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Enemies Of The Tenno: Corpus Submissions


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Name Suggestion: Vidua


Behaviour: Agile Mechanical Spider, she moves across walls and ceilings trying to surprise the tenno. While being very fragile she can output decent damage, her agility and ability to traves the walls and ceilings allows her to avoid damage or perhaps distracts the tenno from ground corpus forces. Using her fangs she as rifles she can  force a tenno run for cover. While near death or unengaged she has a chance to produce a mini spiderling that acts similar to a grineer roller(max 1).  


While she is very fragile and may be put down quickly, if ignored she could be a serious threat to an unaware tenno.



Rapid Venom: Using fangs placed on her mouth she rapidly fires bullets at the enemy causing small amounts of toxin damage each hit.


Hatch: While near death or unengaged she can produce up to 1 spiderling to fight the Tenno, cooldown 30 upon death of the live spiderling.


Environment Restrictions: While she can travers the walls and ceiling she is not able to stay attached for longer than 2 minutes.


Image art:


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Name: Executor Corpus


Behavior: Heavy gunner, shield 200, armor 150 and 300 health. Very fast.


Attacks: only attacks with his weapons.A modified Soma rifle style corpus with chance of paralyzing the enemy few seconds.Tesla fragmentary grenades that release electric splinters when it explodes .When life is low, activates self-destruction to avoid earning extra reward (if kills him 5 seconds before this happens, release a rare item)


Environment restrictions: Appears in all missions corpus tier 3 (includes surv tier 1, 2 and 3 from the minute 15 or 20. Defense tier 1, 2 and 3 from the wave 15)


Reference Image:


Edited by EzeARG
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Name Suggestion: Corpus Enforcer


BehaviorWith the Grineer virulent expanding their territory and the Tenno raiding whatever they see fit, the Corpus has decided to step up a notch in their defences of their colonies. Whilst supplying a war can be fruitfull in the end, agitating the Grineer might sever vital trading routes and contacts, and losing colonies and planets would be even more devistating to the Corpus economy.


This is where the Enforcer comes into play. It is a crewman who's been put into a high armored suit and given heavy ordnance and defensive devices to repel any invaders of planetary colonies the Corpus are in possession of. Whilst other units charges into their death, the Enforcers stands back behind cover and deployable shields, waiting patiently for the enemy to come to than, rather than reversed. Their prime role is defence, not offence.



Single-handed Cestra: For pinning down and quickly dispatch enemies whilst being able to use their other hand to deploy shields, grenade launching aswell as quickly turning on the alarm.


Magnetic Shield Generator: The Enforcer throws out a device that generates a rectangular shield wall which allies can bass and shoot through, whilst enemy fire will be blocked and enemies passing through the barrier will find their energy and shields drained in an instant. The shield device needs to be destroyed in order for the shield to disperse, making it a valuable tool for defending perimiters and narrow areas.


Shoulder Mounted Grenade Launcher: A grenade launcher mounted upon the Enforce's shoulder, to state the obvious. Fires three grenades rappidly to disperse crowds (or annoying) enemies.


Environment restrictions: Corpus Outposts, Gas Cities, and if under Corpus control; Grineer Shipyards, Jungle and Desert Outposts.


Art or Reference Images:


Edited by Starnibbe
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i come to this idea in a defense mision because the map was big and the corpus was taking a long time to reach near the cryo pod. and in general the corpus are to slow be the way they agroup and cover to move




Behavior: this corpus is equipped with two special ospreys laying in his back, one is launched like a missile near the objective/tennos with ten to twenty meters of distance (depends a lot of the mission type, twenty meters on a normal mission can be a lot but is reasonable on a defence) or the nearest covered area of them, being this the "exit portal" then at the same time this osprey reach his objective-area, the corpus unit places the second osprey right where he is. the ospreys hover in that place holding in the air a sphere able to be used as a portal (similar to the unreal tournament ones), this portals work as point to point entrances so they can both be entrance and exit, can be accessed by players and are closed if the ospreys die.

