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Top 5 Best And Worst Warframe Ultimates, Feel Free To Post Your Opinion.


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Holy crap.

I tried to keep an open mind on these top lists you've been posting ( Right after I posted mine ) but damn I just can't help myself this time.


Hysteria is a good ulti? I mean at all? It's one of the worst on a mediocre frame. Oh cool, your Invulnerable, you hit like a wet noodle, loose out on life support spawns and further let waves overflow the cyropod;


Shadows of the Dead? Another horrible ability. Its cool in concept sure, but it does nothing but screw your teammates line of fire whom "should" be doing considerably more damage than your florescent minions.


MPrime,  Neg Power is cool for infested defense but... Needless to say my Nova sits in the shed now days. I'm mostly not touching this argument.


Vortex, I think you mean king of Infested defense. Nyx is king of defense.


World on Fire is actually good, it deserves to be there, I dunno about #1 but its the only actual good one you list.


Honorable Mention: Tornado,  you gatta be trolling. This is the one of the worst Ulti in the game




Overload is meh, def not bad though.


Miasma is possibly the most efficient and highest DPS AoE in the game since MPrime nerf and its good that it does corrosive.


Radial Disarm is amazing, wtf.


Crush does kinda suck.


I dunno about blessing, haven't used trinity since all she was good for was point blank ogris.



People might experience the game differently but this is a lack of understanding in the core concept of this game and teamwork related to achieving those goals quickly.

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Still waiting for that Loki situation thing here.

Look you don't post a top 5-10 and not expect people to argue with it. Not in the forums only. Youtube anywhere on the internet.

that may be true, but you treat me as inexperienced. i just used different frame or used the same frame differently. We don't have the same gaming experiences but we are experienced. i may try radial disarm more and change my mind but i can't see it being placed in best. my opinion isn't that inter changeable.  

Edited by junothefox
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I will start off by saying that I acknowledge your right to state your opinion and am now stating my own (as you in fact asked everyone to do).  Radial Disarm and blessing scale better than any of your top 5 best except maybe Vortex.  Disarm has saved the life of me and my teammates more than once, as has blessing, and they are both incredibly good powers.  Shadows of the dead is impressive, but not very good, and the same goes for tornado.  Reckoning belongs in honorable mention for sure, it is impressive, does plenty of damage, and even drops health.  other than that, I mostly agree with you.

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that may be true, but you treat me as inexperienced. i just used different frame or used the same frame differently. We don't have the same gaming experiences but we are experienced. i may try radial disarm more and change my mind but i can't see it being placed in best. my opinion isn't that inter changeable.

Fine I'm sorry if you thought I was mistreating you.
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My fave five would have to be:

1. Radial Disarm: Because having a Loki in those high end defense missions is awesome

2. Absorb:  Because it draws all the aggro and damage scales very well, very useful imo

3. Molecular Prime: Because all the explosions!

4. Overload: Because Volt was the first frame I played and was the reason I got so into Warframe

5. Rhino Stomp: Because if you need a revive or a room cleared/cc'd


My worst five:

1. Hysteria: I find it absolutely useless, slows me down, looks derpy, and does jack damage(more on this below)

2. Shadows of the dead: Really to me its just annoying...they get in the way and are only useful if you are a full team of squishy casters

3. Miasma: Dmg doesnt seem to scale well, and even with stretch doesnt seem to go far enough

4. Tornado: Because as a cc, it throws the enemies all over the place making them harder to kill...

5. Tentacle Swarm: Just as annoying as Tornado


I main as a Valkyr, my only abilities equipped are Ripline and Warcry, I use an attack speed style Dragon Nikana as my main weapon and use the Lifestrike/Rage combo as my survivability coupled with my 1300 armor and 740 hp, Yes I can still die if I dont get to an enemy to lifestrike in time, but hysteria just feels like it slows me down and it doesnt do enough dmg, plus looks derpy.   I love attack speed and melee, its the main reason I still play warframe, I am almost rank 13 and have 800hrs counted on steam and about 450hrs recorded of mission time on my profile.


