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[Fallen Vanguard] - Warriors Of Gun And Blade, Of Suits And Steel, Of Kittag And Kama│Recruitment Thread 2.0 Installed


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Ladies and gentlemen... Ahem i mean gentlemen, let me present to you : The Dasheroo :D




As you can see, although it becomes a loving pet when tamed, the Dasheroo is pretty wild when caught in his natural environment. And doing it in public make him last 42 more seconds, so allow your Dasheroo to do it in public once in a while.



Don't let him hear the end of it. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


luv u too dash <3


P.S : The context never bothered me anyway.

Edited by Jinmori
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Mastery Rank: 19


Timezone: CST


About Me: Just a normal guy who likes to have some fun now and again. I've recently gotten over bouts of depression and some pretty serious surgical procedures (that I am ready to move forward from so don't discuss specifics of) and am looking for a casual, laid back environment to associate with other Tenno. I always strive to play the best I can play, but understand that fun comes first, as this is a video game. Knowledge of the meta is important to me, though, but you won't always see me running the "best" gear. Heck, currently my favorite loadout includes the Vectis Prime.


On the real, though, I'm just looking for a place to get new research items and put together parties that isn't full of people that get mad that you run a different build than them or that keep up a super tight ship with no room for goofing off.


What can I bring to the clan? Terrible jokes that you'd only find funny when you weren't expecting to hear them, or that you can't believe someone was dumb enough to actually make and can't help but laugh, a supreme love for the idea of Kubrows In Space, and a lot of sarcasm.


Serious things that I can bring, though, are leadership, the willingness to follow orders should the need arise (such as in a raid or farming party), flexibility, and the ability to stay calm when things start turning belly up, in order to turn them around again.


My IGN is Chipputer.

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You guys still recruiting?

If you are well I'll drop my application off here :>.


Mastery Rank:

After tonight 20 :>



EST or -5 GMT whatever you prefer calling it, when I say EST to some people, they think I'm oceanic? I don't even know why.


About Me:

I guess I'll start off a bit about some things I guess that would describe me the best and my dislikes and likes. For one I think gaming is pretty big in my life, I've played many a game since I was little, that it's pretty much a daily routine. I used to play competitively in another game which I've taken a break from and don't think I'll be returning to either. Problem with MoBA or MMO's based around PvP is that the community is to a degree "cancerous" or "toxic". I just kinda wanted to stay away from that, since it's rage inducing and frustrating. Since then I've been playing a lot of different things that are more relaxing and less stressful, and surprisingly enough I ended up here with warframe. I game daily, mainly warframe currently, so I'll be fairly active. So going with that line of thought you can imagine I really dislike people with ego's, people who believe they are the "center of the universe", people who lie or provide false information without anything to support their biased thoughts or opinions or ones who simply can't understand "atmosphere" (aka adding fuel to the fire type of people, not in a joking manner, like when an issue occurs, they simply don't know how to quit it). However those types of people are few in number thankfully, and really if you're not like that then we can get along just great, I mean I like to laugh and joke a lot. I guess just a tad bit more about my real life would be best last, currently I'm just another student studying at university, although I currently am thinking of switching programs and probably going to take next semester off to find a full time job just to pay off tuition in the future (so I'm not in crazy debt) and maybe look around to see what other options are out there (been looking at the computer industry rather than medical now). In terms of my favourite things, well if anyone here is interested in anime or manga, by all means, lay it all on me, if my name wasn't a dead giveaway already (if anyone actually understands what my name is referencing, I was drunk at the time some friends roped me into it).


Also as you can tell I like to type a lot, I probably wrote a bit too much, as I get carried away with writing all my reports and labs all the time it's something that I should probably try to fix.


What can I bring to the clan?:

What can I bring? Well what do you want me to bring? A bag of chips and some soda? (mtn dew and doritos m8?) In seriousness, I don't mind helping out with pretty much anything. I've basically cleared all content now (with the exception of the new Jordas raid, as some guys I said I would run with, still are having issues trying to get their archwing things up to par.) As long as people aren't expecting carries or begging nonstop, I'm fairly willing to help (granted I'm probably not really that good to be carrying people anyway lol). I like to chat just as much as I like to play, so I'd be more than happy to just spend some time and have conversations be it via coms or chat. In summary I guess you'b be getting an active member who's willing to contribute to the clan and help out. In return I just ask for some fun times ;)

Edited by Midway_Hime
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You guys still recruiting?