-the osprey can't attack or move unless is the unique of both active, if it is able, it will stay away from near battle and take cover, for a safer spawn area of troops

-the PPBP monitor stays in crowds and near his allies to place the entrance, stays alone after the other units take the portal-bridge, covered protecting the osprey port unit, always defending the furthest entrance.


Attacks: attack the players with a tetra or ranged weapons if its defending 


Environment restrictions: none


reference: 10.jpg

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Name: Corpus Eliminator


corpus with advanced cloaking and shielding technology. stays cloaked until within striking range, then melees with claws. has mobility close to tenno, can wallrun and pursue.


Slash:drops out of stealth and melees. steals shield and energy

Disarm: same as loki's skill, forces change to melee

Drop kill: small AoE electrical


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名前の提案:Corpus Combatant

Behavior: 通常のクルーマンやMOAのように歩き回る。ただし、話すことは無く、代わりに呼吸音が常に聞こえている。






画像: UeRWAtH.jpg

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- Scout Unit




- spins its disc head when idle 

- patrols around

- when sighting players, the body rotates (360) to the direction of the head. 

- when damaged (weak points), it will transform into mobile turret unit (blue combustions)

- uses the right arm (heavily armed) to defend its weak spots.




- when sighting players, it uses "R-type laser rifle" to shoot down the players

* Corpus standard beam rifle but lot more faster (mini-gun type) 

- when close range, it uses the right arm to knock down the players / shoot

- when all the limbs (weak spots), it dislocates remaining limbs to form into mobile turret unit. 

- the mobile turret unit will shoot continuous beam/ will continue to "eye-beam" players until it's destroyed. 




- No restrictions 




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Name Suggestion: Attono
Behaviour:  Only appears after the alarm has been sound for 30 seconds.
This is a Support Corpus military unit, normally used in large scale assaults or defence, the Tenno caused quite a lot of trouble lately thus these will be initiated once they're detected. Due to it's high-tech engineering, the suit is resistant against lightning elemental damage.
Attacks: This is a support unit, primarily used/good against lightning Warframes and weapons.
1: A normal melee attack with huge knock-back and electric damage.
2: Shields allies in a Globe, with it an AoE lightning aura settles in, friendly corpus cannot be harmed by lightning elemental damage during the duration the AoE is active. There are gaps in between the shield plates so that it won't be entirely immune.
3: Creates a selection of small chest high walls for crew men to hide behind, a big pillar like wall in the middle where the Attono shields him self, and any projectile(s) from the inside fired out will have lighting elemental damage.
Environment restrictions: Small corridors, Attono need good wide area for the “Globe” and  chest high walls to be


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Name Suggestion: Mech Walker

Behavior:  The mech walker is a very bionic exoskeleton comandeered by a biological Corpus Unit. It is fairly well armoured, so "hip firing" at random spots of its body is just about useless. In case you get a clear shot to the standing Corpus inside the mech, death is immeadiate uppon a few shots. Caution, it is very hard to take down from the back or with a shotgun type gun or melee attacks. Fairly slow, however.

Attacks: Very strong melee and armed with both machine guns and, for the more highly advandced units, rocket launchers or grenade launchers.

Environment restrictions:  Small and enclosed enviorments are a no-no for him. To function to full capability, he prefers open or wide areas.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: 



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Name: Mechanized Infantry



Slow and lumbering, the Corpus Mechanized Infantry suit was designed as a way to bring the firepower and durability of Warframes to any corpus that pilots this suit.


Although slow, this unit should not be taken lightly. It can propel itself quickly to knock down enemies as well as launch a salvo of grenades to force the enemy to move.


This Suit not only has state of the art shielding, but heavy robotic armor. The helmet can take more hits before being broken off.





Fire Amprex: When in range, the MI fires it's Amprex.

Fire Dera: Fires Dera attached to left arm for longer ranged engagements.

