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Buff Braton Prime


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I wholeheartedly support this idea. Comparing the gaps between regular and prime versions of every other primary, the Braton's is entirely disproportionate, i.e. it is only marginally better in some areas than the regular Braton, and actually worse in others.

Edited by Dualice
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It's better than the Braton in every aspect.


The problem is it's not enough better compared to the lesser gun, unlike the differences in the other primes which range from substantial to holy cats, look at that thing!


The damage mix is arguable, but I'd hate to see it lose the heavy slash damage, since my Nekros finds it very useful and it's unique in this aspect for an auto-rifle. Still, I think a minimum of 30 damage is called for and a RoF increase would be very welcome as well.

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It's better than the Braton in every aspect.


The problem is it's not enough better compared to the lesser gun, unlike the differences in the other primes which range from substantial to holy cats, look at that thing!


The damage mix is arguable, but I'd hate to see it lose the heavy slash damage, since my Nekros finds it very useful and it's unique in this aspect for an auto-rifle. Still, I think a minimum of 30 damage is called for and a RoF increase would be very welcome as well.


The reload speed is .2s longer on the Braton Prime.


That's exactly what I was saying: if you look at the Boltor Prime its damage is more than double that of the regular one, as well as having a faster reload and higher fire rate 0_o Probably an extreme example, but yeah, basically the point I was making.


Sounds good. I'm all for keeping slash's margin over puncture and impact too. It's become this weapon's "thing" now, I think!

Edited by Dualice
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The reload speed is .2s longer on the Braton Prime.


That's exactly what I was saying: if you look at the Boltor Prime its damage is more than double that of the regular one, as well as having a faster reload and higher fire rate 0_o Probably an extreme example, but yeah, basically the point I was making.


Sounds good. I'm all for keeping slash's margin over puncture and impact too. It's become this weapon's "thing" now, I think!


well yeah, those slash good for nekros too descretes due to mutilation the slash do. but current weapon damage was too low for a prime class weapon. also the reload need a bit fix since this assault rifle only have 50 magazine but 2.2s reload

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2.0 to 2.2 sec is pretty typical for assault rifles. I just don't see a problem with it, especially with the 50rd magazine.


I wouldn't object to speeding it up a bit, but simply don't see much point.


The real issue is its relatively low base damage and overall DPS. Bumping damage and maybe an increase to RoF is the proper fix to bring this gun in line with the other primes.

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Maybe just a damage and reload speed buff? I'm trying to get Braton Prime now and only have two prime parts for it so I don't know what needs to be buffed yet but I do like its design :D

Just be prepared to be disappointed. No, really. 


The primed version of the braton was my most anticipated gun when I was crafting all my weapons. Keep in mind the boltor prime hadn't even hit the scene during this time so Soma was still king, but I was expecting similar treatment to what the primed versions of latron and burston got which I crafted before braton prime. This was to what I was comparing so even before the boltor prime crushed everything else.


To keep the story short and to the point, after the anticipation of farming/trading for the parts and then farming for the cells, it was a complete let down. I added a forma thinking that would fix it, but to no avail; it could not keep up with the runs I was doing. So it gathered dust for a month or two before I started doing runs for fun again. It now has 5 forma and it my favorite gun, but when things get serious, it has to be put back in storage despite being completely maxed.

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The Braton prime is a fine looking weapon (though i wish i could remove the gold coloring), but it's performance is a joke.


It should both have a stronger damage (between 30 to 40 instead of 25) and especialy should be even around all three damage types like the regular version.

Seriously why slash damage focus, all other prime weapons buff the major damage type of the weapon? Did they really take the Mk1 as basis or where they so possessed by the wish to have a rapid fire gun in this game that fires knives at enemies?


In case of the later they could just create something like a Shurikin gun from Warhammer 40k. Hey that would even fit the Tenno!


The regular Braton has a damage of 6.6 around each type, the Prime could be better with either have 9.3/4 or 13.3/4.

Edited by Othergrunty
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Nice to see this topic still going. 


Now that we have had the sniper and launcher weapon pass we really need a prime weapon pass


Other weapons could use a glance over as well. 


Sicarus prime - Trash, barely different from basic sicaurs

Bronco prime/Akbronco prime - The bronco prime could use some love but Akbronco prime take the most resources of anything in the game and is awful pure awful. (3 Recipes, 20 Orokin cells, 45000 credits, 5 Voiddrops and at least 24 hour build time)


For some reason both of these get a tiny base damage boost (1 total base damage more Ak.B->Ak.BP, and 3 points total S->Sp) where as the boltor prime is far superior in every way (25 total base damage becomes 54.5!). 


Im sure someone could point out some melee weapons that need a look in to. 

