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Enemies Of The Tenno: Corpus Submissions


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This female heavy unit of the Corpus will wait patiently until an enemy comes close to her. She will then activate her tech suit, uncurling the six arms she has around her body and the Moa Legs that serve as the fourth pair of additional limbs. With her suit activated, she will attack her enemy, using her additonal arms to scale walls (using her arms to pull her up and her spiked heels to stay on walls), grab her foes, and attack enemies with melee attacks in close to middle range. Will use Moa legs on her suit to jump over distances and leap directly at her foes. A versatile fighter in both tight and large spaces, her Moa legs allowing her to move through any kind of terrain, while not hindering her movement in tight spaces like corridors by simply being folded in at her lower back. No good with ranged fights, however, and will try to stay close to enemies. In close combat, she will use her own limbs to fight, prefering kicks with her sharp boots, and in middle ranged combat will use her tech suit's limbs to attack, which can be cut or shot off.



1: Leaps forward using her Moa legs, and grabs her enemies, lifting them into the air, before slamming them down on the ground.

2: Picks up nearby Moa with her tech suit's arms to hurl them at the enemy.

3: Kicks forward with one of her two Moa legs, knocking her enemies down.

4: Swings her arms around like whips, can cause knockdown if not blocked.

5: Attacks with the second pair of her tech suit's arms, the one wielding Prova, dealing electrical damage

6: High Jumps: Uses her Moa legs to jump into the air, and will stab the ground with her Dual-Prova upon landing on it, resulting in an eletrical shockwave in a small radius around her.

7: Long Distance Jumps: Jumps into the air using her Moa legs, and releases a shockwave upon landing, not too different from the Shockwave Moa



15+ Corpus, Rare Enemy, only spawns on planet missions.


Idea for multiple limbs and Tech-Suit based on:





Also, I addition to the picture for it, I chose to write a small description of what I imagined her to look like, as replacement for more detailed pictures. Please ignore it if it breaks the format too much.


DESCRIPTION: A tall sleek female Corpus Unit in a black and red tech suit, which does not have any helmet but a holographic visor. This suit has several long additional limbs attached to it's back, of which six are arms (the second pair holding prova), and the lowest two are Shockwave Moa legs. Keeps her additional arms tightly curled around her body until enemies come close to her. Her tech suit has boots with spiky heels, which she uses to scale walls.

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BEHAVIOUR:Mass production type of the JACKAL. They are found as a heavy category enemy just like CorpusTechs.

Tough armor and health,but they don't have shields,and they stagger when any attacks hit their hatch on the back.(It is the weakpoint)

And if you sucsess to get close to an unattended MP JACKAL from the back,you can kill it with a stealth attack or also you can hack

its system using its console on the back. If you sucsess,that one become an ally unit attacking your enemies,but if you fail,that guy wiil

notice you and attack you.




Armed with two CESTRA Turrets and a powerful PLASMA CANNON.


1.A simple arm bash. It will damage and blow nearby enemies.

2.Fire CESTRAs. This will be the main weapon of MP JACKAL.

3.Fire the PLASMA CANNON. Slow velocity as TORID,and explode just like CASTANAS when it hits something.



Sometimes found in low level planets like Venus and Mars,lots found in high level planets.Basicly anywhere.




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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max)



Behavior:  (max 200 words)

A four winged faster,more aggressive, flying proxy than the Osprey, with two taloned arms for lifting it's passenger and a closable beak like weapon pod



* Can spawn carrying a MOA, If so it rushs towards the fight in and drops the MOA before continuing to fight as normal.

* Can spawn carrying a crewman, this lets the crewman act as if they have a jet pack. When the crew man is killed the Merlin then fights normally.

* If spawn on its own it fights normally



* If found unalerted will be attached to the ceiling/wall with wings folded.

* Flies fast when weapons not deployed.

* Needs enter deployed mode before firing

* With deployed weapons hovers slowly.



* Rushes in to range and then deploys it's weapon

* Fires Radiation beam at nearest foe

* If lots of foes or foe behind uses sweep.

* Sudden fast boosts of movment to avoid incoming fire and melee attacks. Only usable with weapons deployed (cool down on this ability)


Weak point

* Weak point its its glowing radiation gun that is hidden in its armoured "beak" unless Deployed.

* If weak point is hit flys around erratily for a moment.


Attacks: (max 200 words)  

* Radiation Beam

A mid ranged constant beam of radiation


* Cleansing Sweep.