Grenade Salvo: Launches shoulder mounted grenades at hostiles.

Charge: Charges at a hostile knocking them down. Functionally like rhino charge.



Environmental Restriction:

Tends to do worse in more open environments but can still function. Additionally they cannot vault over objects and must either go around or waddle in place.




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Сбивает с ног прыжком или с разбега плечом и добивает тенно на земле, он не переключается на другого игрока пока не расправиться с одним.

Оружие топор со встроенной потоковой винтовкой после каждого удара по противнику производит выстрел для добивания. 

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Name Suggestion: Force MOA
Behavior: Greatly reworked version of AMBULAS for release in mass production, Moves slowly, but still mobile enough. Crewman inside is heavily protected by shields. 

Attacks:Has three types of attack: Integrated enhanced "Supra" with an increased ammunition in the right hand; integrated long-range plasma accelerator in the left hand (it shouldn't be used very often because of long charge time, but the area of ​​the explosion should be average); can hit surrounding enemies with strong attacks using arms and legs, also can use shockwave ability as Shockwave MOA.

Enviroment restrictions: Commonly spawns on DEFENSE or SURVIVAL missions, on planets (Earth, Corpus Outposts, etc.).


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Name: corpus Goliath

Behavior: a larger variant of a moa but with much higher shields and more weaponry. Wields 2 laser Gatling guns and a large barrage of mini missiles that can easily track down even the speediest prey. The Goliath loves to charge into battle blasting anything in its sight and kicking enemies across the room with its powerful legs. The Goliath also has the pleasure of having a rather large health pool making attacks that can bypass its tough shields(toxic) less than effective against the beast. The Goliath usually spawns in groups of 1-2 meaning that with other infantry to back it up you must be a excellent warrior to take one down. Shields: 1,000. HP:500

Environmental restrictions: will usually spawn in open hangars or open spaces to allow more movement. On medium to high levels only.


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Name: corpus commando

Behaviour: slow moving corpus troops which wield the amprex rifle. they travel in groups of 2-3 commandos and are often accompanied by standard corpus crewmen. corpus commando's also deploy electricity mines, which are similar to the arc traps found inside grineer vessels, which can help them sniff out players attempting stealth. commandos have very high overshields, but very standard amounts of health. this means it is useful to use toxic ammunition to bypass the shields. their armor is slightly resistant to melee attacks. they are used as direct anti-tenno units and capture target escorts

Attacks: Blast: send tenno flying if they get too close (similar to heavy grineer unit attack)

Arc mine: deploys a maximum of 1 arc traps on the ground,only deployed if tenno are not nearby or detected

Environmental restrictions: spawn moderately on high level corpus missions ONLY if the player has harvester deathmark. they will also defend capture targets regardless of deathmark.

Image: Alien 3 'Weyland Yutani commando' (but make it more box-corpus like) 



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Enemy Name: Shadow Commando

Behaviour: This kind of enemy is a partially missed attempt to emulate the Stalker, destined to threaten the Grineer troops. It is frail, stealthy (distortion effect when looked at closely). We could encounter male AND female units of this type.

Attacks: close melee with some sort of toothed claw, can inflict heavy damage through armor, but have low defenses themselves.

Environments restrictions: Dark tunnels, corridors and tight places.

Comment: You shall never see anymore the dark passages as before!

Herewith, references likely to represent the character, they are not mine and are only suggestions:



And one of mine (female model):


translated from french by Yaer

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Имя: Щитоносец\Скороход


Внешность: легкая одежда по сравнению с обычными членами корпуса, шлем подвижный в шее. На груди источник питания, он влияет на сердце ускоряя и поддерживая его работу, так же по всему телу особенно на мышцах ног стимуляторы, для бега. На ногах сапоги с дополнительным усилителем для бега, дубликат ахилова сухожилия для скорости передвижения. Носит пистолеты.


