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Aklex Feedback


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Hello, I have feedback on the Aklex pistols. I feel that they have some things that are not quite optimal and there are not enough slots to compensate. I will elaborate:

1. Looking at their base stats, they have a huge puncture damage, but they also have a massive kick to them. I myself can adjust to the kick, but there are many who do not like it, so they would put on the antikick mod, taking 1 of eight slots.


2. The reload time. Three seconds is a huge time in real combat and leaves you unnecessarily exposed to fire, so we would have to put a Stunning Speed mod on them to knock it down, taking another slot, leaving us 6/8 slots.


3. Magazine size. Seeing as how we're given 6 magazines per gun, I suppose they're the equivalent of having two Deagles, correct? Yet, seeing as the kick on the weapon is going to make your shots go off, this is another disadvantage. The IMI Deagles in real life have a varying magazine capcity, from 7-9 rounds, from .357 to .50 cal. It seems that these are indeed Warframe Deagles, so if we can increase the magazines to 8 rounds per weapon by default, this would be so much the better to help deal with the fast nature of the game. Also, by doing this, this would preempt the need of a magazine warp of your weapons, which takes another slot, leaving us at 5/8 slots left.


4. Firing speed. Why do the Tenno Deagles take so long to fire? The six-shooters can shoot as fast as you can click if modded correctly, so what about the Lex's? The Deagle is a semiautomatic pistol, so they should be able to fire just as quickly as the Akvastos.


As it currently is, the required mods for this weapon are hornet strike, lethal torrent and barrel diffusion, if you're looking to go against level 25 or higher enemies. To make up for the shortcomings of the weapon and make it viable, we have to put on Gunslinger, Magazine size and reload speed mods, leaving us two slots left on the weapon. If the kick is too much, we have to put on a kick mod, leaving us only one slot left.


If we run out of ammo and have to switch to our sidearms or we prefer to use these pistols as our mainstay of a mission, then we would need to put on a pistol ammo mod, leaving us no room for elemental damage (negating one of the very fundamentals of the game - elemental damage), simple augmentation of the puncture damage via a puncture mod or being able to put any bane mods on it. Of course, this can be negated by giving us extra mod slots (please!)


My suggestions for the Lex pistol (single):

Magazine: 8 rounds per gun

ROF: 10

Reload Times: 1.1 (It's a simple magazine change, like the Vasto)

Accuracy: 20

Critical: 2.0|10.0%

Status: 25% (it is firing big bore rounds)


The kick can be left as is and modified by mods, which would be most appropriate to make it more customized to each person's play style, though I would make the kick effect a little more smoother than it currently is, but it recenters again very quickly.

I'm curious, though. Since it's firing big bore rounds, yet it has puncture listed as its highest stat, then it seems to fire an FMJ-type ammunition. However, the deagle is said to have very good stopping power. In that case, using some extrapolations, this are my recommendations for its statistics:

Impact: 35


Slash: 5

I would really say that due to it's kick, it should stagger on every hit, actually, since we ourselves are somewhat staggered with every shot - it's obviously a relatively huge round.

As for the aklex, the setup can be simply two of the same weapon with an understandable reload time of, say, 1.8, with the optional boost of the crit by 5-10 percent.


So, there's my feedback on them.


Edit: Needed to change a typo earlier quicker reload to Stunning Speed.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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you can actually do a setup like this:


hornet strike, barrel diffusion, lethal torrent, seeker


and then whatever other elemental mods you want (or build for crit) whatever.

the lethal torrent takes care of your firing rate and seeker makes up for the lack of clip size and reload time if you're careful about your shots.

personally, i've been using an aklex and an orthos prime only for the last month or so.

i'd love to see your changes implemented, but seeker really does make this weapon.

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The Lex has always been a higher damage, slower firing weapon. I'm more partial to the Seer, but the Lex has its place.


Dual wielding weapons always has a problem with accuracy and reload times; which the possible burst damage output far outweighs. The recoil seems about right for such a high caliber, low stability weapon. Increasing the fire rate wouldn't help much, as you can dump a magazine into them quite quickly. Dual weapons are really meant for in-your-face peek-a-boom gameplay; something like a medium range shotgun.


Reloading? There's plenty of time for reloading when they are dead.