When multiple opponents around it or a foe behind it, it spins 360 very quickly with a fan of beams sweeping up and down like a cool sci-fi scanner effect. Can't fire for a time after using this ability


* Talon strike

Lashings out with talons, only used when cant fire due to cleansing sweep


* Shield drain Pulse

When its shield goes down it creates a shock wave round it. Any foe hit by this has their shields and Engery Drained a bit, the Merlin shields are also restored up to twice starting.


* Death Pulse

Shield drain Pulse is also triggers when the Merlin dies.


Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words)


Normally only on survival missions and defence missions 

Can be spawned on any if the alarm goes off

Edited by Nightsclaw
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Name Suggestion: Corpus Helion

BehaviorThe behavior of the hellion would be much like the Grineer Hellion by providing aerial support, the Osprey in the back could also detach and either provides shield support or suppression.  These attachable osprey’s could also be used during invasions of open world maps where they come out of the sky or a drop ship and use the osprey to keep them from taking fall damage and detaches the rest of for the rest of the mission.

Attacks: The corpus crewmen that would be Hellions could have either a long range weapon or an aoe weapon since the have the high advantage.   While the osprey is attached the crewmen the osprey cannot use attacks.

Environment restrictions:  I would expect these enemy types to be located in open world maps.



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Название Предложения: Sinestre (Sint)




Sinestre - древний дракон раз Orokin. Corpus нашел его и без того слабые и близких к разрушению изнутри.

Они развил ее, технологии, заменив живое сердце на механические тогда дракон должен повиноваться.

Из-за плохо развитой глаза, чувствует врагов обычно аура, которая была найдена Corpus, расследующих монастырь дракона в древние руины Orokin.

- Появляется из тьмы в конце уровня.

- Все боеприпасы и сфер abn/из Sinestre ограничены в количестве, а в Warframe его убийство получает вдвое ресурсов.

- Дракон средних размеров.




Потянув: Это расширяет возможности все: доски, enerdgy и жизни в небольшом количестве в то время как его ауре, которая заканчивается через некоторое время для пополнения активен.


Разделение из-за невидимости: После боя с врагами, через некоторое время он сможет создать копию (клон), который тратит все свои доски, но невидимости", при котором трудно разглядеть его точное местонахождение применяется.


Критические Прорыв: Когда ее жизненные показатели на исходе, Sinestre применяются следующие: это, создав электрический "дорога", мух и от атак с воздуха первый попавшийся под удар игрока (игроков) и с силой сбивает его (их). Независимо, будь сильным врагом, он падает и остается мало времени для ее возрождения. В 00:6 секунд игроки могут возродить плеер, если это возможно. Атаки дракона задолго до его убийства, но перезарядка занимает значительное время.


Ограничения, накладываемые на среду: - Это. Можете запускать/взобраться на башни. Мухи и зависает в воздухе, только с возможностью "критических прорыв".



(Необязательно) искусства или опорных образов: e092df6cc00c.jpg

Edited by Hatis_Flower
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Name: Corpus Demo-MOA


Behavior: The Demo-MOA runs towards its target and explodes in close proximity.


Attack: Armed with explosives with proximity detectors.


Environmental Restrictions: Corpus Controlled Levels

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Имя: Щитоносец\Скороход


Внешность: легкая одежда по сравнению с обычными членами корпуса, шлем подвижный в шее. На груди источник питания, он влияет на сердце ускоряя и поддерживая его работу, так же по всему телу особенно на мышцах ног стимуляторы, для бега. На ногах сапоги с дополнительным усилителем для бега, дубликат ахилова сухожилия для скорости передвижения. Носит пистолеты.


Поведение: Передвигается значительно быстрее чем солдаты корпуса. Носит с собой устройства которые делают стационарный щит. Расставив его в двух местах, он устанавливает связь и выдвигается щит в рост обычного члена Корпуса. Щит пробить можно только большим уроном. Корпус может стрелять сквозь него, фреймы нет. Если щитоносцев от 4 до 6 они могу окружить место непроходимым полем. Либо сами могут поставить вокруг себя защиту. 


Ограничения: так как щиты могут стоять только на ровной поверхности, то и сами Щитоносцы могут быть только на кораблях Корпуса.



like it. wanna translate and explain:


Name Suggestion: strider



fast moving outrunner, carrying shield generators (means smthng like Volt’s shield ability). He puts two generators and activates shield between them. Corpus faction can shut through this shield, but not enemy. (author wrote “tenno” except “enemy” but I’m too sick from this “antitenno units”). strider can put 4-6  generators



uses secondary weapon

Environment restrictions:

corpus ships, can put shield generators only onto  even surface

Edited by emaralez87
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Name Suggestion: Aerial Commanders


Behavior: Aerial Commanders are the flying experts among the Corpus. They wear laser hover tech suits to take flight into combat and attack at a distance. Recently created to take on threats like the Grineer and Tenno; their pin missile technology, flight, and their high endurance to pain makes them a force to be reckoned with in open areas.


