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Breaking Windows Needs A Revamp.


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It's silly to see you break a window, many times in my case on accident when swinging my Scindo around, and nothing gets sucked out into space and enemies aren't taking damage, specifically enemies like the Grineer who aren't wearing helmets.

Since windows only break from Fragor/Scindo normal swings, explosive barrels, and charge attacks from everyother melee weapon, I think you should really think about including some sort of punishment for breaking a window, after all, it only benefits the enemy since they don't take any damage like you do.

The punishment for doing this obviously is getting sucked out into space along with everything else in the room. But since Tenno are highly agile and from the looks of it, can survive in space for a short period of time.( i.e the way it works now where you lose health unless you don't hack the console in time).

My idea is that when a window breaks, the moment that happens, a quick time event will happen in which you need to hit the right button or else you will get sucked out into space and fail the mission, ( the quick time is triggered based on how far you are from the actual breach, so the closer you are, the faster the players reaction time will have to be, and it would make it easier if your hugging the same wall near the breach, will slow you down making the response time easier ), but if you succeed, you will grab hold of the frame that was holding the window in place and here starts another event where you need to tap a button quickly to regain your footing and start working your way towards the console to seal the breach.

But once you regain your footing, the event is still in progress so your still tapping the same button trying to reach the console, you will move automatically to the nearest console so all you have to do is keep tapping the button, then when you reach the console, that's when you go into the hacking minigame, all this is happening while your losing health, so the faster you tap the button, the faster you will move.

It's just my idea since the way it is now is just 'whatever, it's broken'.

Not a game breaker at all in any respect, just something to make the vaccum of space seem more potent and more dangerous when your near windows.

Edited by __Kanade__
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The idea of being sucked out into space would add a bit more realism and well, fun, but we need something else, a different system for not being sucked out, quick time events are stupid.

Hey, imagine clearing almost an entire room just by breaking a window, @(*()$ kewl.

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Altered environments and environmental features are among my favorite features in games. Though, being trapped in a decompressing room with a number of enemies can spell certain doom if you don't have a fair pool of shields and health or a way to distract your enemies long enough to hack a control panel. And likewise, having a fair pool of shields and health means you can essentially ignore the decompression effect because of its low damage.

Any sweeping change to decompression ought to address those issues.

I'd like to see it in more tiles, too.

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Yeah. We have full suits-some Grineer don't even have masks. I'm fine taking damage, I'm sure they're not air tight, but when I shoot out a window to a room, make sure I clear all the enemies from the room I'm in and take a break WITHOUT PAUSING to go to the bathroom, and they're not all dead inside when I return and break the Lockdown? Ridiculous.

And yes, sucking people out. That'd be awesome. Better yet? Get sucked out, run along the outside of the ship and swoop into another room along with the vacuum. Maybe have a special Sealed mod for the Frame that lets you survive for 20/40/60/80/100/120 seconds in space with no damage and add some Astro units.

Grineer Spacewalkers.

Corpus Marines.

Literally any Moa, they don't need to breathe.

And Infected growths on the outside of the ship that can hurt you, maybe?

I just think there's a lot of potential here for some more awesome.

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Hmm, apparently no one likes QTE's, either they're bad at them ( which means another challenge this game could bring ) which means, getting sucked out into space without a way to save yourself is a more preferred way then. And certainly having your character automatically catch himself wouldn't be by any means fun either. You make it sound like it's a game breaker when it's far from it, I personally love QTE, helps with your reaction timing.

Dragon Ball: Ultimate Tenkaichi's variant of QTE's during boss battles was to hit a certain number of buttons within a short time frame before you would take major damage and start over again and the process would repeat itself til you didn't have the health left to spare.

Turok had a similar QTE, and a rather bad one for it's boss fight at the end. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune also used QTE's for the boss at the end. Farcry 3 also used QTE's for it's boss fights. Many other games have used variants of QTE's mostly for boss fights which isn't the best way to go, there is no real sense of satisfaction killing the boss using nothing but QTE's.

My version most certainly has nothing to do with boss battles and has good reason to use an event like this one. Think about it, what other method would you prefer if you broke a window and only had a split second to think about how you could save yourself? Time doesn't slow down so you can input 3-4 buttons like in Dragon Ball: Ultimate Tenkaichi. Time would be sped up due to decompression.

Even if it was implemented and you don't like QTE, then the only pro tip I can give you is: Don't break the windows.

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I have no respect for games that use QTE, it's not about being bad at it, it's about not liking it. I guess if you were to compare me to keyboard/joystick bashers who enjoy QTE yes I might not be as good as them, but I find QTE to be the biggest display of challenge laziness. It's not challenging, it's the same S#&$ over and over again(don't tell me that changing the order of the buttons you are supposed to bash is going to add variety).

Don't assume that everyone who doesn't likes it is bad at it. I may not have a good suggestion for what should be in the place of QTE, but I honestly doubt that QTE are the only 'fun' option. I won't bother thinking of a different option because I have no assurance that DE are going to add the 'sucked into space' thing and I'm sure that even if I were to find one, DE would most likely never even read this topic/my post.

