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Warframe Ability Changes


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Very sexy, live it. I've been playing Ash as a main from the beginning, back when Bladestorm had about a 98% glitch chance, back before he even had the hand knives. I dont play Ash because he is cool, I play Ash because I love him. Loving the new changes, the only thing I would add is punch through on the shurikens, just enough to go through shield lancers, and maybe a 2 second duration increase for smokebomb.

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What about Smoke Screan?



Ash is a melee fighter or what?


Loki for this is much better, durration 30s than 20s on Ash, 4th skill on Loki make all mobs in area melee friendly.. don't relay know what now will be ASH.. i always think its a dedicated melee fighter, a little assassin.. now its nothing, even when You change his 1st and 4th skill this will now be changed ;/

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Cool. I look forward to trying out the Banshee buffs.


Possible applications for the new Sound Quake:


- Reviving teammates is even better than before

- Panic button for defending the pod

- Holding down a hallway so your teammates can escape (sacrificial, perhaps)

- Many more to come


Basically what it could do before, but much more efficiently and effectively. Is the duration is now potentially infinite? Or does it still have its six-second duration? Infinite duration could be broken with a bunch of energy restores/Energy Vampire/stacking Siphons. I'm sure it's not, but just in case, I'm throwing that out there. Same for Absorb.


The new Silence acts as a true pseduo Invis. No more having to recast it every few feet only to have it broken the next few steps. Wonder if the disruption effect will have any use outside stealth missions (portable Radial Blind would be fun but would be bad news bears for Excal)?


I was hoping Sonar would have been changed to a perpetual aura, but after thinking about it a few days ago, that wouldn't mesh with the ability's mechanics because it would recast new weakspots every few seconds.


Volt shield im surprised its size is being increased, It might turn into a replacement for snowglobes nerf. Also If you go up against a volt and 2 other frames that hide behind his shield in a ds conflict mission. It is massively challenging.


Thanks for the changes, On Trinity I've always used blessing as a panic button to save a dieing team mate and provide them with an oppurtunity to escape danger. So its good I dont have to change my playstyle for this :). Energy Vampire sounds cool too..


Good work hopefully no1 had any sleepless nights while trying to get this balance stuff done


The catch being that Shield does not offer complete 360 degrees of protection from enemy fire. At the same time, it won't get shredded in an instant at high level if you're in a hallway. I'm honestly not too familiar with Volt; do Napalm fireballs go through the shield? What about their explosions?


Interesting how Link wasn't touched, though I guess with the new Blessing it will be more difficult to keep up the Link chain and, in turn, to run double Trinities.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Into the trash Trinity goes.

With such a massive nerf to Blessing without any utility added to make up for the loss, it's now a mediocre at best ultimate.


You guys should -REALLY- consider adding some form of utility to make up for such a massive nerf, such as.

Immunity to stagger and knockdown.

the ability to revive frames that are bleeding out.

constant hp regen in addition to the full heal.

no more "power in use" while blessing is active.

reduction in power cost.

significantly increased cast speed.

a temporary flat increase in armor while blessing is in effect (+300 armor for example)

increasing all damage dealt by friendlies while blessing is active (scales the same way as damage resistance)

A very small duration of invincibility


she'll be a pretty eck frame if she doesn't receive a major buff in some shape or form.


Unless people do the not-so obvious thing and take as many penalties to power duration as possible so that blessing can be constantly spammed with a 4 second duration, and a 25 energy cost, and this energy will be extremely easy to replenish because of Energy Vampire dropping out like 120 energy in the span of ~3.6 seconds (unless this was already balance changed and I never noticed)


So it'll pretty much be a massive nerf to anyone who doesn't have fleeting expertise, and to everyone else who does, it'll just make the game a more monotonous spam of the 4th ability.


I thought DE learned with rhino already that damage reduction is absolute garbage unless a ridiculous number can be reached (Ember was what? 92%, 95%?) so unless Trinity's Blessing always provides 90%(or higher) damage reduction, people will either build her in a way that abuses blessing differently, or just chuck her into the trash bin.

Edited by Krovakon
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I'm fine with this Blessing change as long as I don't have to wait until the duration wears off in order to cast it again. If I do, I'm running max Fleeting and Natural Talent, and removing all my duration stuff and my Aura helmet. Might even switch to an unranked Blessing since it will still heal to max shields and health at that level.

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Does the new blessing interact with shields in any way?


Is 90% immunity the same as 90% damage reducion, or something else?


Does the cast time stay the same?



Edit: Also, I want to note that current game interface very poorly facilitates tracking of ally health and status procs.