Поведение: Передвигается значительно быстрее чем солдаты корпуса. Носит с собой устройства которые делают стационарный щит. Расставив его в двух местах, он устанавливает связь и выдвигается щит в рост обычного члена Корпуса. Щит пробить можно только большим уроном. Корпус может стрелять сквозь него, фреймы нет. Если щитоносцев от 4 до 6 они могу окружить место непроходимым полем. Либо сами могут поставить вокруг себя защиту. 


Ограничения: так как щиты могут стоять только на ровной поверхности, то и сами Щитоносцы могут быть только на кораблях Корпуса.



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Name: Jinx


Behaviour: Stealthed, prefer to stay at long range. Decloacks when attacking, but run away if it takes some damage. Has an aura that corrupts shield and armour, same range as it's attacks. Prefer to stay cloaked when there's allied units. At low health, gets close to enemies and perform a suicide attack. Looks like a cat.


Attacks: Ranged radioactive attack, beam weapon like flux rifle, high proc chance. Suicide attack is a high proc radioactive explosion, about the same range as Penta or Ogris blast.


Environmental restrictions: Corpus, Void maps. Don't spawn alone. One per tenno in a party, at one time not per mission.


Art: warframe-concpt-jynx.png

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Name: Corpus Soldier


Behaviour: The Corpus Soldier is a front line unit of the Corpus, made to back up the normal Corpus Crewmen with superior firepower and armour. When deployed in a squad (3-11 soldiers), they tend to hug cover and always try to keep something between them and their enemy. When assisting a Crewman patrol (1 or 2 soldiers which are assisting), they stay behind the Crewmen until the enemy is sighted. When this happens, they will run to cover, keeping within the patrol. The soldier have a (detachable when damage limit is reached – like a Corpus helmet) chest plate which provides them with additional shields and armour. Their helmets also detach in the same way as any other humanoid Corpus Unit. Their armour, health, shields and damage limits will scale up with level. When low on health, they will retreat to the greatest cover available. They are equipped with the Tetra Automatic Rifle. Also, Corpus Soldier squads have a higher chance of spawning an Eximus in their ranks. The Soldiers will hunt down their enemies if they flee. The Corpus Soldiers dress in pure white suits with lightly greyed chest plates, helmets, gloves, boots, knee caps, shoulder pads and elbow pads.


Attacks: As seen above, the Corpus Soldier wields a Tetra and fires with medium accuracy in short-medium bursts from cover. Their targeting range is 60m due to the specialised training they receive. When the enemy is in a 5m range, the soldiers will fire continuously at the enemy until it retreats or dies. When the enemy is in melee range (0.5m), the soldier will pull out a low damage dagger, with medium magnetic damage, to combat its opponent. They will not fire at the enemy they have targeted if anything is in their way and will switch to another target almost instantly. It will reposition itself and attack the nearest target. When at medium range from a group of the enemy, it will throw an EMP grenade that deals large amounts of magnetic damage in a 5m radius around the explosion. These grenades have a 5 second timer and will roll. The soldier may want to wait a bit until throwing so it detonates upon impact. When low on health, they will also do all they can to dispatch their target including firing all rounds of their Tetra in continuous bursts and dropping grenades.


Environmental Restrictions: None, the Corpus will appear in any missions but in an increased amount on invasion missions.


Reference Picture:


Edited by (PS4)Ignisthir
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Corpus burster


Corpus burster fly like osprey, bur remain high in map avoiding melee contact.


he attack like an hawk from above flying very fast until enemies are in range for his amprex and flee when he is taking to much damage, then he return for another attack when his shields are full again.

Environment restrictions:

it can be found in groups and there are no enviroment restrictions


(Optional) Art made by me: corpus_volante.jpg


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While i am thinking of a number of reserve proxies, i settled on this one due to the one per person limit, and the relatively low level of animation work (compared to others).


