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Trinity Nerf, Why !


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Trinity's old Blessing ability = Full Health/Shield recovery followed by God mode for an entire team for ~20 seconds, during which it's entirely possible for her to recover all Energy used (if not from passive energy regen with at least 2 Energy Siphons.


Trinity's new Blessing ability = Full Health/Shield recovery followed with damage reduction based on the largest % of health recovered out of all members of the team, applied to all members of the team for ~20 seconds, during which it's entirely possible for her to recover all Energy used (if not from passive energy regen with at least 2 Energy Siphons.




Difference is that you can't cheap your way out of difficulty by being INVULNERABLE TO ALL DAMAGE persistently and almost infinitely and instead are granted, if used well, a very heavy damage reduction meaning your Trinity needs to use her Blessing when it's actually needed, not just nilly willy and keep an invulnerability on forever.


The simple fact that Blessing granted invulnerability to begin, to an entire team, is mind boggling to consider people unable to see it as an exploit and a VERY EASY mean to steamroll any semblance of challenge in the game.


It's literally the same as if you turned on God Mode ingame using a console command that expired every 20 seconds then had to type it again.


Skill required before? None. Only a build made to recover the spent energy. Now, it actually requires planning and monitoring, things that are known skills required to have by healers.


Also, only 60 minutes? Using the old Blessing, the maximum time you could survive or defend was quite literally how long you could keep the mission going before growing bored or the game decided to commit ritualistic suicide.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Yes, you don't have to equip every max corrupted mods there is, boom auto-balance, this way people who like it have it and people who don't can have what they want as well. But of course everyone wanting ''balance'' is always because other tennos use it and are jealous ONLY REASON FOR ASKING FOR NERFS IN A COOP GAME.

I have all the good mods, all the frames, and everything available to me, so I am not sure how jealousy even comes it to it. Some people enjoy 1+ hour runs, but it has been stated by the devs that that is not "end game". So you will continue to see Nerfs, because they don't care if you can do a 2 hrs survival. If it takes zero effort or skill because something trivializes what they are designing the game around, it will rightfully get nerfed. That's how game design works, well good game design. If you want to show how awesome you are by punching bigger and bigger stuffed animals in the face go to toys r us. I want a real challenge and endless scaling defense/survival isn't it. It's always going to be there for people who want to play it but it's going to slowly get harder as time goes on and things get adjusted down.
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You came back?


I waited for them to extract on one occasion while playing another game, and on a second occasion I forced my internet down, so I could get out and get the prizes, cause it was boring as hell to go up against the enemy and the Trinity using Blessing, Link and Ogris combo... like they didnt even have to try and shoot the enemy, all they had to do was shoot the ground.

Ogris is S#&$ man, use latron prime insted ;-) not gonna tell u my build or they will nerf that as well, cya gonna play bf4 now 

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Ogris is S#&$ man, use latron prime insted ;-) not gonna tell u my build or they will nerf that as well, cya gonna play bf4 now 


Seriously, I just got brain cancer...


I wont even start explaining the combo I described...

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So I read all of the PC feedback, and I thought that I would comment, but alas being a PS4 player I could only post in the PS4 forums, but here is my reimagining of the support character known as Trinity!  Let's see if the developers will read this and implement some of these much needed changes for a healing support class!


While I could sit here and continue to dialogue and throw out sharp barbs about my distaste for the Blessing "nerf", i will take the road less traveled.  I would like to submit some different ideas for how Trinity could be "nerfed", or rather as I like to think about it, "balanced" for a support role.  


My starting point will be with Well of Life, while Well of Life has a great utility for locking out that one high level enemy, this power is all but redundant (considering blessing heals and restores shields) and useless to the higher level player (high powered mods/weapons will overpower a single annoying high level enemy).  If Trinity is to be a true healer, perhaps one of her powers could focus on healing just herself (helping her stay alive), just a single spam-able 1st tier power that restores "x%" amount of health depending on level and mod load-out (could be affected by strength mod as to how much a percentage of health is restored.  Potential Power name...Stim Pack (still very rough, but this move is used similar to a stim pack, short quick burst, not meant to sustain life, but stimulate movement), now that I am thinking, it could potentially have a speed buff with a minor health increase, which could also be duration dependent.    


My second idea is that a support character normally isn't known for damage, but I think they would want to create situations in which they could support their team, so what if Trinity had a "Flash-bang grenade" power (similar to the G3) that would stun enemies for "X" amount of seconds depending on level and loadout (this could also be affected by distance [radius] and duration mods).  Thinking about it this could be very similar to Excalibur's Radial Blind, but with a different animation and implementation, like actually needing to aim the grenade at the group of enemies.  My main thought for the use of this power is that it would be used when a Trinity would need to revive a player from a downed position, she will not be able to just stand there and revive, so she will need to create a situation that will allow her to save her teammate. 


