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The Next Prime Weapons Speculation Megathread


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dual ichors prime

penta prime

angstrum prime

castanas prime

marelok prime

brakk prime

Funny how none of those would even be Primes, they would be either Vandals or Wraiths.

I bet we'll get just Bo and Wyrm Prime along Loki. c:

Edited by Whoops...
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They'd have to be nuts to double the damage or something.  My guess is it'll just have a slightly shorter reload time with more status chance.  lol.

I don't know... I've seen stranger things happened before.

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Soma Prime would be easy. Just do to it what was done to the Boltor.


Raise base damage 40%. Raise RoF and status 20%. Raise crit chance to 75% (again) for red crits.


Drape it in gold orokin alloy with a really baroque design and: presto!


Soma Prime.

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Vectis Prime


I really wish this was true. With sniper buff incoming, this would be a great time to release this weapon.


Thematically, I feel that it fits with Loki, and this would also produce a great opportunity to re-release primed chamber in the highest tier of prime access. 


That way, DE can say they finally made Primed Chamber available to everyone like they've been saying they'll do, and make a truckload of money out of it.

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I want the kunai prime which will be a bit tricky for DE to modify the gold parts 


I want Kunai Prime badly too.  I've been wanting Kunai to be as powerful as Despair for a very long time.  The Despair are awesome and fun to use, but they're too bulky looking and only work for a few of the frames aesthetically.

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Only weapon that's coming with Prime Access (of course weapons could come outside of it) is Bo Prime. No Prime syandana. There's a PS4 exclusive non-Prime one I think - Obsidian Yomo Syandana. Other things are the Prime sentinel accessories and wyrm prime.

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Only weapon that's coming with Prime Access (of course weapons could come outside of it) is Bo Prime. No Prime syandana. Other things are the Prime sentinel accessories and wyrm prime.

I have similar hunch as well, only items coming with Pack are Wyrm and Bo, while rest of upcoming Prime Weaponry stay farmable, accessories contain sentinel customization bundle paired with old good boosts & Extractor. (Now this is just my theory)

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