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The Lex has always been a higher damage, slower firing weapon. I'm more partial to the Seer, but the Lex has its place.


Dual wielding weapons always has a problem with accuracy and reload times; which the possible burst damage output far outweighs. The recoil seems about right for such a high caliber, low stability weapon. Increasing the fire rate wouldn't help much, as you can dump a magazine into them quite quickly. Dual weapons are really meant for in-your-face peek-a-boom gameplay; something like a medium range shotgun.


Reloading? There's plenty of time for reloading when they are dead.


the beauty of the aklex is that it doesn't sacrifice accuracy (that i've noticed) 

i can headshot at range as well as i can with a vectis (or the standard lex) with the aklex

even the marelok isn't as accurate. (and that's a single vs. a dual)


yes, the reload time is problematic, but that's why you have a melee weapon. ;)


the end result is that the aklex can engage at extreme range with accuracy and still pack a helluva punch.

with seeker on it, you can take out clouds of mobs. (defense is especially good for this, t3d i take out 5+ mobs per shot if i'm careful about aiming.)


like i said above, seeker MAKES this weapon. without it i doubt i'd be using it at all.

Edited by xethier
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The Lex is a sniper pistol.


It has high stopping power (Base damage of 69 that's on par with a lot of high damage primary weapons), but at the cost of having a small magazine and long reload time.


It's designed not as a spray and pray weapon, but one that due it's sluggish nature it rewards accuracy and precision in its shots - Slow fire rate means and long reloads encourage you to make every shot count, pop those headshots and utilize things like Punch Through to make short work of enemies.


If it fired as quickly as the Akvasto or Akmagnus then what would be the point in either of those? The Lex has higher base damage than the Vasto and Magnus - Balanced by the Vasto and Magnus having faster fire rates, reload rates and in the case of Magnus, higher status chance.


Also, pistol ammo mutation is not necessary. Not unless you're fighting end-game things and aren't doing headshots (Meaning things take a lot more to kill) - Even ammo hungry bullet hoses like Dex Furis can forgo PAM if you're careful with shots.


Magazine size also isn't necessary to mod for - I do just fine with my Akvasto's with no additional magazine size (I occasionally put on Ice Storm - But for the cold element rather than for the magazine)


Lex's reload can be brought down to normal levels with a max rank Quickdraw (Note: Aklex reload speed is the same as Akmagnus)


If you want a Vasto or Akvasto - Use the Vasto/Akvasto.


If you want a Magnus or Akmagnus - Use the Magnus/Akmagnus


Leave the sniper pistol for those who enjoy using a high stopping power pistol.

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The Lex is a sniper pistol.


It has high stopping power (Base damage of 69 that's on par with a lot of high damage primary weapons), but at the cost of having a small magazine and long reload time.


It's designed not as a spray and pray weapon, but one that due it's sluggish nature it rewards accuracy and precision in its shots - Slow fire rate means and long reloads encourage you to make every shot count, pop those headshots and utilize things like Punch Through to make short work of enemies.


If it fired as quickly as the Akvasto or Akmagnus then what would be the point in either of those? The Lex has higher base damage than the Vasto and Magnus - Balanced by the Vasto and Magnus having faster fire rates, reload rates and in the case of Magnus, higher status chance.


Also, pistol ammo mutation is not necessary. Not unless you're fighting end-game things and aren't doing headshots (Meaning things take a lot more to kill) - Even ammo hungry bullet hoses like Dex Furis can forgo PAM if you're careful with shots.


Magazine size also isn't necessary to mod for - I do just fine with my Akvasto's with no additional magazine size (I occasionally put on Ice Storm - But for the cold element rather than for the magazine)


Lex's reload can be brought down to normal levels with a max rank Quickdraw (Note: Aklex reload speed is the same as Akmagnus)


If you want a Vasto or Akvasto - Use the Vasto/Akvasto.


If you want a Magnus or Akmagnus - Use the Magnus/Akmagnus


Leave the sniper pistol for those who enjoy using a high stopping power pistol.



Seeker and Quickdraw, I see. Well, then, adding those to the Fundamental Three leaves you with only with three slots free - this is still too restrictive, especially if you plan on taking these things to higher level missions. and you will not have the flexibility to make a crit build if you wish to have elemental combos on it - you'll have to choose one or the other.