If you are well I'll drop my application off here :>.

Mastery Rank:

After tonight 20 :>


EST or -5 GMT whatever you prefer calling it, when I say EST to some people, they think I'm oceanic? I don't even know why.

About Me:

I guess I'll start off a bit about some things I guess that would describe me the best and my dislikes and likes. For one I think gaming is pretty big in my life, I've played many a game since I was little, that it's pretty much a daily routine. I used to play competitively in another game which I've taken a break from and don't think I'll be returning to either. Problem with MoBA or MMO's based around PvP is that the community is to a degree "cancerous" or "toxic". I just kinda wanted to stay away from that, since it's rage inducing and frustrating. Since then I've been playing a lot of different things that are more relaxing and less stressful, and surprisingly enough I ended up here with warframe. I game daily, mainly warframe currently, so I'll be fairly active. So going with that line of thought you can imagine I really dislike people with ego's, people who believe they are the "center of the universe", people who lie or provide false information without anything to support their biased thoughts or opinions or ones who simply can't understand "atmosphere" (aka adding fuel to the fire type of people, not in a joking manner, like when an issue occurs, they simply don't know how to quit it). However those types of people are few in number thankfully, and really if you're not like that then we can get along just great, I mean I like to laugh and joke a lot. I guess just a tad bit more about my real life would be best last, currently I'm just another student studying at university, although I currently am thinking of switching programs and probably going to take next semester off to find a full time job just to pay off tuition in the future (so I'm not in crazy debt) and maybe look around to see what other options are out there (been looking at the computer industry rather than medical now). In terms of my favourite things, well if anyone here is interested in anime or manga, by all means, lay it all on me, if my name wasn't a dead giveaway already (if anyone actually understands what my wname is referencing, I was drunk at the time some friends roped me into it).

Also as you can tell I like to type a lot, I probably wrote a bit too much, as I get carried away with writing all my reports and labs all the time it's something that I should probably try to fix.

What can I bring to the clan?:

What can I bring? Well what do you want me to bring? A bag of chips and some soda? (mtn dew and doritos m8?) In seriousness, I don't mind helping out with pretty much anything. I've basically cleared all content now (with the exception of the new Jordas raid, as some guys I said I would run with, still are having issues trying to get their archwing things up to par. As long as people aren't expecting carries or begging nonstop, I'm fairly willing to help (granted I'm probably not really that good to be carrying people anyway lol). I like to chat just as much as I like to play, so I'd be more than happy to just spend some time and have conversations be it via coms or chat.

Excellent, you are exactly the kind of people we want for Fallen Vanguard*, invite coming as soon as I get to my PC which should be about forty minutes, maybe less.

Okay, maybe you could be a werewolf, but not everyone is perfect. Also Kiso Kai Ni is the S#&amp;&#036;

Edited by -FV-Metheria
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Hello, my username is mrpenguin67. My time zone is Eastern Standard Time. I've been playing Warframe since the summer, I've watched all of mogamu's and quitteshy's videos (and I've read a lot of wiki posts) so I have quite a bit of knowledge when it comes to Warframe. I enjoy having a group of people to chill and destroy evil Grinner and Corpus with >:3. Squads with clan mates is way better than the recruiting tab to be honest. 

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Well met Mr Penguin, sent an invite your way. 


Its good to see all these new recruits, i can see a new golden age for the Vanguard in the very short future. like literally a week. c:


I can see it too.


A future where you do it in public.


I can almost touch it.





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Age=16 Nov29 1998


TimeZone=UTC +8 

Reason for Membership=I really want to join a clan. I hear that they are very fun and exciting, also I would enjoy meeting new people  on this clan

Previous clans=Bnr

Knowledge of members=I currently do not know about any of your members 

who told you about the clan=Nobody

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Hello, if you're still recruiting. I'll just leave this here...


Mastery Rank: 8


Time Zone: (UTC + 4:00)


About Me: I am Blastabolt. I can be either called Blasta or Bolt, up to you. I've been registered in Warframe for 2 years and 8 months, but I've quit in between. Why? Because I had no drive...and it was routine for me to jump from one game to the next at that time.

