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The Next Prime Weapons Speculation Megathread


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Where can I find this picture?


Search Loki Prime on google images. Under the Search settings, change it to past 24 hours. You'll see it. You can thank Reddit.


inb4 this post is deleted or something as leaks and discussion of them really is frowned upon.

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There is many speculations about the new prime frame but what about the new weapons?

Personally I hope for a sniper rifle (maybe Vectis) a heavy melee weapon and maybe akimbo auto pistols.

But what do you guys think? What would fit an eventual Loki prime?

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Bo prime


The model was leaked a little while ago in an update


Dangly weapon bits prime (Doubtful on syandana this time)


I really hope they don't give us another extractor.... The last one was stupid as it made the first prime extractor obsolete. 

Edited by MDRLOz
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Bo prime


The model was leaked a little while ago in an update


Dangly weapon bits prime (Doubtful on syandana this time)


I really hope they don't give us another extractor.... The last one was stupid as it made the first prime extractor obsolete. 

From what I gathered, the second extractor was a flat downgrade to the first one because its main resource harvest was fieldron samples.

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From what I gathered, the second extractor was a flat downgrade to the first one because its main resource harvest was fieldron samples.

Depends... if you have the time to sit at the machine and collect every 4 hours (titan extractor collect time) then Titan is better. However if you have to sleep/work then the Distilling extractor (8 hours collect time) probably works better as it has a better chance of getting rare drops. 


For most people the Disttiller is more favourable over the quick collect titan 

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There will be a Bo Prime. I'm betting on a secondary prime weapon, maybe a prime sentinel, whether it be an actual sentinel remake or just accessory parts. For secondaries, Kunai Prime would be so great. It would complement the Paris Prime well.


Soma prime is a possibility, though somewhat slim. What could they upgrade? Probably just the base damage and maybe the crit chance.

Edited by R34LM
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I would really love Kunai Prime to become a thing. I want to be the Prime counterpart to Stalker soooo badly. Minus the ability to use basically every Warframe ability of course.


or hikou

im tired of guns being primed already. honestly - hikou or kunai should come with loki because it fits his theme. 

rhino prime should have his scindo prime released along with him seriously. 


its fun to see themed releases.

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