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Banshee Silence Timer Getting Stuck


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Same problem here. When Banshee was first changed I had no issues with silence or her other abilities. Then silence started locking up intermittently. Now silence fails to work correctly 100% of the time. I activate it, it works normally for a few seconds, then the timer stops counting down and freezeds. Silences effect expires as normal but any further attempts to use silence get the "power in use" message. Other abilities are not affected.


This is just another manifestation of the power in use bug Banshee used to suffer with soundquake, most likely. Really hope this gets fixed. Banshee is (was) viable now that silence is mobile. Only got to enjoy that for a few days, now she isn't playable again. :(

yup I hope they fix it soon

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There's an error(seems to come from abrupt usage of sound quake while in silence) where silence gets a "power in use" bug. I can't tell if it's still "in use", but the game keeps the sound of silence(hehehehehe) going, and the UI counter for me was frozen at 2.6 seconds first, and then vanished completely, just being in permanent unhighlighted mode, as if the mod wasn't installed.

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I'm not sure of the exact relation, but silence works well until I start spamming sound quake. I've managed to cause this again. It doesn't happen on the first usage, but repeated iterations of sound quake and silence definitely seems to be the cause.

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Same here. Silence does not work! when the timer on silence goes 0 and enimies behave normal,  sound is still muffled and im not able to cast silence again...( it says; power in use) This happens every time! Not playing banshee anymore. 

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Thanks to everyone for the reports. We are aware of this problem, and are currently working on a solution.


Please visit our support.warframe.com desk next time this happens, as we need your EE.log file. Include the file (found in \%localappdata%\Warframe) with your ticket after this issue has occurred.

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I read the other topic regarding this bug which was locked, but I'm experiencing the same issue and the person posting seemed to be ignored. It is also somewhat an audio related bug, since the sound is also filtered and dampened permanently throughout my match. I cast Silence, and sometimes I'm able to recast it, but other times I am not. It's graphical effect remains on my Warframe, and the sound effects stay, but it's effect on enemies will stop after the duration counter ends. I will have enough power to recast, but it shows up greyed out on my UI selector, as if the effect is active but in actuality it has been inactive for some time. I frequently get killed due to this bug, as I am only rank 11, and I am unable to equip enough mods to make Sound Quake effective. I have already submitted a ticket, but I am looking to see if others may be having this problem as well.

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I recently leveled a Banshee and when i cast Silence i noticed that the ability froze and Banshee remained to glow throughout the match. I couldn't recast it and the power wasnt being effective against the enemies i was fighting... it was just stuck?


A friend of mine is having the same issue with Oberon where Reckoning is becoming stuck and say "Power still in Use" as it did with my Banshee.


Any idea of what's causing this? And can it be fixed?

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So have been noticing this bug consistently for days now, in which at a certain point in gameplay, Banshee's Silence becomes useless. Before last week's update, the bug consisted of Silence becoming incapable of being cast; after the patch the bug now manifests as Silence simply not working even when cast, i.e. enemies don't react to the ability when they come into range and are not given the blue aura indicating they've been affected. Both instances of the bug though have the Banshee still affected by Silence's aura and muting effects even when the ability ends, as shown here:




The timer for Silence is clearly not active, yet the aura covering Banshee is still present anyway. Its the fact that Silence becomes useless though that's the issue, and it's a bug that's consistently manifested each time I use Silence multiple times in a single mission. I can perhaps use it 4-5 times before it ends up bugged, preventing me from making use of it.


Hoping a fix can be found for this bug.

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Upon using silence the "underwater" sound effects and aura stay forever. Even after the ability ends those effects stay and enemies ignore me as well as it always says ability in use, even once I die and revive. The only way to die is to stand in the line of fire when an enemy is firing on someone else, or run into poison ancients. Its quite exploitable, but also annoying since it kinda removes the fun and bugs the sound.

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