But because of the "newness" of the flight suit, Aerial Commanders can easily have the hover gear destroyed if the enemy can shoot at it enough. The hover gear creates wings, so when shot down the Aerial Commanders look like angels falling from heaven.



Rapid Pin Fire: Using it's 2 heavy 6 slotted pin laser cannon, the Aerial Commander can rapidly fire pin like lasers at enemies.  Unlike most Corpus weaponry, the Pin Laser shoots jolts of electrical pin missiles at high speeds, making this weapon deadly even from far distances.


Detection Moves Forward: If a enemy gets too close to the Aerial Commander the suit will alarm the rider and drive him into his enemy at a high speed knocking them down causing knock-back.


Environment restrictions:  Commanders has a hard time moving in closed spaces, must be in open plane for full utilization of his assets.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:



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Name: Corpus Officer


Behaviour: The officer is a slow moving, defensive trooper with skills that help other crewman survive against the tenno. Her Four spider-like appendages are used for mobility and creating a strong shield that absorbs most incoming damage and acts like a laser door to any tenno passing through it. A tenno can pass through the shield by sliding under it causing the officer to withdraw one of the robotics arms from the shield and swipe at the play dealing high damage.


Attacks: Single Cestra and robotic arms for melee attacks.


Environmental Restrictions: Shields will not be activated in small hallways and spider legs can be used to jump from place to place.


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Name suggestion: Penguin

behavior: Similar to grineer shield lancer they will attempt to cover their allies with their body highly resilient to physical harm and fire althought not equipped with their imprenetrable shield. They're quite slow given the massive body made to resist various assault, move terrain debris and to hold enough space for a constant cooling.


- Non damaging slow aura similar to sentinels' coolant leak. It cover the same area while in hot environments but will cover a bigger area when not the case.

- cryo gun. Project raw coolant in a cone in front of it, dealing cold damage.

- Generate a fire resistant aura to self and allies (and ennemies?).

- "shield bash". Like grineer shield lancer, if right in front of it, it will attempt to use its arm to throw you on the ground.

Environment restrictions: burning environment, volcanic tileset (DO IT!!!! :D) and sabotage missions when self destruct is triggered.

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BEHAVIOR: Stewards act as tactical support units that utilize devices to help their crew gain an edge in combat as well as defend Corpus assets. Despite the less offensive-focused nature, they aren't shy of firefights and will stick closely to groups of allies as it allows them to maximize the potential of their gadgets.


ATTACKS: Stewards wield Tetra rifles (or perhaps planned freeze rays in the future) primarily to lay down suppressive fire. Their inventory also consists of one primary and one secondary device.


1.) Primary: The Projectile Dampener is a grenade-sized device deployed with a short toss that generates a kinetic net. This barrier will allow user-side fire to pass but will reduce the lethality of enemy-side fire. The full shield is the size of a standard Crewman's height and three to four bodies in width to provide convenience of cover. Tenno would do well to flank or charge through the field (as it allows body passage either way) with the intent of close combat.


2.) Primary: The NanoMedic Module is a smaller reengineered life support capsule that dispenses nanites capable of healing flesh with cellular reparation and proxies with the nanites' own bodies. This does not affect shield drones and vice versa due to conflicting energy types.


a.) Secondary: A choking gas grenade meant to flush out, inhibit vision, and discourage enemy passage.


b.) Secondary: A short-range teleportation module primarily meant to get out of line of fire after deploying a primary device or to position devices properly.


ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS: No outstanding restrictions.


(No art or reference images, but these units would come in light-green suits & have male an female variants if possible.)

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Name Suggestion: Dravi

Behaviour: Dravi Flies and carries a similar look like a dragon. It is a corruptor.

Attacks: This corpus concoction is brought out for one purpose, corruption. It corrupts the ally AI to fight against you. It forces you to kill allies you were previosly fighbting beside.

Environment restrictions:Would most likely be best used in infestations where the player has AI allies

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Name Suggestion: Corpus flagellant

BehaviorReturned from a religious pilgrimage to the void, Corpus flagellants are a sect of the Orokin cult often driven to madness by their encounters with Orokin neural sentries.  They are aggressive melee fighters rushing into the fray of battle with their electric flails. While waiting for an enemy they will patrol while beating themselves with a flail, releasing large currents of electricity.  When a large number of corpus units have been killed, they draw on the power of the void to resurrect units around them.


