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The Ongoing Nerfs Of Warframes And Weapons.


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Quite a few warframes such as Rhino, Frost, Saryn, Mag, Volt, Ember, Banshee, Trinity, Nova, etc have been nerfed after much outcry by people.  Weapons too have suffered from this, such as the Hek, Brakk, Strun Wraith, Lato, Mk1-Braton, Ignis, Synapse, Gorgon, Torid, the list goes on and on.


And now there's increasing outcry for Ash and Loki's stealth melee killing to be removed or nerfed so that offensive use of stealth in any form doesn't give any noticeable advantage.  Along with outcry to have Loki's Radial Disarm ability nerfed or removed.  The public outcry toward changes from one focal point to another, with few calls for anything to be buffed.


many longterm players have been baffled by some of the changes, as frames that were fun to play were rendered not worth playing anymore, as what made them useful and/or fun for players was removed.  Some have postulated a theory as to why some of these outcries seem to happen.  A rough outline is presented in this video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=-QWL5wM73V0


( Yes, this thread is a joke.   Just watch the video and relax. )

Edited by DeMeritus
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Is another one of these threads really necessary?


I think we all know where this will likely head. I hope it doesn't but history has a way of repeating itself.


For the record that wasn't a dig at OP. I'm keeping my opinion out of this one.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Not nerfed. Balanced.


RHino is perfect now.....i've seen no complain threads like the ones about trinity and Nova recently  in months.


If a frame isn't spoken about it means that it's fine.


Just look at Zephyr : Probably the most balanced of them all since I have seen 0 complaint about her , not even 1.



People need to stop crying nerf nerf nerf and understand why a godmode , Ultra kill 1 shot button isn't a good thing 

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Not nerfed. Balanced.

RHino is perfect now.....i've seen no complain threads like the ones about trinity and Nova recently in months.

If a frame isn't spoken about it means that it's fine.

Just look at Zephyr : Probably the most balanced of them all since I have seen 0 complaint about her , not even 1.

People need to stop crying nerf nerf nerf and understand why a godmode , Ultra kill 1 shot button isn't a good thing

After the nerf gang done with nova and trinity. Who do you think they will go after next? Are you this naive that you think they would tolerate power like permanent disarm and invisible. The nerf gang won't stop till every skill is tune down to the level of other mmo. I saw this type of thing happen in all mmo forum. When the developer start listen to these people and start the nerf cycle. More and more player get upset and left. Do you really want this to happen in warframe? Edited by Neogeo
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Rhino is perfect? Please..... 
I' m using Rhino ever since i first built him and i can't stop using him. It's because of how insanely strong the Iron Skin is... First it blocks all incoming CC (Crowd Controlling) which maximizes your efficiency in dealing overall DPS and staying put to the objective. Not only that Iron Skins provides a damage absorbing shield that allows you to take damage and reuse the skill for immortality unless you are playing Defense and Survival that scales out of control at high lvls. 

The second thing is his Rhino stomp... I personally hate that ability even tho it is very good damage dealer. I hate it because it stop movement of all enemies and i'm very sensitive to reacting to the sounds and movement on the screen.. basically i lose my senses of where are all the enemies and have to double check if some are dead or alive, so annoying =.= . 

The third and also very powerful is the warcry thing (playing for like 1 year and still haven't checked for the ability name lol). With maxed out power strength it let's you boost the damage of the guns while with the Iron Skin take a lot of damage with immunity to any CC.

Basically he is a frame that deals tons of damage and takes tons of damage.  At one perspective you could say that he is balanced... but seriously .. Being an unmovable rock that shoots like cannon is no joke. I simply can't play anything else on how powerful he is. 

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I have been playing Ryno for a while now, and now have his mods where I like them. I have him super fast and agile, while still very strong. I was surprised quite how fast I have been able to get him, being as he is such a huge and heavy frame by comparison to others.

I am hoping they don't try to change his character or abilities, unless to improve them.


Being a PS4 player, I am rather saddened however at the amount of weapons and prime variations, that cannot be found or bought. I think both console and PC should offer the same weapons and mods, frames etc ..

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After the nerf gang done with nova and trinity. Who do you think they will go after next? Are you this naive that you think they would tolerate power like permanent disarm and invisible. The nerf gang won't stop till every skill is tune down to the level of other mmo. I saw this type of thing happen in all mmo forum. When the developer start listen to these people and start the nerf cycle. More and more player get upset and left. Do you really want this to happen in warframe?

You're paranoid man


Loki is like super squishy. He can Get 1 shot  pretty easy.


That's why his powers synergize so well. 



He's one of the most balanced , he doesn't need any change .


