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Looking On Other Websites I Found Alot Of Bad Opinions On Warframe


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Its sad really since warframe really is a great game. But from reading a tonne of comments most people play for about 1-3 hours (as they say) and then get bored.


I think the problem is they arn't given a super exciting intro and lots of action. Right now I think warframe lacks really exciting heart racing gameplay and I'm really sad seeing all these bad reviews/comments because warframe is really fun but I almost left back 700 hours ago because the beginning of the game was a bit dull.


I know this is being worked on with the player ships etc.


Probs the best to focus on atm:


.Player ships


.Enemy AI (needs to be a struggle to kill and smart not just a bullet sponge!)


. Not make entering the level the same every time


. More action cinimatics story etc (like the amazing trailers)


Warframe really needs this in game excitement and the start of the game needs to be worked on first so we dont loose all these new players.


I have played 700 hours now and I do enjoy the endgame experimentation of modding weaps/frames differently but I remember it wasnt this fun right at the start :(

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It's the easymode.

Look at Battlefield games. Do they change much? No. So why do the players keep coming back to it?

Because taking outposts and killing more than dying takes skill and that skill is rewarding.

And it's addictive to have your skills rewarded.

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yeah but with 700 hours in then you should know that DE is currently hard at work on these things and they always deliver devilishly fast hotfixes and updates. it will get here and it will be amazing and warframe will over take all those AAA titles on those silly boxes by the TV

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One thing the game desperately needs is a good, in depth tutorial that walks the player through the Mercury system; basically after each successive mission the tutorial should walk the player through how various things like the arsenal, foundry, market, etc are used. 


I think that a real in-depth tutorial that introduces players to the various mission types, factions, game mechanics (such as corpus/grineer invasions or infested attacks), etc. 


As it is, the game is really quite overwhelming for new players. There's simply too much that is left unexplained or has a meager explanation without any real walkthrough for the player.

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The "New Player Experience" is completely terrible in warframe TBH. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of players drop because of it. Little direction, no coherence, little context, and you WILL be under powered for a long time if not using trusty MK-1 for the entire duration. It's not a very delightful experience to some. As someone who's done pretty much everything in game I hope DE shifts focus to new players ASAP or we'll be seeing less and less players as Old players lose interest and new players aren't finding interest either.

Edited by Vexxie
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Every game I play, I always play the tutorial first regardless of if I have played a very similar game before. I even do tutorials for game like Mass effect and mass effect 2 just to make sure I know if something changes.



@Letter13 it would be pretty cool if it had linking story cinimatics between all the mercury nodes to indicate a story line (LORE!) and make it feel like a mini tutorial campaign . could even work as a trial run for DE to see if they can do a storyline campaign 

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It's the easymode. Look at Battlefield games. Do they change much? No. So why do the players keep coming back to it? Because taking outposts and killing more than dying takes skill and that skill is rewarding. And it's addictive to have your skills rewarded.



One thing the game desperately needs is a good, in depth tutorial that walks the player through the Mercury system; basically after each successive mission the tutorial should walk the player through how various things like the arsenal, foundry, market, etc are used. 


I think that a real in-depth tutorial that introduces players to the various mission types, factions, game mechanics (such as corpus/grineer invasions or infested attacks), etc. 


As it is, the game is really quite overwhelming for new players. There's simply too much that is left unexplained or has a meager explanation without any real walkthrough for the player.


Both is true. Kind of ironic, the game doesn't help you much getting started. And it's way to easy, dull and boring for the long term players.

There is nothing to do after you finish the grind, and no reason to do it.


EDIT: Something I'd really like to see: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/137875-a-complete-rework-of-the-foundation-of-warframe/

Edited by Cryp2Nite
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I will agree that the new player experience is meh.  It could really use a story and better sense of progression through the planets... or take it all away and give us a lots of better grouping functions.


Right now the new player experience is really very slow, and I don't think without knowing people who are already playing, if I started now I'd make it past mercury.


But, that being said, you will always find more negative comments about other games on a forum.  Sometimes people really committed to a game will come to its defense, but really why set yourself up for that when there is a horde of haters out there?

Some of the most played games are also the most hated, WoW and CoD games (though I've played 1 cod game myself and never touched wow) are bashed endlessly on many many forums, yet they must be doing something to have the numbers of players right?


Sometimes the criticisms are justified, but usually they are overstated because a game didn't appeal to them and now they will bash it for life.  Too hard, too easy, Pay2Win, bad graphics, to bright, no story, no character development, too much like X game, not enough like X game.  The list goes on and on for what they are going to say.  And it is all hard to defend.  I wouldn't take it as a bad sign for Warframe really.

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I don't blame others for their negative opinions on Warframe (unless they're speaking nonsense just to bash the game or DE for one reason or another), because as an increasingly bitter vet, I can definitely sympathize.  The experience for newer players these days is rubbish and would turn me off too, were I a newbie.


Then there are those that realize that there is nothing beyond the grind, and that the grind itself will never get better no matter how many hours they play, so they get bored and quit.  Was slow for me, happens faster for some.  I think if they heard that DE, at one point during an older Devstream, said "We're working to lessen the grind," they would laugh their asses off.

