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Warframe Community - An Unpleasable Fanbase?

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You assume the vocal minority should have precise, unanimous preferences or they don't know what they want.

There are general things that are commonly agreed upon such as the stat scaling stupid enemies, overpowered players, etc.

More people are going to complain than praise? Guess why? Obviously there is absolutely nothing to legitimately complain about?

Don't do this. Don't group the vocal minority all together as not knowing what they want. This is an insult to their efforts.

Not exactly.  What i'm saying is that there is only a minority of the vocal minority who have sensible thoughts.  Many might agree with those sensible thoughts, but many also agree on horrendous ideas as well.  I'm not talking really about the ideas that a large portion of the community supports, but just the various ideas that the community comes up with.

This isn't the only game, nor the only community that i've seen this.


I'm not saying people don't know what they want, i'm saying MOST of the vocal minority doesn't understand that what they want is a bad idea.  Again not unique to Warframe, and frankly there are many more good ideas coming from the community than for most games I've played.


This community is actually pretty good.  I think there are more individuals in this community with good ideas and who express there feedback in a proper beta fashion.  BUT that being said, yes it is true that more often than not the only reason people actually speak up is to complain about something.  I know i'm sure as hell guilty of it, and many many first posts i've seen on this forum come from people who've played for a while and become fed-up with a certain aspect and come to the forums to rage.  Most of the reason people become vocal at all is to complain about something.  Then maybe ideas about something develops, but that is going to be a smaller %, and MAYBE the idea is worth while and that is going to be an even smaller %.

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i'm saying MOST of the vocal minority doesn't understand that what they want is a bad idea.

What are you saying the "MOST of the vocal minority" want again? What is this bad idea you're referring to exactly?


Check the thread "It's Not Nostalgia" (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/230011-its-not-nostalgia/).

There are plenty of good analysis on the excruciating grind, crap endgame, etc. They not bad ideas.

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Welp, this game is a game after all


And games ar supposed to be for stress relief i assume :/


 SO perhaps theyre just mad that an object meant to relieve us of stress, causes us more stress and obsessive habits


Also, (warning rant veering into off topic)


It's not the the warframe community, it's the humanity as a whole



Humanity can only change if there aren't people saying we cant, so be the difference you wanna see, and have faith, coz we owe each other that, irrespective of race religion, creed, ideas, goals etc., coz at the end of the day, If we don't change now, then when WILL we change.


I assume your a good guy, just that people have made you lose faith in them, but don't let the unthinking words / actions of a few people let it be the way you define everyone


 Godspeed and all the best :D




But the game simply cannot be perfect for everyone, so tolerance, is our only option 


Godspeed :D

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I assume your a good guy, just that people have made you lose faith in them, but don't let the unthinking words / actions of a few people let it be the way you define everyone


 Godspeed and all the best :D

You have too much faith in humanity.

I just hope that our successors will do a better job.


Some people don't get jokes...

Edited by DMan128
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 If a large enough group of people complain about one thing, and the developers listen and fix it,

Everyone complains for more lore for 1.5 years and the developers do not fix it. 


Justifies all complaints. 

Edited by MDRLOz
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Bunch of crying babies who want more of less: less power, less weapons, less nodes, less enemies. 


Most famous phrase of community is 'nerf to the ground'. Here is a chore of ner%&^e 'petitions', and only a small, selected few points the real lack of content, that is, the lack of maps and enemies. 


Enjoy your credit caches.


Enjoy your nerfed frames.


Enjoy your weak weapons. 

Edited by Wolfstorm18
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As the mighty Bill Cosby, Wearer of the Divine Sweater once said: "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."



Yep. I like your post. That's very correct. The devs must also take into consideration that not everyone yell the loudest in the forum are the ones, who supporting the game. And some are maybe just freeloaders, careless for game's future or play for a little bit and yell a lot and quit. Yes, there are some who voicing a lot, supporting and earnestly wanting the devs improve the game for the better. But, too, there are many other quiet supporters and founders, not on the forum, who are enjoying the game for what it is.

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As the mighty Bill Cosby, Wearer of the Divine Sweater once said: "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."





I just made a similar threat about the phenomenom of people being unsatisfied & more. Such as wrong game advertising, rewriting and declining the games core - Transformation of a game for the money.

You might want to check it out.