Edited by Niennah
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Does the new blessing interact with shields in any way?


Is 90% immunity the same as 90% damage reducion, or something else?


Does the cast time stay the same?

You got it all wrong. It means immunity is mpre effective when your health is low, i assume that might be connected to duration. Ex: you have % 10 hp left, so you get 9x (% 90 / % 10) duration for immunity. This is how i understand it. However it is clear that she mean low hp means more effective blessing.

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You got it all wrong. It means immunity is mpre effective when your health is low, i assume that might be connected to duration. Ex: you have % 10 hp left, so you get 9x (% 90 / % 10) duration for immunity. This is how i understand it. However it is clear that she mean low hp means more effective blessing.

I'm asking because I don't know. I'm not making a statement.

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Ur about to kill Trinity and force us to fight Venus forever. Dont listen underaged jealous kids. Better improve servers to afford no lags. Becouse 2-3 guys reached lvl 600 ? Nobodys gonna play that long but looks challenging which we lack a lot. Btw i never play Trinity/ not a fast damage dealer for me.

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Please continue buff/nerf on other warfs too. DE, they need your attention.


In my opinion, next 5 warfs should be Loki (Invisibility) Rhino (Iron Skin) Nova (but you already doing something) Valkyr (as soon as possible) and Oberon (I think, he's the one you are not giving any attention at all).


Thank you

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Great to see that the long time of silence on frame balancing has not been of just delay, but careful consideration.

Now, for the nitty gritty details of my analysis:




Blessing - Blessing spammers, eat your heart out, because your days of near impunity are over! This is a necessary and personally acceptable nerf for the ability, if I am understanding what the mechanical changes are (players health damage is restored by blessing and only the health healed by the skill is granted immunity for some duration). This adds in some rather complicated ways the skill may be used in scenarios, but as I don't quite understand the description, I will wait until experimenting with the skill before giving an informed response.


Energy Vampire - Hopefully this will also remedy the old 'power in use' bug that appears whenever someone immediately kills the enemy after cast. This also helps trinity greatly as the godly support role she is, with a now reliable way to replenish the team with health and energy in place of energy orbs and health orbs that are much less common in later level waves in long runs.




Silence - I am not sure how I feel about this mechanic change: on one hand, it has become more useful by having the AoE moving with you, but on the other, enemies now take notice of the effect on them (which makes sense in a realistic way). The big kicker is whether or not the enemy reaction is to actively search for the source/alert others  or to do the reaction and continue unalerted. Some clarity, please?


Sound Quake - The new toggle is interesting to think about. First thought is when it is live is to go on my banshee, slap on Fleeting expertise, Chorus Helm, Stretch, Natural Talent, and Energy Siphon and see how long I can last in a team of nothing but banshees. Experimentation, ho!




Absorb - As someone who has already cut my duration to an extreme low, what I am curious about is is this toggle will work independently from any and all types of duration? Without some type of decay on the absorbed damage over prolonged periods of time, it basically becomes a tenno nuke on demand. I assume, however, that was a design choice? :)




Shield - Bigger is better in this case, but probably would have done fine if it was instead affected by power range mods.




Undertow - Hopefully this will have a max duration, as many people take advantage of the length and make defense waves last a LOT longer than they have to be by intentionally holding enemies for as long as possible. I hate this when it happens (and it happens just as often as there are AFK players on public matches) and will whine, kick, and scream to have some way to combat this.




Shruiken - The non-direct buff is fine, but it does not fix it that the skill cannot be used while running, which detracts in simple, mobile kills (I am aware there are simple gameplay workarounds, but the skills makes more sense to me to be able to just run and throw in the same way people use throwable weapons while on the move).


Teleport - The change does not fix the fact that it is difficult to use at range, where it has the best utility. A better way to aim the skill would help ease of use.


Blade Storm - I am bemused by the update to this skill. Ash has officially become 200% more badass! Still has the original problem of when enemies are spread wide and thin on large maps or are killed by other players before bladestorm reaches them (which inevitably happens in team matches). The marking system needs to be more dynamic and change range check with each new enemy reached. That, or something equivalent to it.


Hopefully if the new toggle mechanic proves successful in this test batch of skills will spread to other skills that can benefit from this such as (but not limited to) Ember's World on Fire, Loki's invisibility, and Valkyr's Hysteria.

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-Energy Vampire:  Will now pulse one last burst from the victim when it dies, releasing any remaining energy; this should make the power useful even when the enemy is killed prematurely.