My last idea is a little rough, but, I have yet to address a power for shields, again playing into the support character role, she needs teammates to kill  (and teammates need her to heal/sustain life), what if she could throw out a shield pylon (or she herself could be a shield pylon that would be distributed through a set distance with a power similar to "link").  Instead of Link doing damage it would support the team through this new implementation of the power.  This power could restore shield upon use and add "X" percent to each players base shield while activated (similar to what shield osprey do for Corpus).  This power again could be effected by duration, strength, and distance (if it was implemented with a link type mechanic where teammates would need to be in a certain distance to receive the buff).  When the shield pylon power is activated, Trinity could also use her "stim pack" power to distribute a slight health restore and a minor speed buff (probably slower than Volts), but again teammates would have to be within range of the link to receive said health/speed boost.


So if I were to implement this idea, it might look something like this 1st tier power "Stimulant Pack", 2nd tier power could remain Energy Vampire with current PC buffs, 3rd tier power would be "Flash-Bang", and fourth tier power would be "Shield Pylon".  I am excited just by talking about these possibilities and would definitely look forward to a more team oriented play style support character.


Trinity could become a truer version of her name, Health, Shields, and a minor speed boost to move everyone along.  The ultimate support character in survivability (without the untended consequence of creating a "god-mode" character).  I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this post, and hopefully look forward to the day when these could be possibly implemented!



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45 min.... I got there with a team made of


Excalibur : me


A rhino 


An Oberon


And an Ember


We made it till  50 min.


We could have done way more.


you should get better mate  , no need for godmode to win. ANd if you do need godmode ,where's the fun in that??

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Yes, you don't have to equip every max corrupted mods there is, boom auto-balance, this way people who like it have it and people who don't can have what they want as well. But of course everyone wanting ''balance'' is always because other tennos use it and are jealous ONLY REASON FOR ASKING FOR NERFS IN A COOP GAME.


Jealous because every person in the game can have any frame, any mod, any weapon?


I dont get it, what is there to be jealous of? 

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It hasn't been nerfed, it's been getting a buff. Your team may still be immortal, blessing is now instantly casting when you press 4, and energy vampire has gotten a buff. Also you may inflict damage to yourself to trigger blessing's max effect (just remember to use quick thinking), if you mod an aoe weapon well like the castanas.


So the buff has been quite huge actually, since there's no max damage reduction for blessing... Yes you read it well, one of the most OP and broken frame in this game has been BUFFED.

Edited by sixmille
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It hasn't been nerfed, it's been getting a buff. Your team may still be immortal, blessing is now instantly casting when you press 4, and energy vampire has gotten a buff. Also you may inflict damage to yourself to trigger blessing's max effect (just remember to use quick thinking), if you mod an aoe weapon well like the castanas.


So the buff has been quite huge actually, since there's no max damage reduction for blessing...

Shh! Keep that a secret you fool! Whilst these people bicker amongst themselves we can reap all the rewards!

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They really do need to make self damage bypass link. Enjoy it while you can MWAHAHAHA


It's not even related to link, I'm merely explaining how blessing is now better with, as a gift to trinity players, a buffed energy vampire. You may still use link with self inflicted damage but the point of my post was showing how trinity and especially blessing is plain and simple better than ever now. More broken than ever if you're on the other side of the fence, mind you.

Edited by sixmille
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Or you could test her before saying shes bad after her balance.

I would except that the hot-fixes don't get implemented on the PS4 quite as quickly as they do on the PC.  I didn't say that she was "bad" after her balance, I said that I was against the change simply for the fact that this fix is not "balanced" for endgame.  Sure people can still injure themselves in hopes of obtaining a 99% damage reduction, but that doesn't stop high level enemies from knocking you into a down state when they damage all of your health in a swift motion.  If the argument is balance, then she has not been properly balanced for the entirety of the game.  If the argument is that she is support, I would argue that she is a less than desirable support character in a game that hardly promotes teamwork in lower levels.  I will reserve my final judgement for her when I play as her with the new update, but I thought I would provide some commentary on what a true support healer could look like in this game (instead of a character that is often forgotten in lower levels, and what is now seemingly underpowered in higher levels).  Suffice it to say, she is still just a "gimmicky" character where people have to use certain special mods to get the kind of mileage out of her that people get out of a Rhino.  My proposed changes would offer a well rounded experience that would be viable for entry level through end game.  And if you are enjoy her, then more power to you, as I stated before, I will reserve my judgement if/when the PS4 get's the update.  

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Non-intelligent people still seem to roam around the Forums... I don't want to say stupid, that might offend some people. And get me a warning point. 

But you said it... :p


Plus, "non-intelligent" is self-explanatory too...

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