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Everyone complains for more lore for 1.5 years and the developers do not fix it. 


Justifies all complaints. 

Actually, DE has a valid point on this one in one of the dev stream. Do you know that people all over the world and different cultural backgrounds are playing this game?! ...from far east Asia, Europe, to America etc. They all, at least at the moment, have different culture and points of view and concepts. Even the game itself is integrated of Japanese sword fighting style and Western bad-a** gun fighting concept.... a lore of any kind would not satisfy all, though would be desired by everybody based on their own cultural concept.

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There's two types of players posting on these foruns:


. The first group wants everything weakened to zero fun, so that the game becomes more grinding for stuff in repetitive scenarios, turning players into farming drones. Thanks to them now we have $&*&*#(%& 2000 credit caches as rewards for survival and defense missions. The second group wants the enemies to be buffed so that they can meet Tenno standards. The Tenno are overpowered? Well, buff the enemies, thats our answer. You dont need to nerf a frame and/or a weapon that players invested time and effort on it, spending Formas and Catalysts (that sometimes are bought with real money). Or then you can propose better matchmaking options, so that you can exclude from your sessions that frame or weapon you complain so much about. These days I played with my Flux rifle, which was gathering dust for months. And guess what, it was nerfed 'to the ground', thing was not cutting as it did before. 
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Every fanbase is unpleasable, even the kickstarter fanbase including ones tat foot the bill for projects re unpleasable. The whole world is unpleasable.


And no fanboi shall ever be pleased till only one console remains.

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If no one says anything nothing would ever change, at least if u make reasonable points you have hope 



if you guys enjoy a game where there is a warframe who can cast perma invincibility on there team, where 1 particular warframe can make armor thats immune to everything in the game and is spammable,and they made his prime fix his only weakness..., if they give EXCLUSIVE mods that add 100% more damage to a single shot,  if there are warframes that arent even played simply because they are outclassed by another warframe entirely. where there are founder only things that have bonus stats and that people beg for all the time but they dont release because one of the ''smallest minorities in the game'' would complain ...Im curious how many founders still actually play this game...and i see people selling there accounts on other sites for more money solely because it has excalibur prime on it, founders honor right there.... oh and then they release the game on console but the people on console dont even get a shot at any of those exclusives lol


by all means..dont say anything then.


this game has alot of great things in it, it has the best necromancer concept out of any game i have ever played and i have played them all ( no other game has a necromancer where you can CHOOSE your minions type based on what you kill , very good at making you involved,also watching minions take cover and fight together combining abilities is awesome) they update ALOT! so always something new and interesting around the corner. Significant amount of maps and modes. tons of hotfixes ...maybe people like to post alot on the forums because the devs actually listen in this game? My ticket on nexons site took me 2 years to get an AUTOMATED response on it followed by a 6month period for the exact same automated response...these devs are leagues ahead of them as far as service goes. I also enjoy how you can get pretty much anything by just playing the game and bargaining with lazy people. 


Lots of good...lots of what the @%# is going on


also people who say things like ''oh its still in beta'' . do you know how many games stay in beta permanently so they can change whatever they want? if this game is still in beta then why arent we all getting handed out vandals? lol

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Try to keep in mind that we are beta testers right now. The game is in open beta.


A beta tester who doesn't give constructive feedback is a useless beta tester. It's our job, as beta testers, to criticize and point out the flaws of the game, to not do that is to fail the devs.


I mean naturally there will be tons of conflicting complaints to deal with, and some criticisms will be downright unfixable or illogical, the criticisms will be charged with emotion, making it harder to get to the fixable cause, or the same thing will be repeated time and time again and the devs get it and don't need to hear it anymore, but that doesn't change the fact that, for players that don't directly buy plat at least, our core usefulness to the devs is as critics. It is our job to be unpleased, the moment we, as a player base, are pleased, is the moment we have failed as beta testers.



I see a lot of people say you shouldn't complain about a game if it's in beta, but that's never made sense to me.

A game in beta is exactly the sort of game you should complain about, the fact that it's in beta means the developers are still looking to improve it, and your criticism is exactly the sort of thing that can help do that. If a game isn't in beta, complaining about it is pretty pointless unless you're looking for DLC or something, it's done, whatever you're mad about can't be changed, your feedback has no chance to improve the game, you might as well be yelling at a brick wall.

Edited by insaninater
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