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Valkyr Prime's Lore

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I really liked a post in an earlier discussion of this subject. Something suggested by Othergrunty:

"I already expressed that hundreds of "escaped experiment" Valkyrs running around makes no sense, especialy when the alternative is that we are supposed to think that the Tenno just replicated this cut up version, since we build her Frame by using blue prints.

So i think they should make the current version an alternate skin and create a new official skin that is a patched up version. Meaning no shackles, removed bolts in the arms (replaced with arm guards) and a fixed helmet.


However they still need to create an origin Warframe of Valykr which the current damaged one or the proposed patched up one is based on.


For example.

Let's say that the Warframe type which the current Valkyr series is based on is called Freya (after the norse goddess) and her powers are to boost fellow Tennos via songs and attack enemies on range with hardlight spears she throws (actualy more fitting Odin but nevermind). Let's imagine her being somewhat angelic like, helmet with feathered elements, ornamented armor exterior and white color scheme.


So one of these Freya Warframes was captured with a bunch of others by the Corpus while still in Cryo sleep and they experimented on her by removing the armor plates she had, broke open the helmet and drove metal rods into the arms. Seeing how she still has the restrains on her, it's pretty obvious she wasn't freed but escaped. So the Tenno inside the Freya had to redajust the powers, turning the songs into violent enemy affecting shouts and the hardlight range ability into close combat attacks.


This lone Tenno then reconnected with the others and since the new adjustments represent a new style of fighting for the Tenno, they adopted it. Explaining why we are rewarded blue prints for her when killing Alad V. the head behind the experiments. However this would also mean the design needs to get fixed.

Using my exmaple the developmenet of the frame should go like this:


Freya Prime -> Freya (Tenno based MP model) -> Valkyr Escaped (damaged version) -> Valkyr fixed (Tenno adopting Valykrs style).


However my example aside, Valkyr needs an origin Frame which she is based on before she got experimented on by the Corpos. We can't have a Valkyr Prime Warframe since the current Valkyr allready represents her prime/origin. She is the basis for every other Valkyr.


If anything an improved version of Valkyr (similar to how Primes are seen as enhanced versions) would be the current Valkyr retroactivly upgraded with Orokin tech, but that would not be Prime anymore. That would Kai/Enhanced.


So it would be.

Freya Prime -> Freya ->Valkyr ->Valkyr Kai (Prime)."



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