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What's Up With Oxium?


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"What's up with Oxium?"  Itself is, cuz, y'know... it's lighter than air.


... I apologize for my horrible joke and will see myself out T_T


Seriously though, Oxium is not even slightly difficult in its attainment.  Just pay attention and do work (AKA don't let them suicide), you'll have enough to build two Zephyrs before you know it.

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"What's up with Oxium?"  Itself is, cuz, y'know... it's lighter than air.


... I apologize for my horrible joke and will see myself out T_T


Seriously though, Oxium is not even slightly difficult in its attainment.  Just pay attention and do work (AKA don't let them suicide), you'll have enough to build two Zephyrs before you know it.


That's awesome.  (the joke)


Don't be silly. It only drops from Oxium drones that don't 'splode in your face.


Edit: Oh, and canisters and chests and lockers.


and 100% drop rate in the market.



Edited by sushidubya
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Oxium is just another grindwall; probably the most blatant in the game outside of a couple of special mentions (Hydroid, anyone?)

Most things that require Oxium require it in inhuman amounts...conveniently the market sells said amounts for 30 Plat a pop.

Gee, what a coincidence.

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Oxium is just another grindwall; probably the most blatant in the game outside of a couple of special mentions (Hydroid, anyone?)

Most things that require Oxium require it in inhuman amounts...conveniently the market sells said amounts for 30 Plat a pop.

Gee, what a coincidence.

Grind speedbumps at best.


A wall is meant to keep people from getting by.


Once you have built the parts you need it isn't so bad, hell farm for some stances that drop from corpus and the oxium builds up fast.

The only real issue with the grind issue with stuff like beacons and oxium and lol argon (I always wonder what people mean by argon farm), is if you have everything else in game and oh I want this stuff RIGHT NOW as well.  Then yeah it takes a while, but hardly a wall.

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Is it easy to get Oxium, no.  Its not meant to easy or fast.  They are trying get the most out of the game content.  If you cant wait & dont want to grind then support them & buy some plat.  I got my Oxium before the weekend alerts for my Zhyper & Helios & 1 Distiller extractor by killing drones.  Was it easy no, but I figured out better to kill em fast before they charged & to circle them not rush into them.  I see so many noobs just run at them so they self desruct so no Oxium drops.  But hey it your opinion of the drop rate just like butts, everyone has one. 

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there are only handfull of things that requier oxium, right now im sitting on 3000+ of it since i have nothing to use it on.


it dos not requier any change unless DE want to add 10-20 items that requier oxium to research and build.

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Man why did wrote M2 and then (Melee 2.0)?
Why not just Melee 2.0?

It's like: " Hum I will write M2 then nobody will know what it means... so I write Melee 2.0 to explain what it means. Why be straight? I'm a genious!"

You're a very very complicate sir! :3

Edited by DuRockBR
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There was once a fantastic place to farm Oxium, Mimas on Saturn. You could get Orokin Cells AND Oxium from there consistently at the same bloody time. Another war broke out on there and what did the community have to say about it? 


"no...it belongs 2 grineer"


"The Grineer should have this node, Saturn belongs to them." 


"Grineer brothers we must take this node back from the greedy milk skulled Corpus!"  -etc etc. 


Never palmed myself in the face so hard, the Grineer won that node by a fair margin as well. I still feel disgusted with the community in general after everyone destroyed such a fantastic resource gathering opportunity, making this a greater grind for everyone who genuinely needed the Oxium, especially since at that time the only other place consistently dropping Oxium was taken over by Grineer a while ago. Not sure if that's still the case.


As for myself, I no longer need to farm it, it's just one of those things that I as a veteran have had accumulating and building up for some time now. 

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There was once a fantastic place to farm Oxium, Mimas on Saturn. You could get Orokin Cells AND Oxium from there consistently at the same bloody time. Another war broke out on there and what did the community have to say about it? 


"no...it belongs 2 grineer"


"The Grineer should have this node, Saturn belongs to them." 


"Grineer brothers we must take this node back from the greedy milk skulled Corpus!"  -etc etc. 


Never palmed myself in the face so hard, the Grineer won that node by a fair margin as well. I still feel disgusted with the community in general after everyone destroyed such a fantastic resource gathering opportunity, making this a greater grind for everyone who genuinely needed the Oxium, especially since at that time the only other place consistently dropping Oxium was taken over by Grineer a while ago. Not sure if that's still the case.


As for myself, I no longer need to farm it, it's just one of those things that I as a veteran have had accumulating and building up for some time now. 

And i am also disgusted by people that dont know where to find their resources. You have Ceres full of Corpus now, why do you even complain?