Afraid to actually use skill timing and strategy are we?

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You're paranoid man

Loki is like super squishy. He can Get 1 shot pretty easy.

That's why his powers synergize so well.

He's one of the most balanced , he doesn't need any change .

Afraid to actually use skill timing and strategy are we?

Nova is squishy too that didn't stop people from asking for her nerf. You really think Loki are safe because he is squishy. The nerf gang don't give two S#&$ about balance. All they want is nerf. Also skill? What skill? I own and use every frame where I see fit. Nova nerf didn't affect me much. I seldom use nova because Rhino is generally better at handle all mission. I just can't stand people keep crying for nerf. DE need to stop listen to these nerf Cryer. Warframe survive almost a year with trinity and Nova the way they were. It can survive another year without dramatic chance to warframe power. Edited by Neogeo
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After the nerf gang done with nova and trinity. Who do you think they will go after next? Are you this naive that you think they would tolerate power like permanent disarm and invisible. The nerf gang won't stop till every skill is tune down to the level of other mmo. I saw this type of thing happen in all mmo forum. When the developer start listen to these people and start the nerf cycle. More and more player get upset and left. Do you really want this to happen in warframe?

Agreed, this is what I said in another thread: all of this "mmo-mification", aka, nerfing under the guise of "balance" is going to make more and more people quit this game sooner or later. There's nothing to set it apart, it'll be just another generic FPS at this rate, and you will not feel like a powerful person, but just a guy/gal in a space suit.

See, this is what makes me think the nerf gang is from the other mmos Warframe defeated in that vote thing awhile back - they want to sabotage this game, so they jump on these forums and work together to depress it. Unfortunately, since DE listens to these forums so much, they're able to succeed.

Frankly, I wish the devs would just chuck all these nerf calls aside and focus on the mechanics of the game - adding in weapons attachments, give the players more slots so we can put on more stuff like maglev and such (restrict them to utility or not, up to DE to decide), parkour 2.0, Movement 2.0 (as Tar_Spit_Fire suggested) and other things. Then, after they're done with that, consider rebalancing the frames and weapons as to how they see them, or a reversal of that order. Use the forums to learn how players use this or that power and weapon and bug-fixing, but leave it at that.

In other words, I wish they would utterly IGNORE the "balancing", aka, nerf calls and discuss among THEMSELVES what they think best, what is in line with THEIR vision, and follow through with it!

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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After the nerf gang done with nova and trinity. Who do you think they will go after next? Are you this naive that you think they would tolerate power like permanent disarm and invisible. The nerf gang won't stop till every skill is tune down to the level of other mmo. I saw this type of thing happen in all mmo forum. When the developer start listen to these people and start the nerf cycle. More and more player get upset and left. Do you really want this to happen in warframe?


I expect CC nerfs to appear soon.

Like Bastille. 

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I don't think these guys purposely sabotage the game. It's more like they can't help but cry about overpower. It's a destructive behaviour that will eventually kill every game they play

Edited by Neogeo
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Threads like these makes the buff and nerfs sound like a big deal

which isn't really a big deal.





Ash needs nerfs to smoke screen because he will be getting awesome OP Bladestorm buffs that can 1 hit level 40s !

Like if he fires his gun, his smoke screen will be reduced by 2 seconds each time he fires for a second !

Edited by fatpig84
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Ash needs nerfs to smoke screen because he will be getting awesome OP Bladestorm buffs that can 1 hit level 40s !

Like if he fires his gun, his smoke screen will be reduced by 2 seconds each time he fires for a second !


Sarcasm or not, God. I'm getting tired of your S$@#, generic nerfcryer!

Edited by Tyffie
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ash and loki dont need to be nerfed. they need to be buffed if anything

Invisibility and Radial Disarm have to go as they are pseudo-god mode powers.

I propose Invisibility to have a fix 5 second duration at maxed rank (unaffected by power duration). Also, it should have a 20 second cooldown to avoid it being spammed and instead use as a get out of jail free card.

Radial Disarm should have a duration attached to it. After X number of seconds, all affected enemies will bring out their guns and start shooting again.

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Sarcasm or not, God. I'm getting tired of your S$@#.


I am absolutely serious dude !

Next we will make radial disarm duration base of 15 seconds so dem lokis cannot abuse Fleeting Expertise.

Then we add a target limit on top of that, so over extended kills it power as well!




did you people even read the entire post?? XD


Hint they don't ! XD

Edited by fatpig84
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Radial Disarm should have a duration attached to it. After X number of seconds, all affected enemies will bring out their guns and start shooting again.


They should also have a faster fire rate, proportional to the duration of radial disarm.

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