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Dear (D.e) - Frustrating Issue - In Regard To Loki - Drones And Melee 2.0


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I agree. Melee should be able to hit flying units if they're HOVERING IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE. Or even worse, when I play Loki and Radial Disarm Corpus drones, they fly literally in front of me at KNEE LEVEL. Seriously? I don't need a gun to hit something that's brushing against my face or my leg.

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Uh, then hit it, seriously.


Drones are, ironically enough, incredibly easy to hit seeing as their average flight height is almost perfectly lined up with the average height you'll reach at the peak of your jump.  Jump -> Slide Attack -> Problem solved.  Either that or, as you did mention using Loki, use Radial Disarm.  That skill disables the drones' flight capabilities making them easy pickings for a normal jump slam attack.  Beyond that, there's a strike in one of Tranquil Cleave's combos that literally kicks upwards and will nearly assuredly strike a drone.


There are handfuls of easy ways to deal with drones, no guns necessary.


Granted I'm not saying the eventual addition of mid-air melee attacks wouldn't be gnarly, because they would indeed be quite gnarly.  But they couldn't be more unnecessary than they are at the moment.


If you can't manage to kill a drone currently, stop running only melee or practice till you can hit them properly.

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Uh, then hit it, seriously.


Drones are, ironically enough, incredibly easy to hit seeing as their average flight height is almost perfectly lined up with the average height you'll reach at the peak of your jump.  Jump -> Slide Attack -> Problem solved.  Either that or, as you did mention using Loki, use Radial Disarm.  That skill disables the drones' flight capabilities making them easy pickings for a normal jump slam attack.  Beyond that, there's a strike in one of Tranquil Cleave's combos that literally kicks upwards and will nearly assuredly strike a drone.


There are handfuls of easy ways to deal with drones, no guns necessary.


Granted I'm not saying the eventual addition of mid-air melee attacks wouldn't be gnarly, because they would indeed be quite gnarly.  But they couldn't be more unnecessary than they are at the moment.


If you can't manage to kill a drone currently, stop running only melee or practice till you can hit them properly.


He's talking about void drones, which don't seem to register melee attacks.

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I agree. Melee should be able to hit flying units if they're HOVERING IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE. Or even worse, when I play Loki and Radial Disarm Corpus drones, they fly literally in front of me at KNEE LEVEL. Seriously? I don't need a gun to hit something that's brushing against my face or my leg.

My point exactly, thanks for the support. Appreciated =)

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+9999 OP


DE releases "THE SWORD ALONE" touts all-melee action and viability of doing missions with only melee


OP tries to do melee-only mission, realizes that current ingame melee is horribly inadequate to the task


OP brings up valid ingame issues regarding melee's complete lack of ability to aim up or down


thread lambasts OP and says "dur you should have brought a gun silly"








AND MID-AIR MELEE ATTACKS (change the ground slam to HOLD melee inputo


Yes Sir, Great points, and very feasible suggestions. Thank you. Appreciate the support =)

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These are melee weapons that can solve your problem about melee not being able to hit airborne enemies:

Glaive.png   PrimeGlaive.png   Kestrel.png


There are the temporary solutions. They are melee weapons. They can be thrown (which lists them as special, because of this I guess). This game doesn't have any upward swings (specifically, some combos do have upward swings) to hit airborne enemies.

You can try slide attacking in midair (requires very excellent timing and aiming).

These are the temporary solutions, till DE comes out with actual solutions.

Any more complaints? Yes? Well.... then I guess you're one of the people that refuse alternative solutions (even if temporary) to help them through "life".

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He's talking about void drones, which don't seem to register melee attacks.


Well then that more or less nullifies this thread.  Those drones are known to have a bug which causes both some projectiles and melee to not register against their hitboxes appropriately.  Once that bug is fixed everything should be good to go.  I know for a while Lanka shots literally just phased through them as well, which is a huge issue for me because I really dig the Lanka.


Also, they can still be struck even with melee, but you need to hit them in an obscure manner as, like mentioned, their hitbox interaction is all jacked up.

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