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The Next Prime Weapons Speculation Megathread


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Best Prime Access ever:

-Loki Prime ( with his fus ro dah helmet xD)

-Vectis Prime (with primed chamber)

-Kunai Prime (cuz ninja badass things)

-Bo Prime  (kick things to the moon)

-a damn carrier prime

-a skandy...skyn..skyndanda...that shawl thing, that actually look like something epic

-new Skill for Loki to fus ro dah everthing away

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Best Prime Access ever:

-Loki Prime ( with his fus ro dah helmet xD)

-Vectis Prime (with primed chamber)

-Kunai Prime (cuz ninja badass things)

-Bo Prime  (kick things to the moon)

-a damn carrier prime

-a skandy...skyn..skyndanda...that shawl thing, that actually look like something epic

-new Skill for Loki to fus ro dah everthing away


But that's not going to happen.

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Praying to god we never have to see a Dragon Nikana Prime.

I say bring on the Dex Dual Heat Dark Dragon Nikana Swords Vandal Wraith Primes... Those would probably rip a hole in the space time continuum with every slash and cause the game to crash everytime, but still...


Edited by sushidubya
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Scindo Prime anyone? Seriously, that'd be great.

AkLex Prime would be fun, I loved the Lex and AkLex, haven't gotten the Lex Prime yet.

I wouldn't mind a Wyrm Prime, but it seems Shade Prime is more likely. Go to Warframe's Merch Store, click on Collectibles and select Prime Poster 3-Pack, look at the Mag Prime poster. > https://www.flickr.com/gp/98195848@N07/tN40Fh

Copied the photo off their store, put it in Flickr to make a link to it.

That is all.

Edited by NeyoWargear
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Scindo Prime anyone? Seriously, that'd be great.

AkLex Prime would be fun, I loved the Lex and AkLex, haven't gotten the Lex Prime yet.

I wouldn't mind a Wyrm Prime, but it seems Shade Prime is more likely. Go to Warframe's Merch Store, click on Collectibles and select Prime Poster 3-Pack, look at the Mag Prime poster. > https://www.flickr.com/gp/98195848@N07/tN40Fh

Copied the photo off their store, put it in Flickr to make a link to it.

That is all.

If you look at it, the shade doesn't actually have any gold bits. All of the accessories on it are gold, but the base shade is just white with a yellowy trim.

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Where did you get these? if they were datamined, we aren't supposed to be posting them on the forums. Just a heads-up. 


They weren't datamined. A concept artist posted that up back in February. I saw it, put a link to it on the forums (initially thought it was going to be in the Rhino Prime Access pack). Rebecca came on the forums and said it was just a concept, the artist took it down, and the thread I posted in locked. There is no confirmation that they'll even make the Soma Prime.



And also, it's not even Prime accessories.


They're Corrupted accessories.


No, they're Prime accessories. Because they're from the Orokin Drone. So, really, they're Orokin accessories, but they are called the Sammus Prime Sentinel accessories. Yes, they are Prime accessories, not corrupted accessories.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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So, it's obvious it's Loki Prime hitting the shelves in the next prime access.. but what are the weapons going to be? Any bets / guesses?


I am not too sure what I'd like to see primed, I am mostly excited for Loki and hopefully a better looking Syandana.

Leaked Bo Prime and Wyrm Prime.

Speculations about Soma Prime and Vectis Prime.

Vasto Prime?

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I never used the Soma and won't now that I have a 4 Forma Bolter Prime but would love a Soma Prime which is a perfect counter part to the Bolter Prime IMO. As far as secondary weapons go, I really like the Afuris and would love an Afuris Prime. Currently there is not a full auto prime pistol.

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