These are my personal opinions of the abilities and a little background as to my playstyle which should help say why I have that opinion.


edit: I should also note this is my experience of using them myself, specifically in regards to a post i missed above mentioning miasma's scaling, I didnt use it that much or try to max it out as I was not that heavily interested in Saryn, since I had Valkyr XP, and Volt is up there only for the specific reason I mention, not because he scales well....he doesnt, he is just fun XP

Edited by Trouvo
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People might experience the game differently but this is a lack of understanding in the core concept of this game and teamwork related to achieving those goals quickly.

this pisses me off, i do understand the core concepts. 


if i am missing something just flat out and say it.  what WHAT is IT. EXPLAIN

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this &!$$es me off, i do understand the core concepts. 


if i am missing something just flat out and say it.  what WHAT is IT. EXPLAIN

I believe (and I may be wrong), that he is implying you must not be a team player because you placed the two most teamplay-oriented powers in your 5 worst.

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Top 5 in my opinion. 

5: Rhino Stomp. What doesn't die is CC'd

4: Hysteria. Invincibility is useful for reviving

3: Radial disarm. Reduces Grineer and Corpus Combat levels to around British Policeman.

2: Tornado. Decent damage, its fun to watch the ragdolled enemies fly around and the element is changeable. 

1: Vortex. One of the best CC skills in the game period, and you can throw more than one at a time and completely lock down the infested.



Worst 5:


5: Shadows of the Dead. The Ai in the shadows is butt and they don't draw enough aggro. Not to mention the casting time.

4: Miasma. Short Ranged. Damage isn't that great. 

3: World on Fire. Damage is only really decent at levels <20. After that it quickly becomes highly risky to use.

2: Radial Javelin. Only targets so many enemies and damage is sub par.

1: Crush. Negligible damage, extremely long casting time and no CC despite supposedly knocking enemies down.

Edited by (PS4)pine1519
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this &!$$es me off, i do understand the core concepts. 


if i am missing something just flat out and say it.  what WHAT is IT. EXPLAIN


Very well. This is a looting shooter, You shoot mobs and you loot mobs.

Think of it kinda like Diablo3 in that its basically the exact same looting system. You do not get extra rewards for fighting high level mobs or going to higher level maps, Its the same across the board no matter how skilled you are or what you do. ( This is in reference to level 25-60+ )


Therefor it comes down to a kills per minute ratio. The faster you kill mobs the more loot you get and the more efficient your game play is. This is the ultimate goal of the game. Looting... either to fuse mods, stack plat or buy slots. Anything that accelerates this process is good anything that hinders it is bad. Some might argue that staying is tower survival and defense missions for greater amounts of time makes the most of your keys and they're right but even in both of these cases killing mobs faster is ideal to force more spawns for life support or to end waves quicker. If at any point you begin to take too long you're better off farming another key and starting again.


Fun is a luxury, if you want it then fine, but that doesn't account for an ability's effectiveness.


Hysteria kills more slowly than other options, Shadows of the dead hinders your teammates, Tornado both kills more slowly and hinders your teammates in addition to tossing loot all over the map, Neg MPrime is good for infested cuz it clears waves quicker, Positive is bad cuz it puts them to a crawl and makes waves last much longer. Radial Disarm makes ranged units leave cover and run at you, making them easy targets, Miasma quickly removes rooms full of pre 40 mobs for 25 energy on an instant cast.


You make a comment about playing frames differently but in reality there's typically only one way to play a frame effectively with the end goal in mind. A few have two builds but most only have one because most only have 1 or 2 viable abilities to work with.

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did you bother to read the whole thing about blessing? there are two parts to blessing, first full heal which is good. second the damage reduction doesn't work very well and i talked about it.


Just stating my opinion, which is that Blessing still does a full regen, and it still does damage reduction (not invincibility, which is just broken compared to other games).


You may have not noticed my edit to my post, as I decided to think a bit and actually post something coherent instead of just my gut reaction. I really, really think you need to re-evaluate some of (if not all) the "worst" abilities, as I could argue that each has a pro that another power doesn't have.


for example, Mag's Crush. You said that it's basically irrelevant because of Pull. That's more a fault of Pull being unbalanced than Mag's Crush being underpowered. You also compared it to Reckoning. Crush is nice in that it may do less damage, but its animation is longer, meaning that mobs are in the air longer, and are shooting at you less. In that sense, it's a weaker version of Rhino Stomp. So Iron Skin/Rhino Stomp or Shield Polarize/Crush? Both are great in that sense.


Then again, I'm trying to defend a power I don't really use. Just thought you should realize at least Crush and Radial Disarm are no where near as worthless as you might initially think


Just noticed your edit from Disarm to Javlin. Was it a typo at the beginning? Anyways, I can't argue that Radial Javelin IS lackluster. BUT, it's on a very well balanced frame, middle of the road frame, Excalibur. He's got damage/mobility (slash dash), AoE CC (radial blind), mobility/semi-useless/sometimes perfect (Superjump), and then a straight up damage dealer (radial javelin). Lackluster? Yes, but I don't think they need to change anything about it, except damage type if it doesn't do slash/puncture damage.