The flagellant mostly attacks with basic melee attacks using it's electric flail.  These consist of quick whipping attacks,  slow heavy attacks and an AOE radial attack.  The electric flail deals mostly impact and electric damage with a decent status chance for an electric stun.


While patrolling corpus flagellants beat themselves with their electric flail releasing arcs of electricity with a high electric status chance.


When most of the corpus units have been killed, the flagellant will attempt to resurrect units in a radius around it.  The flagellant will receive attack and defense bonuses based on the units revived.  Killing all the resurrected units will kill the flagellant and vice versa.



Environment restrictions:  none

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:

For the flail think something like this with a corpus aesthetic:


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Name:Corpus Power frame


Behavior:This is Powered exoskeleton for the corpus.

Usually,it is used for carrying materials to the corpus ship at corpus outpost.

When the corpus power frame senses danger,it turns on the light on the head and notifies the approach of danger to the surrounding unit.


There are several types of the arms that it can be equipped.

Basic arm for carrying materials, coolant injection system, drill arm, etc.

Further, it is deployed is customized to the weapon.(Corpus elite is on board for this.) 


Attack:When the corpus power frame have found the enemy, it turns on the lamp. And it attract the surrounding corpus.

Corpus power frame started to run towards the enemy and grab an arm.

If you are caught in it, you can wait to be rescued in the squad.

Or you will be able to get down the crew of the power frame. Using the secondary weapon of your own.

The "grab" of corpus power frame to give a great damage to the shield. Over a period of several seconds.


Corpus power frame to change the method of attack by the arm.


Corpus power frame does not spawn at the same time for more than two ,and spawn rate is low.(Comparable to the Corpus Tech)

Because, corpus power frame has a CC that limits the movement of the opponent. 

However, this does not apply in the defense mission and survival mission as an exception.




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Name: Corpus Juggernaut


Behavior: The Corpus Juggernaut is a larger crewman with an advanced suit with enhanced shield capabilities. It has no ranged attacks but will generate a dense shield in front of itself that blocks the majority of damage coming from whatever direction it aims it. The shield is large enough to shield nearby allies as well if they stay near the Juggernaut. 


Given the chance, the Juggernaut will condense its shield and charge straight into enemies to knock them down and engage them in melee combat. In melee the Juggernaut refocuses the shield to enhance its melee attacks. 


The bulky suit of the Juggernaut makes it fairly slow, but it is able to move surprisingly fast as long as it moving in a straight line.


Attacks: When enemies are at range it deploys a damage dampening / projectile deflecting shield in the direction it is being attacked from. When able, at mid-range it will charge at enemies, deflecting all damage from the front while still being vulnerable from the rear. This charge moves a preset distance and will knock all enemies away if they are hit. In melee range it repurposes its energy shield to employ a variety of devastating melee attacks. Some of the melee attacks are AOE, using the shield energy to create shock waves. 


Environment Restrictions: None, but is usually deployed to protect important assets.

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Name Suggestion: Crippled Officer


BehaviorBrilliant officer wounded badly in battle. He has no legs and lost his left arm, but is still usefull.

Agressive and inteligent, this enemy gets closer to other corpus to be able to buff to every allies in the zone. Because of his MOA tech legs, he can move fast, but always arrives last, he doesn't attack alone. His high accuracy allow him to attack enemies from any distance. Insted of his left arm, he has a flux gun attached to his arm, and is conected with the officer's control panel. Is in this panel where he control the attacks and the buffs.

Once the legs are destroyed, the upper body is ejected before the explotion, giving him a second chance (but less effective)to destroy the enemies. Under this condition, surges a weakness, the vital fluids bottles, at the bottom of the body, very resistant, but not as much as the officer himself.


Attacks: The flux rifle on his left arm allow him to attack from far to short distances with great power. If the's on his MOA legs, the accuracy is greater than if he's on the floor crawling, because the flux rifle is not conected to the panel control anymore.

Just like the Shield Osprey, he can buff the allies in the area with shield and/or healt, while he's in his MOA legs.

After certain amount of damage, The MOA legs will begin the destruction fase, in which eject's officer upper body, and explodes causing damage to every enemy in the zone.

Once on the floor, he must be killed destroing his vital fluid bottles, at the bottom of his body. If not, killed this way, he will detone a granade before his death, causing damage the the enemies arround.


