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I've Had It With The Invasion System.


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And now is that perfect time to do it. They should do /nothing/ about Ceres. The community decided to make this mess with invasions and the community should fix it. Not DE.

That doesn't solve the problem though. The community still has the power to dictate what will be allowed to happen on Ceres and knowing how sadistic the majority of players can be in a game with this much leniancy, the chances of them letting the Grineer having one node to themselves is going to be slim to none. Why? Because 'its for the trulz and lulz', or simply 'because **** you'.

If DE is going to add mobs that spawn on one planet on zones owned by a specific faction, they are going to shoot themselves in the foot. Either make the zone unable to be invaded, move the prosecutors to Earth which can't (or shouldn't) be invaded, or make the prosecutors spawn in Ceres no matter which faction controls it.

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I've had an idea for a while about how to balance the invasions:when large portions of the planets nodes have been taken by the opposing faction, a grand conquest can be launched by the original faction to try to take back their territories that give very high battle pay and a large Insentive to reclaim that lost territory. Just an idea, this could especially be good when there is more enemies and tileset diversity (like with planets Ceres, Jupiter and Phobos where there are planet specific enemies).

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Prosecutors spawn on the boss node and it can't be flipped. There, you can always farm for Hydroid there. Want to change it? Build a community effort to change it. 

We can trust in the community, its not like they didn't collectively agree to lock down Ceres in the first place or anything...


Some players just want to watch the star chart burn.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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