-Silence: Is now a radial ranged effect that moves with you. As enemies enter the radius/area, they experience a ‘sonic disturbance’ which they react to. This disturbance deafens the targets and affects their awareness.


-Sound Quake: Players can now control when to deactivate Sound Quake, with the option to toggle it on or off.  Sound Quake will consume energy per second while active.




-Absorb: Players can now toggle Absorb on or off.


Both toggling changes to Nyx and Banshee will give players more freedom instead of being locked in place while the rest of your team runs around.  It should also add a nice element of resource management to both Warframes, rather than being stuck in place at the cost of X energy.

So many quality of life changes, I might cry... :'D

Edited by Ailith
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-Silence: Is now a radial ranged effect that moves with you. As enemies enter the radius/area, they experience a ‘sonic disturbance’ which they react to. This disturbance deafens the targets and affects their awareness.


-Sound Quake: Players can now control when to deactivate Sound Quake, with the option to toggle it on or off.  Sound Quake will consume energy per second while active.



As much as I welcome these changes it does NOT solve the main issue with banshee. You should make Silence and Sonar into toggle abilities too. That way she would be more useful as she could focus on certain statistics while ignoring Power Duration mods. She can now utilize all basic mods: Power Strengh, Duration, Range and efficiency too. If you take out the Duration it would mean she could have bigger numbers on the other 3 (or 2, as efficiency can be maxed).

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Shield: increased size of Volt’s Shield for better team usage.


F*** YEAH!!  I've been wanting this for many months!


We need more team useful abilities to better promote team play.



Maybe for Ash, Smokescreen will cloak nearby teammates as well. Maybe about 10 meter radius.


However, the cloak duration of teammates will always be at the base duration of Ash's Smokescreen level.

 - So only Ash can receive the duration buffs of his own mods.

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Having been thinking about Blessing change, I think it should be reworked into something else that doesn't involve giving damage reduction percentage or a mixed bag similar to Globe change.

A. This change will lead to Trinity players trying to 'almost' kill themselves trying to get the best adat possible while stacking as high health as possible.

B. This change doesn't explain how Blessing affect other team members. Will they get their own DR based from their own percentage of health healed? Will they get Trinity's DR?

C. Recasting ability before it runs out of duration, will this be possible?

D. Will this Blessing offer synergy with other powers of her in any way?

I think it will end up just like Rhino's second Iron skin that also used percentage DR as a main mechanic. Players will not appreciate this change since it will interfere with her current playstyle quite a lot. I think there are few improvements that could be made.

A. Give Trinity limited invulnerability during casting animation.

B. Give Blessing limited invulnerability for X second which isn't affected by duration mods then use DR percentage or quick health/shield/stamina regen for X second, affected by duration mods and power strength mods. Regenerate percentage of health/stamina/shield per second.

C. Must be able to be recasted before timer runs out.

D. Give other players timer for Blessing buff window.

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Could we have Ash's teleport so that it can teleport to any position on the surface? I feel that by implementing that Teleport will be less stressful to use (we have an actual choice of actually harassing the enemy instead of stunning them). 

Edited by Renegade343
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lol @ all the ppl upset for the trinity changes


im so happy trinity is getting this change, its a huge improvement to the game

it just totally ruined the experience of higher level play constantly being invulnerable


the change just makes me love warframe more, its a great change DE 

i guess ppl are just upset they are losing their easy mode and the game will become somewhat of a challenge oh noes

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As much as I welcome these changes it does NOT solve the main issue with banshee. You should make Silence and Sonar into toggle abilities too. That way she would be more useful as she could focus on certain statistics while ignoring Power Duration mods. She can now utilize all basic mods: Power Strengh, Duration, Range and efficiency too. If you take out the Duration it would mean she could have bigger numbers on the other 3 (or 2, as efficiency can be maxed).


Yeah, I am a little concerned about this. Depending on how useful the new Silence is, I may want to run all four abilities. My build:




I'd have to either give up Continuity -  which reduces my Sonars and Silences to very, very short durations - or give up Stretch, which decreases my overall range for, well, everything. We'll see how this works out in practice.

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I am a little concerned about Trinity, with Blessing, if the team has health of:








And Blessing is used, how is the immunity sorted.

Is it individually based so each player gets the percent they were individually restored.
Or is it based off of a specific players percent, so in this case could it be the lower health players stats, so: 94% immunity or the highest players stat value, so 10% immunity.

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The change to Blade Storm should also shorten the amount of time a player is stuck in Blade Storm dramatically, without a reduction in damage or looking cool.

Honestly, if you people are trying this hard to make sure he stays just as cool, maybe I should build Ash as my next frame.....

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