fire may waste vital time engaging fake targets.


Attacks: Telemetry Officers will be mobile and evasive and generally only fire upon hostiles once in good cover. They are equipped with a Cestra pistol [or any weapon used by other Crewman variants] and have a chance to deal electrical damage if melee attacked (akin to the Orokin 'Retribution' mod). If an Officer is killed, all holograms being sustained by it will dissipate soon after.


Environment Restrictions: None, although they could be restricted to Corpus spacecraft only. They are officers, after all.

Edited by Amblepins
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Name Suggestion: Corpus hologram unit


Behavior: Hiding away from the player, trying not to engage in battle. When a player is too close creates multiple hologram then runs so it's best to kill them from a distance. Or you can make them a bot flying somewhere near the ceiling then it will be hologram bot.

Attacks: Their work to create confusion on the battlefield, creating a hologram opponents, not a real cover boxes, making some enemies are not visible to the player.Of course not all this at once but when there gathering three of them, it gets pretty confusing. Does not have the ability to attack the player.


Environment restrictions: elite unit only appear on high level areas of Corpus.

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Name: Pilfer


Behavior: Putting profits before mundane things like ethics or actual work, the Pilfer attempts to blend in and steal from unsuspecting victims, including Grineer or even his fellow Corpus if the opportunity should arise. Players who encounter the Pilfer (or perhaps it's the other way around) may have credits or resources collected stolen from them, which can be reclaimed by catching up to the thief.  Only credits/resources gathered during the current mission can be stolen from the player; all assets outside of the mission are safe.  Like Capture targets, it is possible for him to escape. There should only be one, maybe two instances of a Pilfer in any given mission, if at all.

Attacks: Pilfer prefers to avoid confrontation at all costs and will attempt to flee if caught in the act.  If unable to flee or caught, he will engage in melee combat.

Environment restrictions: Pilfer prefers to be sneaky, so don't expect him to be out in large open areas.

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Name Corpus Blademaster


Behaviour – This enemy, codenamed “Blademaster” will remain with the other corpus members (crew men/Moa, etc) and will be alerted to Tenno presence just like other Corpus members and behave like the usual corpus crewman.


Attack – The Blade master is a melee unit. This enemy will is armed with a sharp blade and shield. His shield will block most of the gunfire from Tenno and reflects some of the blocked bullets back at Tenno. His sword does fire damage and 1 in 5 strikes have a chance to steal small bits of life from Tenno. He is a capable of delivering fast and precise strikes and blocks occasionally. He starts to block from long distance ad begins to strike when he is at close range. His sword is attached to his hand with strong magnets which is the reason why there is space between the hand and sword. One of his special attacks is that the sword will spin in a circle dealing continuous damage. His critical areas are the blue light which supply energy to his body and when damaged; the supply of energy stops and he is destroyed. The tubes in his chest piece will start to release gas when he dies.


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Name: MOA Wolf

Behavior: Agressive hunter unit. Usually attack in packs. They have got low defense but they are very fast and have got very big damage. Appear only when the alert rang. They able to go on a wall.

Attack: They attack with very fast claw attack and their tail. When they jump on the player they can knocback the player. They have got special attack when they attack with their tail and then the player drop the primary and secondary weapon, but the player can retrive their weapon if they reach it.

Envrionment Restrictions: Only appear in the closed area.






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