You dont even see the greater picture from your own petty reasons. Afaik certain mobs spawn on certain planets. What if that planets become completely owned by different faction? What will happen with certain mobs? What will happen with Hek keys if

Ceres is taken over by Corpus?



EDIT: If something is good for you, it doesnt mean it is good for the whole game.

Edited by RoboDoge
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And i am also disgusted by people that dont know where to find their resources. You have Ceres full of Corpus now, why do you even complain?



You dont even see the greater picture from your own petty reasons. Afaik certain mobs spawn on certain planets. What if that planets become completely owned by different faction? What will happen with certain mobs? What will happen with Hek keys if

Ceres is taken over by Corpus?



EDIT: If something is good for you, it doesnt mean it is good for the whole game.


I complain because what I talked about could have been averted so easily, and now that the Corpus own Ceres we've further hindered beacon farmers who need different places to try and farm for Vay Hek runs.


Did I make any mention about not knowing where Oxium could be obtained? No. I stated that so many helped to destroy what was likely the best place to obtain it. Don't put words in my mouth.


There was absolutely nothing wrong with Mimas being owned by the Corpus. It was fine for everyone, a Corpus occupied Grineer vessel with an over-abundance of Oxium Ospreys. 

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Stop farming dark sectors

Play against Corpus


Build Zephyr


I built my Zephyr, Helios, 3 distilling extractors, and still have nearly 1k of it just laying around. It's not hard to farm, and you get at least some every run against corpus which is significantly better than say Delta Beacons that have ~1% chance to drop from one enemy that only spawns a few times on 2-3 nodes of one planet.


If you honestly have a problem with the Oxium drop rates, it's because you spend too much time watching the resource tab, and not enough time just playing the game against Corpus.

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2 potatoes = 40p


300 Oxium = 30p? (needs verification)


1 Forma = 20p


Building Helios = 90p


Buying Helios = 75p

Or just farm a forma, oxium, and 2 potatoes. Build Helios = 0 plat. Seriously, I have like five golden potatoes just collecting dust at the moment and more bp to come.

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They are not meant to instantaneously spawn whenever you need them. You will gradually acquire a pretty massive amount provided you fight Corpus instead of attempting to farm the void or solar rails. Get farming and you'll have plenty in no time!

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With RNG and time playing the game varying as well as how effective a player is in playing the game, one can not determine the ease or difficulty in acquiring resources based on other players experience because it's about effort.   No matter how low or high drop rates are for anything, the ease in acquiring what you seek is always determined by the effort you put into it.    So even if DE raised oxium drop rate to 100 per kill, those who easily got 100 in one run before will still get 1000 while those who struggled to get 50 will still only get 500.   At that point, the second player still will feel like they have to grind more to get helios and zephyr because 500 isn't enough to build each zephyr and helos part as well as their final models.  So it's still all about time and effort no matter what.

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I got 1k+ oxium sitting there doing nothing.

Doing kappa for hours will do that to you.



And @ Grilleds.

Bring any press 4 nuker and jam that keyboard.

That leaves them with a little health left even with maxed focus unless I'm on a very low level planet like Venus (where they hardly even spawn). Besides, even if I killed every single one of them that spawned before they self destructed (very unlikely), they spawn at 1/2 the rate compared to having a 4 man squad. It's simply impractical to try to farm them solo. 

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That leaves them with a little health left even with maxed focus unless I'm on a very low level planet like Venus (where they hardly even spawn). Besides, even if I killed every single one of them that spawned before they self destructed (very unlikely), they spawn at 1/2 the rate compared to having a 4 man squad. It's simply impractical to try to farm them solo. 

Take Saryn with max Intensify, max Fleeting Expertise, max Streamline, and rank 2 Blind Rage.  Spam Miasma.  Overextended helps but is optional.  You can solo the mission easily and efficiently (bring some energy restores for whatever droughts may occur.)  Of course, this will work best with teammates and a good computer hosting to boost the spawn rate but it works regardless.  

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With last weekend's  suspicious cargo alerts, I missed the first oxium reward, then bought a resource booster immediately after the second one appeared. 600 oxium in one run. I built Zephyr right then.

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Take Saryn with max Intensify, max Fleeting Expertise, max Streamline, and rank 2 Blind Rage.  Spam Miasma.  Overextended helps but is optional.  You can solo the mission easily and efficiently (bring some energy restores for whatever droughts may occur.)  Of course, this will work best with teammates and a good computer hosting to boost the spawn rate but it works regardless.  

I don't have corrupted mods. Once again, because they are a pain to get solo.


Miasma does not do all its damage instantly, the ospreys could still self destruct while the damage is being dished out. 


Self destructing high health enemies that rarely spawn and are the only enemies that drop a resource you need in high quantities wasn't exactly one of DE's brightest idea's.

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