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One thing the game desperately needs is a good, in depth tutorial that walks the player through the Mercury system; basically after each successive mission the tutorial should walk the player through how various things like the arsenal, foundry, market, etc are used. 


I think that a real in-depth tutorial that introduces players to the various mission types, factions, game mechanics (such as corpus/grineer invasions or infested attacks), etc. 


As it is, the game is really quite overwhelming for new players. There's simply too much that is left unexplained or has a meager explanation without any real walkthrough for the player.

As long as the more astute people can skip tutorials

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I remember when i introduced one of my friends to the game for the first time. They had some troubles playing.


She quit game after 5 missions with her complaints being


1. Mobs are too sponghy (take too many shots to kill) I counted 12 shots to kill a grineer lancer.

2. she ran out of ammo on both lato and braton on a exterminate 43 enemy mission on the 2nd or 3rd mercury mission.

3. Gamepatches were too big

4. when she cameback to game with 1 of her friends who was newer than her, when they died they didnt know how to ressurect each other.


I went with her to the 1st 3 missions on mercury coz i myself was still mastery rank 1 and only had 2 frames and no rank 30 weapons, rank 6 serration, and no redirection mod so I had no confidence to even try and bring her past Venus on my own. I forgot what weapon I had back then.

Edited by CarrotSalad
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As much as it pains me to say this, I think DE needs to stop catering to the veterans for at least a couple major updates and instead shift their focus entirely towards making the initial chunk of gameplay both incredibly solid and engaging. Even if that just means going and completely re-vamping mercury while ignoring the rest. Yeah, this change won't help veterans much (well, we could always just go make an alt account to experience it) but it will greatly benefit Warframe's health in the long-run.



The new player experience is indeed horrid.


Especially with essential mods like Hornet Strike, Serration, Redirection, etc. being locked away behind a grind wall.



Redirection isn't essential. Hornet Strike and Serration I agree with, but only once you get to a certain point in the game and by that point you should already have serration (can't be arsed to go see where and from whom hornet strike drops).

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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In addition to a better new player experience (for all major elements of the game, from basic gameplay to modding your weapons, heck modding is one of the main ways of progression that isn't well explained); new players need to be empowered too. Dying/losing too much will kill new player interest and serves as a growing disconnect between veterans and newbies.


They also need to start out with 'real' weapons that can be viable anywhere (lightly modded even), such that if they find themselves playing with a veteran Tenno in a difficult planet, they can still hold their own... And have fun! To me, that means buffing the Lato and killing the MK-1 Braton for a Braton. I don't really like the concept of 'trash' newbie gear either.


DE needs to look at this, not  'start looking', they should be looking at this :V

Edited by DSMK2
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In addition to a better new player experience (for all major elements of the game, from basic gameplay to modding your weapons, heck modding is one of the main ways of progression that isn't well explained); new players need to be empowered too. Dying/losing too much will kill new player interest and serves as a growing disconnect between veterans and newbies.


They also need to start out with 'real' weapons that can be viable anywhere (lightly modded even), such that if they find themselves playing with a veteran Tenno in a difficult planet, they can still hold their own... And have fun! To me, that means buffing the Lato and killing the MK-1 Braton for a Braton. I don't really like the concept of 'trash' newbie gear either.


DE needs to look at this, not  'start looking', they should be looking at this :V


I disagree completely with the underlined bits. The early game shouldn't be easy, and they shouldn't get some magical infinite scaling gun either.

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I started playing this game back in update 7 when it was first put into open beta. There was literally no tutorial at that point, and no one to hold my hand. I had near no problems understanding the game over time as I played however. The case is the same with everyone who started playing at that time or earlier and are still playing. These are the loyal players who have stuck with them for a long time and have grown to be adept at the game by exploring it for themselves.


If DE wants to stand a chance at appeasing the call of duty and battlefield "dudebro" community, then they will need to work on even more/better tutorials (as if the game doesn't have enough; it seems like in every screen I see while playing there is a "tutorial" button). Honestly though, even if DE did that they likely won't read the tutorials anyway. They're usually the type of players who would skip through the tutorial, then get mad at DE that the game doesn't work / or play the way they want it to. They just want to jump in and be as good at the game as everyone else; which is why call of duty and battlefield appeal to them so much. Warframe however is not that type of game.

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The amount of handholding requested/required from video games nowadays is atrocious. I guess thats what we get from the standards set by the current AAA industry who turned in some wanna-be gamers who'd never be ones otherwise.

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As a new player - Tutorial on the foundry and research could be improved, tutorial on the mission select, vote and accept etc could be improved so people are not left waiting wondering what is going on. As for people insulting others above, that isn't helpful, the situation is what it is, easier just to cover your bases and have the option of toggling off tutorials.


The main gripe a lot of people have, myself included and why I don't play much, is the lack of teamwork in a coop game. It may well improve at later levels but there is little incentive not to simply blitz the level as quickly as possible solo, as soon as I realised I too was doing it I quit. Indeed on a few levels i'd log in and the game would nearly be finished by one player, with two other newbies left scratching there heads about what to do.


Compared to payday 2 for instance where if you don't stick together and help each other you're toast, warframe needs a lot of work in that department in the early levels.


I do have an old computer (old CPU not video card), and it runs the game fine, so for me at least that doesn't seem to be an issue, game seems well optimized.

Edited by Iotan
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