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[Deus Ex Tempus Flame] Calling All Tenno For A Laid Back, Fun And Helpful Clan Experience


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are you guys still recruiting? i've been looking for a semi serious clan. The past few i've been in have all been theme clans (Afro Ninja themed, Naruto themed. its kinda ridiculous) i need a REAL clan.

of course we are still recruiting, ill inv u shortly

dpvnk6.pnginvite sent

Edited by YouHaveShamedYoFamory
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Hi :D
I think you might be what I seek.

I am looking for an active and social clan that isn't too hard on activity (I sometimes stop playing for a short while due to real life stuff) and that might host a lot of void stuff and other missions. I don't have many void keys so it often leads to me not getting prime gear. :(

I definitively like that you have TS, I am usually an active user of TS.

Edited by Qloshae
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Throw an invite my way, your clan seems coolio.



Hi :D

I think you might be what I seek.

I am looking for an active and social clan that isn't too hard on activity (I sometimes stop playing for a short while due to real life stuff) and that might host a lot of void stuff and other missions. I don't have many void keys so it often leads to me not getting prime gear. :(

I definitively like that you have TS, I am usually an active user of TS.



IGN: FianMoon. Invite Please. :D



I would like to join

invites sent

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