Environment restrictions:  No

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


Final Prototype






First Prototype


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Name suggestion: Burrower

Behavior: Originally used as a mining machine for rare resources like oxium, the Burrower has been re-tooled for combat. It's four legs allow it to climb on any surface, while the the drill allows it to burrow underground to avoid detection. It is quite fast and is medium sized for corpus robots and has two attack patterns that may vary on tile sets.

Attacks: This machine will burrow in the ground or wall surface. When it's submerged almost all the way, a turret will pop out of the top hatch and begin opening fire at the tenno. Tenno can only target the turret portion of the body when it is submerged. If they destroy the burrower before it submerges, it is destroyed completely. When the turret takes enough damage, it will explode causing the top hatch to close and the machine to pop out. It will scurry away from the target before jumping in the air and burrowing completely in the ground. It will then try to knock down tenno by popping out of the ground when it tunnels (like lephantis). However it will get stuck for a few seconds after attacking and is vulnerable. The weak point is the drill on the bottom of the machine. This machine is heavily armored compared to the rest of the corpus machines and is harder to take down without targeting the weak point. (The indoors proved to be too strong to burrow efficiently so instead of executing the second phase, the machines will simply try to latch on tenno and explode.)

Environment restrictions:  More rare than the average moa. It also spawns less on maps that are indoors and takes twice as long to burrow when digging into ships. 

Art: (I made this using a program called blender)

Back view


Front view


Front view with hatch open and turret deployed.


(I had an animation where it opens up the hatch to use the turret but it took to long to upload on youtube so I can't show it.)

Edited by Lqn8r
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Heads up, Tenno!


Here are the sixteen submissions that are being voted on!


Picking the finalists was incredibly difficult. There were so many great ideas and a lot of submissions had consistent themes. Seeing how everyone had similar visions for the Corpus was really cool, but the little details do make a difference. Thanks everyone for all the cool enemy concepts!


Corpus Hive (Kimerex)

Name Suggestion: Corpus Hive

Behavior:  Commonly seen with large groups of Corpus soldiers, these units preform two specific tasks. Recon and defensive response. The Hive generates a handful of small robots that seek out enemies and alert the soldiers of incoming threats. When in combat mode, the hive itself heads for cover and uses the smaller droids to generate shield wall cover (not unlike the Volt's shield) to protect its squad. The hive reserves a drone for itself to use when it needs cover for a tactical retreat.

Attacks: The Hive itself has no attacks. The drones it creates could carry with them possible attack functions. For the most part they would be used to generate shields at will but they can find other uses as well. Radial blinds, energy disruption, and many other possibilities.

Environment restrictions:  The Hive goes where the corpus go. The drones they have may be altered by situation however.

Art: tumblr_n5n7qsTLHn1qj00cjo1_1280.png


Force MOA (Choloph)

Name Suggestion: Force MOA
Behavior: Greatly reworked version of AMBULAS for release in mass production, Moves slowly, but still mobile enough. Crewman inside is heavily protected by shields. 

Attacks:Has three types of attack: Integrated enhanced "Supra" with an increased ammunition in the right hand; integrated long-range plasma accelerator in the left hand (it shouldn't be used very often because of long charge time, but the area of ​​the explosion should be average); can hit surrounding enemies with strong attacks using arms and legs, also can use shockwave ability as Shockwave MOA.

Enviroment restrictions: Commonly spawns on DEFENSE or SURVIVAL missions, on planets (Earth, Corpus Outposts, etc.).



Corpus Saboteur (deadgrin)

As a merchant cult, corpus always makes sure to protect and take what they want with the best equipment and trained soldiers money can buy across the galaxy. Enter Corpus Saboteur. These are elite chosen few women specially trained to handle any situations and factions. They are expensive but shows results, you can easily tell from their gadgets. So tennos, prepare to engage an annoying pain the ass corpus so far. 




Corpus Saboteur




Seldom shows, but when they do show, they are within a group of crewmen complete with shield ospreys, and often behind a door. When saboteur enters, doors behind her locks automatically because of her ability to shuts doors and jams the hack puzzle (shows different puzzle every second) mini game when players try to hack and get rid of her by running past her.


moveset a. When she see player's from a far, instantly deploys two wall mounted turrets from her back (see fig. 1) that fires lasers, but has hp like the ordinary surveillance ones.


a.1. After deploying turrets, she then activates her barrier from her gauntlets (same as grineer and corpus barriers) and fires penta from inside the barrier.



moveset b. When she see player's from a far, instantly activates laser from her gauntlets (same as the laser door barrier) that moves forward and chips almost 400 energy or shield.


b.1. After deploying turrets, she then activates her barrier from her gauntlets (same as grineer and corpus barriers) and fires penta from inside the barrier.




