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Psa - What It Takes To Make Warframe


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You seek balance where it is need least.

It's a PVE cooperative game. Nerfing your team mate decreases your chances of winning.

What PVE should be first balanced or fun ?

You know crap abilities like +10% damage or +5% defence are good in pvp games, not so much in PVE.

Now fix your desire to have balance where it least belongs.

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You seek balance where it is need least.

It's a PVE cooperative game. Nerfing your team mate decreases your chances of winning.

What PVE should be first balanced or fun ?

You know crap abilities like +10% damage or +5% defence are good in pvp games, not so much in PVE.

Now fix your desire to have balance where it least belongs.

Except this game isn't a single player game.

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You seek balance where it is need least.

It's a PVE cooperative game. Nerfing your team mate decreases your chances of winning.

What PVE should be first balanced or fun ?

You know crap abilities like +10% damage or +5% defence are good in pvp games, not so much in PVE.

Now fix your desire to have balance where it least belongs.

People don't play games just to see the "You Win!" screen at the end. Of course, some do, but I don't think this is DE's target audience.

Balance in PvE makes content fun and rewarding to play and come back to. Imagine games like Skyrim or Dark Souls, except players just oneshot each enemy and boss. Balance creates the fun and challenge in these games as it does in Warframe. Power fantasies have their time and place, but an entire game oriented around it will die off pretty fast.

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You seek balance where it is need least.

It's a PVE cooperative game. Nerfing your team mate decreases your chances of winning.

What PVE should be first balanced or fun ?

You know crap abilities like +10% damage or +5% defence are good in pvp games, not so much in PVE.

Now fix your desire to have balance where it least belongs.

Games like Dungeon Defenders or Sanctum which are pure PVE must have balance.


To declare a PvE game does not need balance is the most ignorant thing a gamer can do. In a pure team orientated game balance must exist so you can maximize and reward those who work together. If one person does no do their part then the team will fail, something this games does not do until extreme level ranges of 40+.


Due to the lack of balance a single player can steam roll the whole game with the right build with no skill required. Balance exist so there is a fair mix of skill and power. So if there is a member who lacks power, others can make up for in skill. Even if there are some who lack skill they have power to help them learn.


So do us a favor and educate yourself in game mechanics, along with what makes a game fair to the users.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, this started as an "appreciate the game" thread, but then devolved into trashtalking and merciless defending.


Warframe is a pretty good game. It has its flaws. We won't discuss them here.


As for those indie studios who make really cool games like Broken Age out of nowhere, keep in mind they all have 2D graphics and you finish them in a couple of hours. DE had to make an expensive engine, keep their MMO servers running, and a lot of things a small indie studio would be very brave to do.


This started as Steve's personal dream over a decade back after Unreal Tournament, and look where it is now. A studio who mostly did code and porting for larger studios unleashed its creative potential on us, and look at the universe we got!


So overall, DE has made some mistakes. They've been too busy working on cool new visual content instead of providing real risk to players, and locking that content behind RNG. But they've got a lot on their plate, and they've adapted surprisingly well.


I personally can't wait to see what this game looks like in a year. It'll either be crappy - or it'll be breathtaking.

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Man, this started as an "appreciate the game" thread, but then devolved into trashtalking and merciless defending.

I personally can't wait to see what this game looks like in a year. It'll either be crappy - or it'll be breathtaking.


First part, rather not go there, it raises to many issues.


Second part, Look at the last year already. The game is nothing like it has been from its first open play date. The changes are coming large and hard to this game. Best example of a new total overhaul and design is the playerships with its whole new aim in atmosphere for the game.

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I don't mean to sound negative, but I don't understand the point of this thread.



What I took away from the video was "It takes time for DE to do things because reasons, and watch my Warframe Channel.



OP again, not trying to flame you, but while I do agree feedback driven by people that are heated over the top is definitely toxic, and whenever that does arrive it gets snuffed out relatively quickly, on the other hand, you seem to be pushing an extremely positive outlook when things that have been ever-present issues (RNG, end game, lore, "balance") have hardly been touched.

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I like how you think your 9 minute video is a "tl;dr" for a two paragraph post. Like, how slowly do you think people read?

I wish I had more to contribute to this discussion, but honestly I don't see people voice the complaints you're talking about people apparently making. I can't remember ever seeing a "DE is lazy" post, if anything people complain about poor game design choices (think about voidgate/drop encryption, OD key build requirements, beacon spawn/drop rate, most mods are either required or trash, abilities drop off enemies instead of being in the market, Overload doing basically nothing), I could go on forever, sometimes DE listens, sometimes they don't, but, I don't see anyone calling them lazy.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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I don't mean to sound negative, but I don't understand the point of this thread.



What I took away from the video was "It takes time for DE to do things because reasons, and watch my Warframe Channel.



OP again, not trying to flame you, but while I do agree feedback driven by people that are heated over the top is definitely toxic, and whenever that does arrive it gets snuffed out relatively quickly, on the other hand, you seem to be pushing an extremely positive outlook when things that have been ever-present issues (RNG, end game, lore, "balance") have hardly been touched.


Point of the thread is to try to help other users understand that new features dont pop up over night. It takes time to make things work like they should and complaining about when, when, when, is not going to help and just causes arguments.


Every thing they do is caused because of certain conditions not be meet, practically because reasons as you said, If it seemed evasive is cause it was. We already have enough people nagging or complaining about why is "x" not in yet but "y" is, even thou "x" was announced months ago. Talking about time windows really doesn't help provide feedback that can support the game and the team.


I can and will hammer the game in due time, also for every praise there is 3 new complains over any key point. Everyone here who is enjoying and willing to support the game has to know what needs hammering and what needs supporting.


I just mainly want to assist others in a friendly environment to encourage real feedback, while avoiding the hostile natures aimed at complains and aimless nagging.

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I like how you think your 9 minute video is a "tl;dr" for a two paragraph post. Like, how slowly do you think people read?

I wish I had more to contribute to this discussion, but honestly I don't see people voice the complaints you're talking about people apparently making. I can't remember ever seeing a "DE is lazy" post, if anything people complain about poor game design choices (think about voidgate/drop encryption, OD key build requirements, beacon spawn/drop rate, most mods are either required or trash, abilities drop off enemies instead of being in the market), I could go on forever, sometimes DE listens, sometimes they don't, but, I don't see anyone calling them lazy.



There have been post where people have asked where are all the serious update. They are see all these background and misc patches as pointless waist of codding potential. They do exist regardless if you have seem themselves yet or not.


Also the video is kinda a TL:DR to the post as a whole so new posters kinda get an idea of what is being talked about if anything. Also I know how some people are about reading the OP and just looking at flawed reply's and stuff.

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