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[Deus Ex Tempus Flame] Calling All Tenno For A Laid Back, Fun And Helpful Clan Experience


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IGN: schneenagels


Hey there - I was off for some time, need to get back into the game, to participate in all modes, inculding Starrails. So i would love to join! Plus, i have to admit - your Logo really looks awesome.


lvl 9, founder, always here to help.

Edited by schneenagels
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Hey there!

If You have spots left, I would like to join 


IGN: kefoo



IGN: schneenagels


Hey there - I was off for some time, need to get back into the game, to participate in all modes, inculding Starrails. So i would love to join! Plus, i have to admit - your Logo really looks awesome.


lvl 9, founder, always here to help.

invites sent

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