As long as there is corpus that settles within the area, they also have at least 1 or 2 saboteurs hired to guard the perimeter.






Corpus Dingo (ValhaHazred)


And a quick reference of the Primus charging and its projectile.


Behavior: In combat a Dingo will attempt to fire its Primus from a distance before charging into the midst of battle. It will attempt to get as many targets in turret range as possible.

I picture Dingoes as moving similarly to the Big Dog robots from Boston Dynamics. They're a bit clumsy and lumbering but can move quickly in straight lines.


Environmental restrictions: none. Dingoes are very tall but the Corpus made sure they could still fit through doors.


Nanotech Swarmer (cyrax76)

Name Suggestion


Nanotech swarmer




Looks like the other crewman, but uses nanomachines in battle. The nanomachines appear as a black cloud around the corpus. Slow, but deadly. The nano machines generate a strong forcefield, so it doesn't take cover. The swarmewrs nano machine also heals nearby corpus soldiers.




The nanotech swarmer only uses the nanomachines in battle. The nanomachines can transform into any melee weapon. The nanomachines also deal damages to the player when gets near to the nanotech swarmer. The swarmer can also send the nanomachines to a random player, the nanomachines keep dealing damage until it kills the player or the nanotech swarmer is killed (the nanomachines deactivates when the swarmer dies)


Environment Restrictions


None. Rare spawn.



Death Aim (TheOnlyTrueCat)



Attono (Yuicne)

Name Suggestion: Attono
Behaviour:  Only appears after the alarm has been sound for 30 seconds.
This is a Support Corpus military unit, normally used in large scale assaults or defence, the Tenno caused quite a lot of trouble lately thus these will be initiated once they're detected. Due to it's high-tech engineering, the suit is resistant against lightning elemental damage.
Attacks: This is a support unit, primarily used/good against lightning Warframes and weapons.
1: A normal melee attack with huge knock-back and electric damage.
2: Shields allies in a Globe, with it an AoE lightning aura settles in, friendly corpus cannot be harmed by lightning elemental damage during the duration the AoE is active. There are gaps in between the shield plates so that it won't be entirely immune.
3: Creates a selection of small chest high walls for crew men to hide behind, a big pillar like wall in the middle where the Attono shields him self, and any projectile(s) from the inside fired out will have lighting elemental damage.
Environment restrictions: Small corridors, Attono need good wide area for the “Globe” and  chest high walls to be.

Riot Moa (Volkovyi)


Name Suggestion: Riot Moa


BehaviorRiot Moa spawn upon the first detection of Tenno, then later lock-downed areas, and various hallways and corridors, however they can be found in other circumstances irregularly. Their main purpose is to block the Tenno from advancing, with either heavy artillery fire or physically bashing the Tenno back if they get within melee range. While in walker mode they can only walk, being unable to run or maneuver easily. It primarily walks only to relocate.


Attacks: While in walking mode, Riot Moa can only attack with their back-mounted cannon. When taken position in bunker mode the Riot Moa can attack with both the cannon and missile artillery simultaneously and is its main form of attack. If a Tenno were to attempt to melee the Riot Moa whilst in bunker mode from the front, the Moa will bash the Tenno away knocking them down. Specific points on the Moa must be attacked to kill it, its riot shields are impenetrable but not its body.


Environment restrictions:  Various man-made tile sets. Won't be found earth/land-bound. Any mission type. Uncommon enemy.


Cargo Moa (OscarIsPotato)

Name Suggestion: Cargo Moa


Behavior: Wimpy. These enemy types only spawn during a non alerted mode. This makes playing stealth more rewarding. They will occasionally place an explosive barrel down right next to another explosive barrel and continue strolling along. When it spots a player it will abandon the cargo and quickly try to flee. This moa isn't built to be a hero. 


Attacks: None, only barrel placing. This is a simple Moa with a simple job and a simple life. But the real damage potential is the explosive barrels that players (or enemies) can explode. Along with that, the cargo platform can be used quite creatively to knock down enemies from a distance, to be used as a makeshift transporter, or even just a plaything for your friends to mess around in (glitch hunting probably. Sorry DE).


Environmental Restrictions: (During connected mode) really steep staircases, inclines that require jumping, and super narrow paths, air ducts for example.






