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Votekick "yes" Or "no" [Poll]


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I would just love to see how hard this game fails when a troll dual accounts the first node on mercury in a public match and just insta kicks any player that joins him, because it would be a 2/3rds majority.
Good luck seeing many new players get beyond that once the trolls latch onto doing that.

Further, this could cause major annoyance issues or be completely useless.
Think of being in the middle of combat and someone is constantly spamming the "Kick X Player" endlessly as fast as he can while you're trying to do something.
And think how many people will actually pay attention if he's spammed it enough, meaning most will just auto-hit "No" on every single prompt, just in case its his prompt and not someone elses.

The only way it would work (and I still dont want it in the game) is if it had a list of pre-conditions before a vote-kick could be started, such as:
-Player has to AFK for X time
-Player has to have stayed in the same room without the rest of the team for X time (catches people weighting down the 'w' button)
-Player has to have been holding the spy datamass and not moving into extraction for X time
-Player hast to have been holding the MDef datamass and not using it while the rest of the team is at the console for X time

And probably others could be added.
Without those though vote kicking would be abused to hek and back.  And even with those almost any other system would be better.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Only problem is this:
Say your playing with a group of friends, and your hosting a void run
Something urgent comes up and you have to deal with it
The AFK timer elapses.
You're auto kicked and *everyone* loses out on the void mission.

Just a straight auto-kick wont work.
It needs to be "You've been AFK for X minues?  Lets start a vote-kick against that person"
That way it can avoid kicks where people know you've stepped away and think its all right and dont want you kicked.

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[opinions + reasons[

Nah... just give hosts a kick button IMO. Falling short of that is just falling short of a fix IMO.

Agreed on the first part, but giving a kick option at all is a poor choice, imo. It implies there should ever be a point at which you can deny someone the right to finish a mission.


What there should be is a split option - which would allow you to split hosting the game between the current host and you. Other players would have the choice of which host to remain with, while each host would be able to deny joining rights. Anyone denied access to all hosts would become their own host.

Edited by Novocrane
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Kicking players because of low lvls ? ...errr.. nay.

Kicking afkers and trolls? all of my yes.


Kicking laggy hosts?

This is difficult - I'd  rather have the oportunity to "force-host migrate / switch to solo" if the game becomes unplayable.

If a host is bad, it often affects all players. But not always. Might depend on latency.

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People will abuse it regardless of the benefits.



Instead, we can set that we don't get paired up with people that we put on ignore and we can avoid all future inconveniences (by putting afk'ers and the such on ignore forever).

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Imagine getting kicked after doing 30 minutes of survival by a vote kick.... that would make me cry.


Also, not sure how well this would really work if everyone would vote kick the host.


And two people... what if they vote kick each other?


And three people, two could kick one too easily.


And four people, could two kick one or would it need to be three? 


There are just too many questions.

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Give the power to the host. If THEY are laggy tell them that's why you are leaving ( and leave -stand up for online gamers everywhere! [got my ping limit at 200 but still get dial up hosts from time to time]) - tell them shame on you for playing an online game with dial up. I hate doing pluto (especially credit farmers) 5 mins done - 5 waves done. Why can't they play under private. Why do I have to? I say give the host the power to kick people at his/her discretion for any reason. Leave enemy spawn rate the same as it was before kick. Give them a reason not to kick people.My opinion.

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Everyone who says no either is a baddie who loves to leech to grind weapons or they suck and they know they suck and don't want to be kicked or are just terrible people to think that a community based kick system can be wrong is it takes a majority to vote kick some one.


So yes.

A million times Yes.


I want to get rid of those S#&$ Novas who like to spam MoP in ODD or Sechura without negative power strength.

I want to get rid of those players who die every 2mins in surivival because they are god damn terrible players.

I want to get rid of that guy with level 1 weapons who decides to join a t3 mission because why the F*** not.


How is any of that wrong stop with the white knighting on toxic players.



Scenario: 3 players reach extraction, 4th player is new and falling behind.


What do you think would happen with vote kicking?


Doesn't matter its a majority.

So your saying if everyone in the room thinks  your a moron one guy says your not one everyone but that one guy is wrong?




Every time i hear but what if...YES if it happens people voted on it in a majority for it to happen.

Its not hard.


And another thing everyone in this thread needs to stop assuming that the community is absolute S#&$ and will automatically vote kick some one because of one mistake take your own insecurities out of it if you feel your gonna get vote kicked you need to become better at playing the game.

Edited by Mageroeth
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And the above is why a vote kick won't happen.


That's exactly what we're talking about when it comes to abuse. Exactly.


I've been playing these sorts of games since '99 and there will be members of the community who will do exactly this. You can bet the farm on it without fear. As for morons, who is it here that can't use contractions? This is what we're talking about.

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as much as id like to kick rushers and afkers and just plain bad players who ruin survivals by using every damn pod at 99% (slight exaggeration, but only slight) i do think it would be overly abused, and if it was implimente,d it should not be an option to kick anyone beyond the point a new player could join (so before any objectives have been done).


however, what i would REALLY like is the ability to kick people form my lobby AFTER a mission, when im playing with 2 friends and we get a 4th pug who turns out to be an asshat, its a pain in the &#! that we need to reform instead of being able to simply kick him or her, yes its not a big deal but it is annoying (and i know we can close it but hey ive had more positive than negative random fill the last spot though the worse seem to be MR 15 or 16 players. the amount of them i see who have no idea how to play is alarming).





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Doesn't matter its a majority.

So your saying if everyone in the room thinks  your a moron one guy says your not one everyone but that one guy is wrong?



You'd have to be a moron to think that morons are decided democratically.

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If someone is AFK (no keyboard, mouse PS4 movement for a couple minutes) then the game should push a console hack screen on them. If they solve it then they are good. If not they Abort mission. I don't think it should be player based as it will be abused. I don't know how many threads there used to be about Loki teleport trolling... 

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afkers should easily be handled by automatic detection like in many other games, i'm not sure why they haven't implemented checks for that S#&$ yet


laffin at anyone who actually thinks they'll implement a straight up vote kick, not even de is that stupid

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having about 1300 hours in left 4 dead 2, i can safely say the vote kick option has been used almost exclusively by trolls trying to get legit players kicked from the game in an attempt to troll further after trying to gun everyone down. i fully expect, if a similar system were to be implemented into warframe, we would see similar results.

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-kicking someone because he is not as good as you

-kicking someone because he gets all the kills and you hate it

-kicking someone because he is new to Warframe (also kicking someone because his mastery rank is too low)

-kicking someone because you don't like his playstyle/warframe/weaponchoice

-and so on


Too much reasons against it to implement such a feature becaus eyou now and then have a guy standing there doing nothing.

There are better ways to deal with it.

How would one player kick someone just because they dont like them or whatever,

it still takes 2 other votes to kick the 4th player,(or over 50% of players)

so if the other 2 agrees,.. yeah, thats democracy, and i wouldent have it any other way..


So what if u get kicked from a lobby/game of 3 friends?

Happens all the time in other games, you dont quit the game, you just find another server/lobby...

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