Really, this thing looks too much like the M45 MEUSOC pistol, designed for the special forces. Take a look at it here:


Seeing as how this weapon is based on the M1911 pistol, we know it's meant to put people on the ground at medium to close range, moreso than it being a sniper pistol. Sniper pistol role seems to be fitting more for the Marelok (due to its damage output) or Seeker (its zoom capability) than the Lex.


The weapon we have in the game, since it is a .45, is not designed for sniping, but closer, heavy combat. Its high puncture damage means that it's meant to go through armor, therefore shots to the chest, shoulders, leg, etc, where a foe is more likely to be covered The Lex's kick also feels something like the .45 too, so it seems to be a cross between the .45 and the Deagle.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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Seeker and Quickdraw, I see. Well, then, adding those to the Fundamental Three leaves you with only with three slots free - this is still too restrictive, especially if you plan on taking these things to higher level missions. and you will not have the flexibility to make a crit build if you wish to have elemental combos on it - you'll have to choose one or the other.

As I said before, this gun really sounds and looks more like a Deagle than a sniper pistol. Sniper pistol role seems to be fitting more for the Marelok (due to its damage output) or Seeker (its zoom capability) than the Lex.


Seeker and Quickdraw aren't mandatory - They're mostly for quality of life.


Aklex Crit build - http://goo.gl/eplC81

8k DPS with 14k burst DPS


Aklex Elemental build - http://goo.gl/Bfgxh4

8.2k DPS with 12k burst DPS


Adding in any other mods - Be it reload speed, fire rate, ammo mutation and Seeker (Outside multiple targets) will lower DPS, but change how it feels to use them - A trade off that all weapons have - Utility versus damage.


The weapon works fine, it's fire rate and reload speed is made up by it's high base damage (Which is what makes it a "Sniper Pistol" - Low fire rate but high stopping power) - Comparing to the Vasto's and Magnus the Lex has 50% more base damage than either of them.


Comparing it to similarly designed real world weapons makes little sense, because it isn't those weapons - It may be designed based of their aesthetics, but it isn't them, it's a futuristic space-ninja designed pistol (Based off an original "Prime" version - Hence why the Lex Prime does exist, with the 8 round magazine you're looking for and also twice the fire rate)

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Seeker and Quickdraw aren't mandatory - They're mostly for quality of life.


Aklex Crit build - http://goo.gl/eplC81

8k DPS with 14k burst DPS


Aklex Elemental build - http://goo.gl/Bfgxh4

8.2k DPS with 12k burst DPS


Adding in any other mods - Be it reload speed, fire rate, ammo mutation and Seeker (Outside multiple targets) will lower DPS, but change how it feels to use them - A trade off that all weapons have - Utility versus damage.


The weapon works fine, it's fire rate and reload speed is made up by it's high base damage (Which is what makes it a "Sniper Pistol" - Low fire rate but high stopping power) - Comparing to the Vasto's and Magnus the Lex has 50% more base damage than either of them.


Comparing it to similarly designed real world weapons makes little sense, because it isn't those weapons - It may be designed based of their aesthetics, but it isn't them, it's a futuristic space-ninja designed pistol (Based off an original "Prime" version - Hence why the Lex Prime does exist, with the 8 round magazine you're looking for and also twice the fire rate)

Very interesting post. But still, it's design and behavior is so darn close to the real world, it causes strong cognitive dissonance -

I find the design and behavior confusing, and calling it a space ninja pistol to differentiate it and make its sniper role acceptable is along the lines of modeling a male mallard duck, making it sound, walk and swim like a duck but recoloring it and saying it's an evolved fowl species from the future, even though it has the same ring on its neck as a mallard.

Understand that I am not saying this to belittle you or demean you, that's not my intention in the least, but I'm saying this to make a point.


To avoid confusion and make clear that this really is a futuristic weapon and not a copy of the real thing, it needs to be made to look less like the real-world thing and/or have its behavior changed as well as the sound to make a convincing case that is a more advanced weapon, regardless of its aesthetics, and thus relaying to us the technological advancements that have taken place in the future to make the weapon's internal mechanisms of a different design and more efficient, usage of a more advanced propellant other than gunpowder or being gas-fed, etc.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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