Corpus Invisibliss (inthephonebox)

Name: Corpus Invisibliss


The Invisibliss is a female Corpus soldier specializing in covert disruption techniques. Her main role in combat is to confuse and hinder enemies, rather than dealing damage, though she will resort to open combat when necessary. To do this the Invisibliss utilizes a temporary cloaking field and an array of gadgets meant to throw off enemies’ perceptions. As soon as the Invisibliss is alerted to Tenno presence she will activate her cloaking device. This technology is not perfect, however, and so she will still shimmer when moving. On top of this, the force exerted by her field hitting the ground as she walks causes a trail of sparks as she moves. She uses this to her advantage by rolling a small cloaked ball (similar to Grineer commander’s grenade ball) which produces the same shimmering and spark trail effects. The cloak will not last for very long, and any damage taken while cloaked will disrupt the cloaking field. Should the Invisibliss reach her target undetected she will stun her foe causing them to stumble, take shield and energy damage, and cause their HUD malfunction (like walking through a Grinner sensor door). If detected she will engage with standard Corpus armaments.  


While cloaked, the invisibliss can roll one or two cloaked balls, mimicking the effects of her movement in order to throw off her enemies. These decoys do no damage, but could allow the Invisibliss the time needed to close upon her prey.

Don’t tase me, sis: upon reaching her target, the Invisibliss will fire a short range taser. While a Tenno’s armor is enough to keep them conscious, the taser is strong enough to drain shields and energy, as well as disrupting vision and accuracy (similar to a Grinner sensor door, but stronger and/or longer lasting).

By this time, her cloak would have likely worn out and she will revert to using standard issue corpus tech weaponry. Should she be able to take cover, however, she may reactivate her cloak, allowing her to attack in near invisibility again.

Environmental restrictions:

The Invisibliss relies on distractions, and only spawns in larger groups of enemies (say 5+). She prefers areas with cover.


Picture a Corpus version of Yelena from Deus Ex: HR but in a sleek silvery/cyan jumpsuit with some traditional angular metal decorations and a Corpus helmet that somehow suggests femininity.


Corpus Conduit (Ampere)

Name: Corpus Conduit


Behavior: Utilizing MOA legs to tower over foes and demonstrate startling combat agility, the female Corpus Conduit is highly aggressive, charging headlong into whatever enemy she currently has in her sights. Beware her prods, Tenno.


Attacks: Using the long reach of a Prova Pike to compensate for her augmented height, the Corpus Conduit is capable of performing lunging attacks much like a Leaper infested, as well as using her robotic legs to create the radial AoE stomps of a Shockwave MOA.


Environmental restrictions: Impractical in tight, closed spaces; possibly losing all mobility.


Art: VUPm8ZE.png



Corpus Mercenary (TheOniStixx)

Name: Corpus Mercenary


Behavior: A Corpus unit that's only business skill is fighting. They are a trooper unit that the Corpus has hired to finding and killing the enemy. They are used in combat to flush Tenno or Grineer out of cover and then unload as much lasers that they can into them. They have more maneuverability than most Corpus units and are armored and shielded.


Attacks: When they need to attack an enemy behind cover and lush them out, they throw a grenade the knocks down and knocks back the enemy, letting them unload their rifles onto the enemy. They have a heavy melee attack using their robot exoskeleton to punch the enemy and push them away so they can get some distance. They also have a camera on the back of their suits, so they cannot be stealth executed.


Environment Restrictions: None



Corpus Clergyman (LoveYourEnemy)

Name: Corpus Clergyman


Behavior: The Clergymen, like the name says, are devout members in the Corpus church. They worship Orokin technology and are absolutely obsessed with it, sacrificing their legs to the Void and have replaced those with powerful prosthetic legs (similar to the Fusion MOA's legs). Their fighting tactics focus on both support and aggression, and their legs allow them to speed around the battlefield (also being able to dodge attacks and aggressively charge the player). His deployable drone allows another way to attack and buff other Corpus. When out in the open not attacking, they can deploy a mobile energy shield (it can be shot to break it like normal shields, but much stronger).



Main support attack is an energy barrage (blast damage and similar to 'Tempest Barrage' in function). Typically does this as the initial attack and then deploys the Support Drone to wear down the player using laser smgs.


Clergymen can also send out their drone to prevent the player from using abilities (not draining energy though, but projecting an aura around the player), in this state the drone does not use the laser smgs. 


Clergymen can buff the enemies around them by calling out a religious chant that makes all enemies in the vicinity have an attack buff.