I for one will stop playing if they add QTE. Why? Because they will add QTE here, after some time there, a bit more there and there and you will end up with a game that is highly dependent on QTE.

In my opinion you either don't use QTE at all or you use them most of the time such as in God of war. Using them on a small part of the game will make it feel as if the QTE have no place in the game, to me atleast, QTE don't seem to match the type of game Warframe is. I could be wrong though, I'm not part of DE so I don't know what type of feeling they are looking to create in their game.

Edited by Kohira
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No QTEs.

Anything in the immediate vicinity of the window gets comically blown out into space including the Tenno but he/she respawns just as they would by falling down a bottomless pit. The only penalty is that time's a wastin as anyone else in the room suffers a movement and aiming debuff as the Tenno desperately staggers towards the nearest control panel to activate the shutters.

But yeah, I really do like the idea of intentionally shooting the windows near enemies because it's not just a strategically placed red explosive barrel.

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I have no respect for games that use QTE, it's not about being bad at it, it's about not liking it. I guess if you were to compare me to keyboard/joystick bashers who enjoy QTE yes I might not be as good as them, but I find QTE to be the biggest display of challenge laziness. It's not challenging, it's the same S#&$ over and over again(don't tell me that changing the order of the buttons you are supposed to bash is going to add variety).

Don't assume that everyone who doesn't likes it is bad at it. I may not have a good suggestion for what should be in the place of QTE, but I honestly doubt that QTE are the only 'fun' option. I won't bother thinking of a different option because I have no assurance that DE are going to add the 'sucked into space' thing and I'm sure that even if I were to find one, DE would most likely never even read this topic/my post.

I for one will stop playing if they add QTE. Why? Because they will add QTE here, after some time there, a bit more there and there and you will end up with a game that is highly dependent on QTE.

In my opinion you either don't use QTE at all or you use them most of the time such as in God of war. Using them on a small part of the game will make it feel as if the QTE have no place in the game, to me atleast, QTE don't seem to match the type of game Warframe is. I could be wrong though, I'm not part of DE so I don't know what type of feeling they are looking to create in their game.


I agree whole heartedly with this poster.

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I have no respect for games that use QTE, it's not about being bad at it, it's about not liking it. I guess if you were to compare me to keyboard/joystick bashers who enjoy QTE yes I might not be as good as them, but I find QTE to be the biggest display of challenge laziness. It's not challenging, it's the same S#&$ over and over again(don't tell me that changing the order of the buttons you are supposed to bash is going to add variety).

Don't assume that everyone who doesn't likes it is bad at it. I may not have a good suggestion for what should be in the place of QTE, but I honestly doubt that QTE are the only 'fun' option. I won't bother thinking of a different option because I have no assurance that DE are going to add the 'sucked into space' thing and I'm sure that even if I were to find one, DE would most likely never even read this topic/my post.

I for one will stop playing if they add QTE. Why? Because they will add QTE here, after some time there, a bit more there and there and you will end up with a game that is highly dependent on QTE.

In my opinion you either don't use QTE at all or you use them most of the time such as in God of war. Using them on a small part of the game will make it feel as if the QTE have no place in the game, to me atleast, QTE don't seem to match the type of game Warframe is. I could be wrong though, I'm not part of DE so I don't know what type of feeling they are looking to create in their game.

Take my +1s.Take them and take 'em good.

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Actually the space under the pod rotate so you're in the ship just before you boost off.Sort of like those trap doors you see in scooby-doo.

Yep, if you guys have watched the Original 'Dark Souls' teaser that now came to be Warframe, you would see that there are actually doors that close as your ship departs. Just can't see it because of the End-Extraction results thing that shows you xp and items gained.

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Actually, it could be so that Tenno near broken windows are just affected by it, causing them to move more slowly, unable to jump (bad idea obviously) or attack with melee (requires balance). Aside from heavier enemies, other enemies within the vincinity would be sucked through. The Tenno would still be drawn towards the opening as long are in range, but assuming they have a brain they will move away from it. That way you won't have QTE's, but it would still be a bad idea to stay too close to the windows. Of course, then there is the possibility of getting knocked off your feet by one of the enemies heading for the... exit express.

Another option would be that the Tenno would just smash their swords into the ground and hold on until the hatch closes again. Then, getting hit by an enemy's ragdoll on its way out would just look hilarious.

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Most of time, you will enter rooms which have no enemies, but have breakable windows, while other times you will enter a room with breakable windows and enemies and have the possibility of breaking it to clear out the room. But it's an option, you don't have to do it, nor does it force you to have to use it. Other games using quick time force you into it cause it's a scripted sequence. Here, you have the option to do it, like I said, I prefer to see something like this, why? Cause many games have used quick time in a very good fashion and I enjoy games using reaction timing to complete an obstacle, while others use it in the worst possible way.

Dead Space 2 used a different approach in which you broke a window, Issac would fall to the ground an start moving toward the breach, but to prevent yourself from going out into space, you had to shoot the emergency switch which required some precision aiming. Maybe something like that would work if it keeps everyone from making bad excuses if QTE was part of this game. Like I said, you have the option to do it, it's not forced on you, it's the reason why it's no where near a game breaker like you guys claim it to be.

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