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Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! ×
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Interface Bugs


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**EDIT, Wrong section should be moved to UI Bugs forum, OOPS!

There's a small glitch in the friends list, not properly being displayed when in a party. The "avatars" overlap eachother and clicking them causes an empty "artifact" page. Artifact page appears quite often when trying to join or other wise invite someone.

When you click contacts, theres some code in the input of add friends, altough adding friends works perfectly and joining sessions is simple, in my expience anyway.

Just some minor graphical glitches in the menus.

Personally I would like to see the ingame HP and Shield and Stamina bars more apparent or an option to have it on/under/near the character perhaps rather then floating up in the corner. Just an overhaul of the in-game HUD(during actual gameplay), it does not feel quite as polished.

This game play and feels alot like Global Agenda, curious if it's the same tech/engine?

Game looks great! Fun to play, also I would like a controller button layout , so I can switch some things around.

( keyboard layout doesnt allow you to set controller even tho my Xbox 360 controller works)

Thank you for the invite to this game! Cheers!!


i7 930 @ 2.8GHZ

Nvidia GTX 660

6gb G.Skill DDR3

1920x1080 Ultra/Max Settings

Edited by Wolph
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