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Wednesday Hype: You Knew It Was Coming


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i too cannot wait for out of place dog pal to die constantly in mission for me. 

inb4 Nintenbrows

I'm really secretly hoping there is some sort of Kennel in the Dojo for peeps to feed/play with their Kubrows, but that would probably be too much to ask for.

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Let's just hope what they did to Trinity isn't going to make history repeat itself.

I'm talking about Saryn.


P.S. I never played Trinity, still don't exactly want her to become extinct like my favourite snakeframe.


P.P.S. HYPE x 10

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Rhino is average frame.

 It's most played because it takes much less effort to use than lets say mag.

Vauban bastile is replaced with vortex. Did things changed ? A little. Did bastile nerf solved a problem ? NO.

Bastille range scales with range, it's acting as a filterer right now.

Vortex' range cant be affected.


what's the comparison?

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its HUMP DAY lets get hyped :D



I know its probably not a smart idea too hype over untitled updates BUT BUT BUT

there isn't much too look forward too now days, and every update I look forward too even if its just a small one :)






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