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Buff Braton Prime


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That wouldn't be a problem except the gun is only available from T3 content, yet has the stats of a starter foundry weapon.


It's not that the gun is a 25 damage autofire primary. It's the fact it's a 25 damage autofire primary from T3 missions. You can build weapons just as good as soon as you hit Jupiter. That's the imbalance. That's where the issue lies.

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Note: I have no idea what I'm talking about, as usual.


... but I'd say, make it MR2, start it with 2 Polarizations slots and a much faster reload.


Since the day I saw it, I was expecting it to be used like an SMG class bullet hose. Not necessarily to put out massive DPS, but allow it to be applied steadily, accurately, and continuously. The lack of starting Polarization makes me sad, personally.


I constantly have to add recoil mods to everything, I would love this gun to be even lower starting recoil then It is (I don't have one, but I have seen vids).

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DSpite, adding polarity slots wont do anything to fix the problems this weapon suffers from, it will merely make it cost less forma to get the weapon to its theoretical (and pitiful) damage limit.


Bratons (and others in the subclass like Dera) are tricky to buff because if you add too much status/damage/crit/whatever, its no longer a general purpose assault rifle.


Now, i wouldnt turn down or discourage a polarized slot IN ADDITION TO something else.  Flat damage seems a little boring, but mayhaps an increase in the total physical damage done by the weapon, and an even redistribution of the physical damage across the types so that it is actually a primed Braton instead of a MK-1, and an increase in base rate of fire. 

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I've made 4 threads about buffing the Braton Prime personally, there has been over 20 Buff Braton Prime threads, and this thread is almost half a year old, but still no change. Really DE? You buff the Attica first (which I love though to be fair) before you buff this?!

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Have to bring it up again, but the number of polarized slots ultimately doesn't matter. It's still a 25 damage gun ONLY available from doing T3 content.


It's never going to exceed 11k dps by any significant margin and only then with six forma and heavy caliber.


You can get those numbers from a Karak or Boltor, which are entry level forge weapons.


That's the fundamental issue with the Braton Prime that needs to be addressed.

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Supra doesn't really warrant a buff. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with it from an availability vs. effectiveness standpoint. It might see a Wraith or Vandal variant, but I doubt it would go any further than that (not that I'd complain, mind you).


The fundamental issue is the BratonP is only available from T3 content--level 30-40 enemies at least, but is roughly equivalent to weapons you get the materials for from enemies in the teens.


That's a glaring discrepancy.

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My favorite primary weapon in the game and I try my very best to make it effective. I run T4S with it since I just love it so much:



But please DE. Just buff the impact and puncture damage just a little bit and I would love it even more. Something like 10 Impact, 13 Puncture and 15 Slash would make me a very happy Vauban. I'm soon putting my 7th Forma on it as soon as I finally max out my mods.

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Looks like mine, except you have one more 90% mod in than I do and I have maxed Serration and Heavy Caliber--and I run Rime when cold damage is needed.


Nevertheless, that's about as good as the gun can get...and you're still at only 11k dps or thereabouts. Level 55 enemies is about all it can handle and you're running into ammunition and kill speed issues before then.


All of which wouldn't be an issue except...it's a T3 weapon and its Prime compatriots are far more effective with less effort at the the same level of difficulty in obtaining them. Which is another way of saying you could get the same performance out of a Karak with the same amount of effort in modding, but at far less effort in making it.

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I was thinking abotu swapping out Cryo rounds with the +90% RoF and -15% damage.  Still doesnt make the Braton competitive with other prime weapons but it does bump past your 11k limit (to about 12 or 13k burst/7k sustained).


Also, why is burst damage even used as a basis for comparison?  Wouldnt a general assault rifle be more beneficial with a higher sustained DPS?

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I'm starting to wonder if the com mods are adding the braton prime threads in the digest reports to the devs.  There have been a metric assload of these threads over the past 6 months and its still magically not on the radar?  The ball is getting dropped somewhere, and I'm very curious where.

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RoF does matter to dps--a lot.


The thing is it's a fairly arbitrary metric and doesn't necessarily translate into absolute best performance in the game. It's simply the only real metric we have.


Having said that, I think it would improve kill speed, but at the cost of increased ammunition usage. I generally only fire in short bursts, so...dunno. I suspect it would be an absolute improvement over just focusing on one elemental combo or adding a seperate element, like cold or fire. Probably one of those things you have to try and see how it works out for you. I don't think I have the mod yet, but I think I will farm one up to experiment with.


This gun needs all the help it can get.




Yep, had a Vile Acceleration squirreled away. Ranked it up and replaced a toxic mod on the BratonP and sent MagP and it all off on a corpus alert mission. Holy cats! According to the builder, the gun went from about 10.2k dps to 13.4k dps. That's Grakata territory with full crit mods and status elemental stacking (granted, that's the low end and a six forma BratonP compared to a four forma Grak).


Nevertheless, the thing feels totally different from just stacking elementals and running Shred only. It smokes through ammo, but more importantly smokes through enemies as well. Dwell time on tough targets has always been this gun's bane, but even corpus tech excimusseseesses went down hard in one short burst (only level 25ish, but still...).


The fundamental issue of a T3 six forma gun barely reaching the low end of capability of a four forma starter forge weapon still exists--and should be fixed...hinthint DE--but if you have a VA mod definitely use it on this gun.

Edited by Sloan441
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It needs more damage plain and simple. Really easy to buff in my opinion. I wouldn't dare touch the RoF as it's simply perfect when you combine it with Shred.


I love the Braton Prime and it's my most used weapon out of all the guns in the game. DE, we are not asking for you to OP the crap out of the gun. We simply want to make it much more viable than it currently is. It's a PRIME version of the most ICONIC weapon in the game. At least you'd think that the weapon should feel quite powerful with 6 Formas slapped on it.


I don't want it to be OP, I want it to be good and balanced.

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