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How Can I Progress ?



Currently I thought my gear is just standard/ok, but it feels very weak. My current 30 frame is a potato'd Trinity, and also have Nyx and Nova in the works. There's mods I'm heavily working on still (Streamline, Continuity, Intensify) for building around skills. Right now I just put in whatever I had. Aside from the 4 skills, I also have a maxed Flow (Ty youknowwhoyouare), Vigor and Natural Talent.


For weapons I have a Hek, Soma, Vectis, Akbolto, Aklex, Dual Zoren, Drakgoon, Dread. I have the basic mods: dmg, crit chance, crit dmg, all elements, etc. Currently I favor the Hek, Vectis, and Dread. Soma's good but just feels ok.


Recently I was ambushed by the G3 with a Squad of 3. All I could do was Link and Energy Vampire to prevent being 1 or 2shot KO'd. Although 1 squad member immediately ran away, us 2 left at least killed one G3 member, and another G3 at half hp. I felt prepared (Soma (29), Akbolto (30), Fang (Lv 27 for Mastery reasons)) but felt like my damage output wasn't really much. My squadmmate probably did more damage than I did.


Next I tried a Solo T3 Exterminate. It was very tough but I managed to finish it. Loadout was Dread, Akbolto, Fang. If it wasn't for my Dread I probably wouldn't be able to do it. Currently my Dread is the strongest weapon I have. I was told T3s are a good way to get Forma but I don't want to feel like I'm being carried. I like the challenge but man I was swarmed all day on that T3 mission.


Anyway, my gear feels very weak. I've seen people solo kill encounters (stalker/G3/Harvester) while the group barely does anything but is it just because the bar on said encounters is very high? All I've done on Warframe was unlock all the planet nodes so things about Lv 25 and less aren't tough anymore. But enemies Lv 30 and up I'm simply struggling. I was VERY lucky to get the Dread as I made friends with 2 strong players. The Dread has been carrying me for a while but it gets boring sometimes. Pretty much for guns I run +dmg, multishot and whatever element that's best for the mission if there's room.




So how do I progress from here?

I'm sure I need potatoes and forma to upgrade my gear but the only way I get these are from alerts. I have 2 other friends I mainly play with and currently I have the best gear so far (but that's just because I play more). I run T1 missions with them and Orokin Derelict vault runs.


I'm still working on Continuity, Streamline and Intensify for general building. I don't necessarily want handouts; I want to work on it too. I want to progress but at the same time not be carried. The only exception I suppose would be generic planet missions that are Defense/Survival/Mobile Defense (Except for Tower for my friends).



tl dr summary

Right now I feel deadlocked as I can't really solo content of mobs Lv 30+ without being overrun. My main warframe is Trinity as I like using my guns more often. I don't want to be carried or get handouts but as of right now I have bad luck or am just struggling. I believe I have to potato/forma my gear but the only time I get these are from alerts and no luck from Towers so far.


Thank you

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5 answers to this question

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You could try slapping on the Quick Thinking mod along with Vitality so you can 100% damage reduction buff when QT switches you over.  Add in rage if you'd want to bother with energy vamp.  Of course that still leaves you relying on weapons for damage.


Some Suicide Trinity builds still work but the effectiveness drops off massively once you encounter level 35 alloy armored enemies.


I guess the simple solution is to pack a maxed weapon with radiation and cold combo for when you run into those special encounters.

Edited by KnotOfMetal
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I would tune the dread for a single elemental combo and then go for a critical build beyond that. You can do some incredible dmg, especially with Split Chamber. Thunderbolt is fun to have on a bow, depending on your tastes, purpose and play style.


A Rage mod is good for gaining ability energy while taking dmg to health. Rage also plays well with Life Strike which takes a % of kills you get while channeling and converts it to health. 


that is...when and if you find these mods.

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Best i can think that is not a handout and involves you working for it is offering my desecrating services, recently i realized that i really have fun with my full desecrate build nekros, i can spam the thing forever, so, if you need to farm for cores, any rare mod or something just add me ingame and let me know.

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For starters I would say really focus the potatoes on the 1 frame and 1 primary you love.  Then as they trickle in you can add them where you would like them.

Forma... yeah if you don't need them they drop like rain from most void runs.  When you want them?  They end up being kinda a rare drop.


I would say don't worry about being carried or being a burden on a T3 run.  If you see them pop in recruit channel jump on them.  If you solo'd a T3E you are doing better than 50% of the teammates I've had on various T3 runs.  Even if you are lowest damage/kills and need to be revived a couple times it shoudln't be that big a deal most of the time.


As far as the mods, just take them one at a time.  Look on the wiki for what drops it.  Then go to a mobile defense or survival that has the enemy that drops what you are looking for or defense mission that rewards it, and try and farm that then move on.

If you or one of your friends can get on a Nekros it makes the job of farming that ONE mod a bit better. 

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll write a notepad of what mods to work on and what drops them.


So far my favorite gun is the Vectis. Gives me good feels from my old Cod2 days .. Kar98k, oh you. Ahem. I do have 2 Orokin Catalysts and 1 Reactor so I think it's about time I used the Catalysts now as well, probably for the Dread since it comes with Polarities already. Maybe I should potato my Akbolto to but I'm not so sure just yet. I've played with a lot of the secondaries in the marketplace but nothing says "I LIKE IT."


My friend talked about taking on Lephantis ... I got lots of mats for the Key but assassinating ? Not sure how that's gonna go down. Will definitely try it at least a couple times for the fun. Not really a fan of Nekros aside from the Drop More Loot skill.


I suppose right now it's doing lots of Defense/Survival/Mobile Defense for keys and mod drops and relying on alerts for Forma/Potatoes.


I'm playing Trinity right now cause I prefer to use guns and skills are as a "safety measure." I also like letting my friends spam their 4 from constant Energy Vamp feed. Can't way to go more offensive with Nova or just lay back and shoot with Nyx. Working on Volt next haha.

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