During that period, I had no main game to cling unto, I was a nomad.

Although during my next years I discovered activities and topics I felt passionate about: 

(Gaming/ The Sengoku Era/ Otaku Culture/ J-Music/Martial Arts)

All of these were things I had no trouble with expressing or admiring, as they were the interests I developed as a teenager and gradually embedded into my lifestyle. But how did I come back to Warframe? Its a short story. Since 8 years, I've never got schooled by a professional in any martial arts. And for 8 years I've kept nagging my parents every month and week, for proper training. I couldn't get the opportunity due to finance and time issues.

So, I kept on self practicing when I felt like it. During that time I had only two main games to cycle through. One was a mobile game (not Coc =_=) and the other was a music game. So I needed another game to fill the gap; a game which was an RPG, a game with interesting and well narrated lore/story, a game with interesting character designs, a game with a good realtime hack n' slash combat system, a game that had unique aspects that made it stood out from the others, a game about war. And then I remembered a game in the past, which matched this criteria. I started playing Warframe again in August, but this time with more reason. Since it incorporated 3 of my interests very well.(GamingThe Sengoku Era/Martial Arts)

And now I'm here. 


What can I bring to the clan?: I can offer knowledge and conversation in the above interests mentioned, especially if it's about J-music or the sengoku era. Also I can donate to the clan when its researching something.

Also I think I could bring myself aswell. 




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I made a terrible terrible mistake. My apologies, truly!


I applied for a shadow clan before this, I thought they changed their mind, but the reply came not long after I sent this.

Sorry, for taking your time!.

Edited by Clockwise
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Hi, are you still recruiting ? I'm interested in joining.


Mastery Rank20


Time Zone : ( UTC - 3:00 )


About Me : I don't know how to describe my self, so, guess I'll say I'm a mess, the good, friendly kind of mess mind you.

Always been an introvert, the shy, quiet one of the group, never the one to start a conversation, unless the topic is interesting or I'm well versed on it.

English is not my main language, while I'm not fluent, I'd say I have "Conversational" understanding, thus I refrain from using voice comms, but I'm not averse to it, and I know the difference between "your" and "you're".


What can I bring to the Clan ? : Clunky Calling and Call outs experience from other games(Speech issues, see above), Often I'm glad to help with whatever I can, and bad jokes.

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Hi, are you still recruiting ? I'm interested in joining.


Mastery Rank20


Time Zone : ( UTC - 3:00 )


About Me : I don't know how to describe my self, so, guess I'll say I'm a mess, the good, friendly kind of mess mind you.

Always been an introvert, the shy, quiet one of the group, never the one to start a conversation, unless the topic is interesting or I'm well versed on it.

English is not my main language, while I'm not fluent, I'd say I have "Conversational" understanding, thus I refrain from using voice comms, but I'm not averse to it, and I know the difference between "your" and "you're".


What can I bring to the Clan ? : Clunky Calling and Call outs experience from other games(Speech issues, see above), Often I'm glad to help with whatever I can, and bad jokes.

Hell Vanguard in Fallen Vanguard...it makes way too much sense.

Also yes, I think you'll fit in well.

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Alright, not sure how to start this. I suppose I'll start off with some important information.

1. I'm a grammar nazi. If you make a mistake, I will likely correct it.

2. Big one here. I'm autistic. High-functioning autism is what I have. It used to be called Aspergers Syndrome, but that was changed to what I said before.

3. I can't take insults very well at all. If there is one thing that truly upsets me, it is my intelligence being insulted (read: please do not call me an idiot). I have an IQ of 135, so I don't like it when people play it down.

4. I have ODD, or Oppositional Defiance Disorder (not to be confused with Orokin Derelict Defense). I'm not good with authority, although I'm much better at keeping my cool while playing games.

5. I love to help out people. If I have a spare something, or something someone wants/needs, I normally will not hesitate to give it to them for free (or, if they want to give something, for whatever they deem necessary. I like getting 1x R5 Fusion Cores).

6. Being autistic, it is often quite hard for me to catch jokes or know when someone is being sarcastic. I'm often extremely formal when I first meet someone or a group, but I eventually get better.