Last attack pattern is a last-ditch-effort charge ending in an energy ground slam with their fist, being able to stumble the player and get in range for powerful melee kicks (can be dodged using the combat roll).


Environments: Found in all Corpus environments in small numbers, spawns are increased in the Gas City Tilesets.


Tortoise (Rebulite)

Name Suggestion: Tortoise


Behavior: An extremely bulky, four-legged, and heavily armored Corpus proxy, the Tortoise is an elite mass-production unit with the ability to defend allied units by providing cover and supoort. While the Tortoise is heavily armored, it also employs moderate firepower, equipped with a pair of Spectras to deter close-range combatants. It also has a miniature missile attached to its back, to deal with enemies who do not close the distance. Tortoises will prefer to defend positions surrounded by their fellow Corpus units and will often keep to the front of a formation, forcing any opposing units to focus their fire on them. The plating on a Tortoise's back is also heavily reinforced, causing almost all guns without significant penetration to be unable to pierce the armor there: if one wishes to destroy a Tortoise, it is imperative to aim at their limbs or head, or use a gun modified to punch through barriers. The Tortoise's main weakness is its speed: it moves very slowly due to its armor and is not adept at turning to face enemies at its sides.


Attacks: The Tortoise is equipped with a Spectra on either side of its main 'shell,' and will fire the two Spectra at any enemies it can reach: this means that it will do far more damage to enemies in front of it or behind it, leaving it slightly vulnerable to being flanked. In addition, at longer ranges, the Tortoise will release a small heat-seeking missile from the top of its shell, similar to the ones equipped on Zanuka and the Hyena models. But ignoring the Tortoise's firepower is potentially more dangerous: using a variant of the tech used in Shield Ospreys, the Tortoise is able to convert its currently intact shielding into a burst of magnetized energy, healing the shields of other teammates around it and damaging those of enemies, in a manner similar to Mag's Shield Polarize.


Environment restrictions: None.


Corpus Wrangler (astrobird)

BehaviorWill kite Tenno and fire off occasional rounds until either players get too close, or stop moving. Will then use moa steed to then cause shockwaves against players to knock them on their backs. If a player is on their back around the Wranglers, they will be tethered to and dragged around the map in a pseudo downed state, where they will only be able to use their secondary to attack. The player will take constant damage while being dragged and can only escape with the assitance of another player or by staggering or stunning the Wrangler dragging them.




Lanka Shot: The Wrangler fires 1-3 fast moving, powerful shots at target tenno. The Wrangler wil lstay at a moderate distance at this time nad will congregate with other wranglers until they have formed a group of 3-6


Charge: When in a group, the Wranglers will get into a charging formation and rush the players, knockcking them down if they are caught in the line of attack. Deals light damage.


Shockwave: The Moa Steed bends down slightly and leaps high into the air towards tenno, sending out four simultaneous shockwaves upon impact with the ground. The shockwaves deal light damage and knock down, but can be evaded through jumping.


Rodeo:  The Wrangler fires off an energy chain that immediately locks onto a pratfallen or stationary tenno and begins to drag them around the tile in a wide circle. The effect lasts for ten to fifteen seconds, dealing constant damage to the player. The player is put on their back and forced to use their secondary for the duration of the attack. The only means of premature escape is through either stunning or killing the Wrangler performing the Rodeo.


Environment restrictions:  The Wranglers can only spawn in groups equal to double the current session's player count and only in wide/open tilesets such as Corpus Hangars.




Corpus Auxiliatrix (YandereSamantha)


Name Suggestion: Corpus Auxiliatrix

Behavior: This unit prefers to stay behind and repair damaged MOAs and heal injured Crewmen, but when engaged, it will not hesitate to engage in battle. Fast-moving and elusive, this unit is rather difficult to spot and pin down. However, when they are repairing units or healing allies, they are susceptible to damage. They are most susceptible to AoE attacks like Pull and Rhino Stomp. Refer to reference picture below for further information.

Melee attacks/Lecta attacks - When approached mid-range, Auxiliatrix units will engage in whip attacks, but when approached at close range, she will not hesitate to use hand-to-hand combat.

Corpus freeze gun - Can greatly slow down players. Used when approached from a distance.

Buff and Dispel - Can buff allies and dispel enemy buffs.

Repair and heal - These units can repair damaged robotics and heal human units up to 75% of their health.

Upgrade - Can upgrade robotics, from increased mobility to increased fire rate for weapons.

Environment restrictions: Not necessarily a restriction, but they are susceptible to ambushes in the open. They are also uncommon units.

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