Name: Corpus Chameleon


Behavior: Hides on surfaces (walls, ceilings, floor), invisible. Invisibility does not remove chameleon's shadow, but does not have energy lines. Becomes visible when destroyed or attacking. Chameleon's movement is slow, and only moves (at 0.2 speed) if it knows where tenno are, but cannot target them for more than 5s. Enemy radar can only detect invisible opponents (chameleons) at 10% of it's normal range (if that).


Attacks: The cameleon spits castanas (no max) at tenno at a rate of 0.5/s or 1/s. If damaged (even if it is destroyed) the chamelion detonates all castanas. The chameleon has perfect accuracy , but little to no lead on tenno (so they can dodge). If the chamelion cannot percieve tenno, but has catanas out, after 3s it detonates castanas.


Environments found in: Chameleons are a form of trap, and as such, should not be active on defense missions. Chameleons should not be spawned on earth, due to the difficulty of spotting their tells. Chameleions should not be spawned if there is no alert active, and should not spawn "behind" tenno.


No earth, or defense chamelions. Alarm must be active to spawn.



No picture.; sorry.

Idea is for roughly man sized (squatter and wider) proxies which have a very boxy torso (for assembling castanas) a vaguely reptilian head, (from which castanas are launched). The "head" location is the inside of it's maw, and is especially vulnerable. This corpus unit does not have shields having replaced them with the cloaking device. The primary color would be blue (like railgun moas).



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Name Suggestion: Testud

BehaviorHeavy proxy that would hover around alongside crewmen, that would settle in places and prepare to fire rocket-like proyectiles, a bit like the mines from the mine ospreys. In other words, kind of like a grineer Bombard, but slower, less chance to proc blast, and more durable.

Attacks: Sticks to the ground using supports located on the back and the sides, opens the front covers and fires.

Environment restrictions:  Can't go down stairs UNLESS an Oxium Osprey picks it up and helps it go up / down.

Art or Reference Images:







Couldn't finish decent textures ):
And on another side note, One of those MOA heads would be under the cannon, like in the first picture.

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Name of the enemy:



Awaits you spend in its scope, it propels out of the socket, once release turns on itself and moves towards that target any blade out.
  Its upper shell is his skull and where there is a sensor. The lower shell opens and separates into three blades.


Attack 1: eject the base
Attack 2: rotary blade.

Environment of choice:

Corpus base

(Optional) Drawings or reference images (max 3 images)


Edited by xXGAMMASXx
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Name Suggestion: Vacuus Miles (Vacuus Peditum Unit)

Multitask Corpus special forces. First unit created for space warfare - boarding ships and stations,
0G/vacuum combat. Tactical insertions, behind enemy lines deployment, also orbit-to-surface. Highly
tactical, excels at ambushes, hit and run, disorientation. Typical to force hull breach (when in space) and
finish off the enemies (personal life support sustems).

- High DPS redesigned Tetra rifle - primary weapon
- Leech Granades and/or other explosive ordinance
- Each unit carrying a sentry that has one of the following abilities:
1. Disables any tenno abilities/buffs/debuffs, depletes energy and stamina
2. Disables primary and secondary weapons causing desorientation - EMP burst forcing melee
3. Optical cammo with high crit chance and proc

Environment restrictions:
A very rare unit to appear in normal missions, common in invasions (aggressor).

(Optional) Art:

Of course I had to make a mistake in corpus alphabet >_>

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Name: Corpus Elite Special Forces (Commandos)


Behavior and General Description: Rapid assault Corpus Crewman augmentated with Orokin and Warframe technology. Ranks consist of multiple specialities including Snipers, Infantry, and Heavy Weapon Specialists (among others). Primarally designed for Invasion missions as the attacking unit, boasting enhanced health, sheilds, and some added oxium armor (without regular drops though).



-weapons include wrist mounted integrated varients of traditional Corpus lasers and plasma weapons with boosted stats

-arsenal includes minor auras and slightly nerfed warframe abilites

-will attack enemies and use cover in a highly tactical manner


Environmental Constraints: Will only appear as attackers on invasion missions or as defenders on infestation outbreaks

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