Now. I may or may not be staying, as the clan I'm currently in belongs to my little brother. If he's upset that I left, I may have to go back. I'm fairly certain he'll be somewhat nonplussed, so this shouldn't be much of an issue.


Hmm. What else can I add? I've read all of the spoilers of the first post, aside from some of the clan pictures, as I want to be surprised. The clan seems close-knit, something I like. Having a game family is always something very helpful to me.


Oh, yeah. I'm MR12. Been playing for roughly two years, or a total of 1350 or so hours. I have one request, though. If I join, I'd like a friend to join too. He is above MR5, and actually quite skilled. I'll be informing him of this, so if both you and him accept, everything should be fine.


Sorry for this wall of text, but as you can likely see, I don't like to leave information out. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you consider me a potential candidate.

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Alright, not sure how to start this. I suppose I'll start off with some important information.

1. I'm a grammar nazi. If you make a mistake, I will likely correct it.

2. Big one here. I'm autistic. High-functioning autism is what I have. It used to be called Aspergers Syndrome, but that was changed to what I said before.

3. I can't take insults very well at all. If there is one thing that truly upsets me, it is my intelligence being insulted (read: please do not call me an idiot). I have an IQ of 135, so I don't like it when people play it down.

4. I have ODD, or Oppositional Defiance Disorder (not to be confused with Orokin Derelict Defense). I'm not good with authority, although I'm much better at keeping my cool while playing games.

5. I love to help out people. If I have a spare something, or something someone wants/needs, I normally will not hesitate to give it to them for free (or, if they want to give something, for whatever they deem necessary. I like getting 1x R5 Fusion Cores).

6. Being autistic, it is often quite hard for me to catch jokes or know when someone is being sarcastic. I'm often extremely formal when I first meet someone or a group, but I eventually get better.


Now. I may or may not be staying, as the clan I'm currently in belongs to my little brother. If he's upset that I left, I may have to go back. I'm fairly certain he'll be somewhat nonplussed, so this shouldn't be much of an issue.


Hmm. What else can I add? I've read all of the spoilers of the first post, aside from some of the clan pictures, as I want to be surprised. The clan seems close-knit, something I like. Having a game family is always something very helpful to me.


Oh, yeah. I'm MR12. Been playing for roughly two years, or a total of 1350 or so hours. I have one request, though. If I join, I'd like a friend to join too. He is above MR5, and actually quite skilled. I'll be informing him of this, so if both you and him accept, everything should be fine.


Sorry for this wall of text, but as you can likely see, I don't like to leave information out. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you consider me a potential candidate.


Oh, I can vouch for Vortex.

We did some Sorties together with Insomnus, he's a pretty good guy.

Leavin' it up to you folks on whether or not he's in. I don't exactly have invite privileges anyways, but, yanno. Just saying.

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Mastery Rank 6 in le Pacific Time Zone.


I will be honest with you right now, i'm a very stubborn person when it comes to opinions, and feel as though I enjoy black humor too much. (Not the racist kind, the guy gets killed on wedding by the bell falling down kind) But I do genuinely enjoy helping other people and will give proper amounts of respect until you do something to ruin it. The reason I come here is that I realize I want some faces I can recognize, and clan weapons lets be honest here. But mostly the community thing.


I will likely be able to contribute to fellow members problems, since I need a change of pace between murdering Sargas-San for raw potatoes. Also contribute a bit to event leader board's, probably.


Broberon for life.

Damn, just realized how far i've come in the past year.
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IGN: Aerfist


TimeZone: EST


MR: 7


About Me: 24 years old student and avid gamer, played quite a few different fps, action games and mmos over my time gaming the past decade. Looking for a fun place with good people ill enjoy talking S#&amp;&#036; with and killing some dirty grineer bastards.


What can I bring to the Clan: I've got a good bit of gaming experience between different mmos and fps games. I've been officer in a few different clans/guilds over the year and understand what it takes to be successful in a clan.


You guys seem cool I hope to hear from you soon

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...Well if we're being honest Oberon is the most superior frame...


I beg to differ. Between a goat and a rhino, i think we all know here which is the superior one.


Your bieberon's point of view >




Edited by Jinmori
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