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Sure, I'm up for a Braton Prime buff. extra 10 base damage maybe. Nothing Soma-shattering, but a little boost would be handy.


I currently use mine mostly for T1 Farming, since it's high slash focus makes it good for cutting up bodies to Nekros. Anything past T1 makes it pretty inefficient to use, which is disappointing for such a nice weapon to use.

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Seeing this thread again today got me to thinking. So I went back over the last 4 ish months of this feedback forum. Did you know that there have been 18 separate threads asking for a Braton prime buff including this one? 


Personally I think it must be one of the most common threads in the weapon forum. I think it deserves a look in from sheer number of interest alone. 


I have made a thread ( *sigh* I know another thread) pointing this out. 


Please give it a look in if only to see all the different threads asking for good old Braton prime to get some love.



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I think the Braton Prime needs to become a lot more comparable to the Boltor Prime.


I'd go so far as to say it should have some innate Punch Through - say half a meter - to make it more competitive against the Boltor Prime's boltiness.  Part of Boltor Prime's charm is in that it skewers up dead bodies as you're shooting, clearing out the bullet spongey carcasses, and then the bodies can fly into still-living mobs and cause more damage.


Punch-Through is a great answer to that supreme benefit of the Boltor Prime.

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not sure why it needs a buff... if u ask me, sicarus prime needs a buff more than braton prime does,

why does it need a buff? because it is one the most balanced weapons in the game, just as hard to find pieces as boltor, requires 10oc's, and yet it only does about 20-25% more damage than the braton which costs 25k creds in the market. Not to mention it's outclassed by about every prime, many clantech stuff, some market primaries and a few secondaries.


While I do agree sicarus could use a buff too, the popularity of its mechanics do not bring out the community as a whole to push for one. Same goes for the burston you could say.


I think the Braton Prime needs to become a lot more comparable to the Boltor Prime.


I'd go so far as to say it should have some innate Punch Through - say half a meter - to make it more competitive against the Boltor Prime's boltiness.  Part of Boltor Prime's charm is in that it skewers up dead bodies as you're shooting, clearing out the bullet spongey carcasses, and then the bodies can fly into still-living mobs and cause more damage.


Punch-Through is a great answer to that supreme benefit of the Boltor Prime.

What?? No thanks, I'll take a braton that feels like a braton.That's like saying latron should be given red crits because paris prime can red crit. Completely different things and each has their own pros and cons. And if anything, a braton should actually not out dps even the soma (but do come close), much less the boltor prime. 


Bratons are hitscan, no-spool-up, balanced, jack-of-all-trades, standard rifles. And as you wrote in you post "part of Boltor prime's charm", which is what make that weapon unique, so that has no place in bratons since they have their own way of being unique as well. 

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why does it need a buff? because it is one the most balanced weapons in the game, just as hard to find pieces as boltor, requires 10oc's, and yet it only does about 20-25% more damage than the braton which costs 25k creds in the market. Not to mention it's outclassed by about every prime, many clantech stuff, some market primaries and a few secondaries.


well, braton prime was really good back then. i think DE lowered its base damage at some point, but still, the major problem is other powerful weapons like boltor prime and soma. i'm not sure how hard it is to get though, maybe it's not worth the time and effort anymore. 

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well, braton prime was really good back then. i think DE lowered its base damage at some point, but still, the major problem is other powerful weapons like boltor prime and soma. i'm not sure how hard it is to get though, maybe it's not worth the time and effort anymore. 


Braton Prime was good, before DE decides to release more Primes that equally hard to acquire and build, but with stats compared to their normal counterparts that exceed what Braton Prime to Braton did, with field performance much more greater than Braton Prime.


And that's with Boltor Prime excluded.

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I don't like bringing the BoltorP into this. It isn't exactly the same kind of weapon as the BratonP and has benefited from being a recent introduction.


The BratonP is OLD. It's been around for about a year. There's been a lot of power creep since then--and even one of its stablemates has received a substantial buff which it has not.


The fact is there is no high end hitscan auto-trigger assault rifle in the same class as the LatronP, the BratonP, the ParisP, or the BoltorP. The BratonP should be that gun, but instead it's a Karak with gold trim. That's why it really does need a substantial buff.

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It FINALLY came up on the stream. I was kinda let down though how it wasn't even on the buff radar :(  I mean after about a dozen threads and alot of support for it you'd think they would have at least seen one of the threads already. oh well, I guess we'll just get more random buffs on other weapons.

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It FINALLY came up on the stream. I was kinda let down though how it wasn't even on the buff radar :(  I mean after about a dozen threads and alot of support for it you'd think they would have at least seen one of the threads already. oh well, I guess we'll just get more random buffs on other weapons.

 I am SO GLAD that they finally mentioned me buffing the Braton Prime. 

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