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Warframe Power Energy Effects Lingering


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EDIT : This may belong in the BUGS section instead. Sorry about that.


This happens since October 2013. It was never fixed, probably because it's quite hard to reproduce. However, it happens to me more often than not that those effects linger.


Sometimes when you activate a power, the effects appearing in your hand will stay. This can even happen with the green "flames" when reviving allies, though it's much rarer. It can also happen whether I'm hosting/solo or when I'm client. This is especially annoying when the effects can hide my aim.


Back in December




Nowadays (13.6.1)




Edited by Casardis
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Very annoying bug, never been able to replicate it on my end.  Just submitted a fix for Saryn's (hopefully).  Banshee/revive ones were fixed in the past, so if you're still seeing those, or any others, let me know.

i did see the revive one few weeks back and on that note i did get stuck in reviving animation the glow did stay after i was unstuck (got downed and revived) (i will look for the SS and upload it, i think i even posted a thread about it)


EDIT - apparently no thread but here's a video - http://youtu.be/dT9Jy-p16xY

Edited by Shinzo.K
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Very annoying bug, never been able to replicate it on my end.  Just submitted a fix for Saryn's (hopefully).  Banshee/revive ones were fixed in the past, so if you're still seeing those, or any others, let me know.


This was my old (now archived) thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/121649-warframe-power-energy-effects-staying-on-the-hands/


So far, from my own tests, it still happens to:


- Nekros (Desecrate and Shadow of the Dead mostly)

- Trinity (Link mostly, which is what you see on the first screen I took)

- The revive "green flames," which is the rarest for me

- Pretty much any idle animation that spawns an energy effect in their hands (Banshee, Mag, Ember, Nekros, Trinity...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's that?

With the introduction of black energy all energy colours and the quality had to be changed in order to compensate. This has resulted in very poor (I keep looking at the effects and they're terrible to the eye) quality of effects. Decent glows are missing (Misa Prime, Ember Prime's flames barely glow and look terrible), depth is missing and so is transparency which apparently was quite important for the quality and said glows. In some cases powers with certain colours look very opague, plain and have a sort of 'paint' feel to them. Sparks? They generally lose any sparkle/glitter they had and become lightly tinted white lines. When using the Ignis it reminded me of how bland the effects still were. Many people have posted about these problems and we did get a response that improvements were going to be made which would satisify both sides i.e. the new 'system', to bring the quality back up and to hopefully even make it better. This is what I'm referring to.


Sorry if it's unnecessarily long and like a story and something you're already aware of o_O It's just been a very bothersome issue whereby effects were brought down in level for black energy to work, which was in the minority compared to people who use other colours which are clearly the majority. It's something in my opinion that should've been evaluated more carefully and with more consideration.

Edited by Naith
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OH! Yeah I agree with that. I even once commented on a topic about it to show examples of the "toned down" effects due to the changes for black energy compatibility. I just didn't know DE responded that improvements will be on their way.

Edited by Casardis
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  • 2 months later...

Yep, those changes will be in U14 as well.


Hello again Vaen! It seems that this bug still persists, though it happens much more rarely. You can see that it occurred here in the the Liset.



Virga was pretty wounded after a long Infested defense mission, so Trinity thought she should heal her up a bit more slowly and closer, to make sure all of her wounds are cleared thoroughly~


There you go~!



It's like giving a bath to her I guess.



Don't forget the ears! Those eardrums were busted after so many Ancient screeches.



The nose was also damaged from having too much infested goo flying around. Smelly!






Just a lingering energy bug that happened and I decided to "make use" of it

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Looks like the idle effects were lingering too.  Just did a pass.  Thanks!


Thanks to you as well! I'd like to note that certain weapons seem to cause this as well, though the only one I spotted so far is the Tysis.



So I think I've been using my Tysis too much and it's starting to feel sick...




This happened at a random time after firing a couple of darts. It seems to be the lingering effects of the "muzzle flash" whenever you shoot with the Tysis. Instead of properly disappearing, it just stayed there. I'm pretty sure it's linked to the same issue I've been having with Warframe powers, which you can see for yourself here.


So why this isn't in the bug section?


The reason why is because I actually like it on the Tysis. I feel it adds a little flair to its design and make use of the open-mouth-like structure it has. It's also not as intrusive to your aim since the effect is very light and thin. Though the effect could be polished a bit and resized, I think it could be something added to it!


Of course, what I'd suggest is for it to start drooling like that only when you've equipped the weapon. Just like how that thing can sense you when you hold it to coil its tail around your arm, maybe it gets a little... "excited" to "shoot" its darts...

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