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Why is World on Fire the best ultimate?




5.  Tentacle Swarm - Instant knockdown and the tentacles can grab enemies. The Tentacles always spawn underneath enemies which is an instant knock down. Losing power duration but gaining power efficiency means he can knock down enemies any time he wants.

4.  Stomp - Pure CC.

3. Radial Disarm - Forces ranged enemies to leave their covers and reduces the threat of Napalms, Heavy Gunners, and Bombardiers. It is worthless on Infested however.

2. M Prime - A speed boost to enemies to speed up defense missions or a speed debuff to help survive. The bonus damage is also great. 

1. Vortex - Having power efficiency and a power duration is what makes this ability the best. Having 4 vortex's with a total energy cost 100 is godlike.




5. Miasma - Short range for an ultimate that only exists for damage.

4. World on Fire - The fire damage doesn't scale that well. You have to rely on accelerant to make this ability good. 10 seconds isn't enough time for this ability to shine.

3. Reckoning - The health orb's don't do much and they aren't a 100% drop.

2. Crush - Way too slow. Enemies that aren't hit by Crush can attack you while you are stuck doing your animation. Shield Polarize and Pull is far more better.

1. Radial Javelin - It can be blocked by your own teammates and shield lancers. Also enemies can hide behind walls to avoid the javelins.

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5. Miasma - Short range for an ultimate that only exists for damage.


Another Miasma worst? It's one of the best AoE DPS ability in the game now.


While its true Miasma has a shorter range than most AoE DD abilities, its also an instant cast for roughly 55 energy, maxing at 5361 damage over 1.6 seconds. Miasma one shots 95% of all mobs under level 50, Including napalms, disruptors ect. If you put Nova and Saryn in separate rooms filled with spawning enemies and spammed ulti with both, Saryn would win in DPS.  Nova has to wait for her crappy bubble now, Saryn doesn't wait for anything and her's costs less.


It also has a short stun effect people seem to forget about, if you spam it, nothing moves.


I'm not saying it belongs on the best list but it definitely doesn't belong on a worst list.

In the end all warframe damaging abilities fall short very quickly.

Edited by Xzorn
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We all have our personal preferences on why this and why that. But common sense on what really is tho.. Thats another page to continue.


Some of the best are the Croud Control abilities, they will dominate "end-game" or later on in the missions towards higher tier. Some of the ults or abilities becomes a "poke" compared to a blazing stasis. Feel me? 


CC ults we have lots of, and a few good ones are:


Loki - Disarm

Rhino - Stomp

Vauban - Vortex


Mag - Crush - Can be useful in some scenarios where you can kill/ hold off enemies while teammates gather control of the situation.


The list can continue on why this and why that, form different abilities and scenarios. I'd rather keep the knowledge in mind for now. Writing a book would be the outcome of a full on review of all the goodies. 

Edited by Cpt_Atroxium
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Some of your reasons are pretty sound even if your pick isn't something I'd agree with. Other's I'm not so sure about.


Shadows of the Dead isn't a bad ability, but I find it hard to justify as being one of the best either unless you are soloing. It does less for your team than an ability like Chaos or Rhino Stomp.


Vortex isn't bad either, but there are so many better choices for a top 5 list.


You have Blessing as the game's worst ability while you say its still very useful for the healing? It needing a buff isn't the same thing as being one of the worst abilities in the game. It's still incredibly useful, you even said so yourself.


You didn't list Rhino Stomp as one of the bests, despite it being essentially 2 ultimates in one. A powerful CC, and a nuke that does only slightly less damage than usual over an absurd range.

Edited by Grilleds
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The worst ultimates (The ones that need to be addressed)


Reckoning - Pure damage and negligible CC with a limited bonus to recovering health.


Radial Javelin - Pure damage, and no other effects


Hysteria - It's good for the invulnerability and lifesteal, however it is also a handicap in effectiveness due to its lack of sweeping attacks


Sound Quake - Its niche damage type is what keeps this from being a great ability. It does have good CC, but ultimately falls flat without range boosting mods. Banshee's other abilities do sometimes make up for it.


Overload - Its limited stun duration and ineffectiveness vs. armor hampers this ultimate later in the game

Edited by Vaskadar
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