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Oberon's Role And Rework


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I personally like this idea very much. I wouldn't like to see Reckoning removed though.


Did you know you can even post in those other, similar threads? 


Posting in a already existing thread is useless if you want your idea to be heard.

Edited by PeanutMonster
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Posting in a already existing thread is useless if you want your idea to be heard.


So what you should do is flood the forums with threads about the same thing, thus diluting any attention some other threads might receive. And discussion about whatever you're giving feedback on starts all over again from scratch. So we can just keep having a discussion up to the point where another thread is made and start allllll over again.


Sounds reasonable and not-selfish.

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So what you should do is flood the forums with threads about the same thing, thus diluting any attention some other threads might receive. And discussion about whatever you're giving feedback on starts all over again from scratch. So we can just keep having a discussion up to the point where another thread is made and start allllll over again.


Sounds reasonable and not-selfish.


The better threads stay ''alive'' and the worse ones get forgotten. That will tell DE which of the many suggestions the community likes the most.

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The better threads stay ''alive'' and the worse ones get forgotten. That will tell DE which of the many suggestions the community likes the most.


Well, this thread had to be bumped by the OP about 10 times, what does that tell you, based on your own description?

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Everything that's wrong with the other Oberon thread is wrong with this one, too. But in a lesser degree, at least. But you cannot replace abilities and hope that balance will fall in the same place. With the existing abilities, we know where the issues are, and what can be changed. But you switch an ability and there's a new variable in balance and concept.


Again, I will refer you to the history of changes made by DE. They are all in careful, measured degrees. The scaling of Molecular Prime. The execution of Blade Storm. Hysteria's handling. Iron Skin's change from DR to a set amount of blocked damage. Energy Vampire and Blessing's changes. Small changes and tweaks that affect interaction. Replacing skills wholesale and changing others all at once won't happen.


You need to make the biggest impact with the smallest change. That's careful design.

I'm not following on what the issue with this thread is. Are you saying some of the suggestions aren't carefully thought out?

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Someone mentioned changing Renewal into an aura mechanic. That would work if it:

1. has no range requirement.

2. Starts ticking immediately every second.

3. scales with duration and power mods (heals longer and larger healing ticks)

4. heals through damage (unlike the current Renewal which stops healing WHEN taking damage, garbage)

5. Fire and forget. It starts healing and heals for an XX duration. Oberon can use other abilities while the aura keeps ticking.

It would have synergy with Rejuvenation aura making it actually somewhat useful for Oberon. He would literally tank damage with regenerating health (depending how much it would actually heal per second including power mods) I would still want to see his armor being brought into tanking range (150+)

That would be me, i believe i was the one who said that :P im sure others have but i believe i was the first. Im not 100% sure but i saw the idea coming up AFTER i first said and posted it.

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True, Renewal's true worth is best outside of battle. I guess the only reasonable buff required would be an increase of healing.


But any thoughts on the specific role Oberon is suppose to play in Warframe?

I think of a paladin as both a protector of the weak and an avenger of the innocent.

In Oberon's case, I partially feel the avenging part, but not the protection one at all.

When an Oberon joins a team, I've never felt like "Cool, it will be safer, we now have the protection of a paladin!". Never. Do you?

Any damaging power can do the trick to represent the incarnation of the avenger (even if I secretly dream of a less bland mechanic).

But I feel the biggest improvement could be in providing Oberon a way to protect fellow Tennos during combat.

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Waring wall of text


Hello this is my first post and I've thought of an idea for Oberon's Hallowed ground and renewal abilitys which I think would make him so badass and more like a paladin.



Hallowed ground: First I would make this skill similar to how renewal is now cast with the weapon being thrusted into the ground, however the weapon would stay in the ground (I'll go more in depth into this mechanism at the end). When the weapon is first thrusted into the ground the skill would create and AOE of righteous flame which would irradiate out from the weapon and cause enemys hit by the intial AOE to take increased damage while the weapon is in the ground. The AOE would span out in a circle to the given range (affected by range mods). once the AOE has stopped at the edge of its range it will leave behind ground similar to how the ability currently behaves but instead of creating a damage over time effect to enemys it would increases the damage of allies in the circle.


So the ability has two stages first the AOE which irradiates out in a circle and debuffs enemy's with increased damage taken, then the increased damage done by all allies in the circle while the weapon is in the ground. 


Renewal; For this ability I would have the same animation as above with the weapon staying in the ground. Then it would create an AOE effect same as above but enemy's hit would receive health damage (a certain value) which would heal any allies also in the AOE by the same damage done to the enemys in the initial blast. After the AOE it would leave ground similar to above (preferably in a healing color like green). Then any damage done by allies in the area would channel into the weapon in the ground until it hits a threshold causing the weapon to pulse out an amount of healing eg. 10000 damage done by all allies in the circle  = 200 health healed for everyone in the circle. 


So the ability has two stages first the AOE which damages enemys and heals for the same amount, then the circle which channels allies damage done into healing pulses from the weapon, healing all in the circle basically increasing the survivability of everyone inside. 


Sword in the ground mechanic: Both ability's would use a mechanic which involves the players melee weapon. Firstly when the ability is cast for an initial energy cost the weapon will be cast into the ground creating an AOE with the effects described above. while the weapon is in the ground the player will not be able to use his melee weapon but as a trade off it will create the damage buff and the channel healing effect described for no energy cost.


However this effect can be stopped and use of melee weapon can be regained by pulling it out the ground (maybe using X to pull it out). this means if someone wants to spam the AOE effects at the cost of energy without the Buffs in that area they can continuously pull the Weapon out the ground and recast like Excalibur's radial javelins AOE but either debuffs or does the damage for allies health effect. On the other hand the abillity can be cast and the weapon left in the ground to create the damage increase or channel effect at no extra energy cost but at the lose of the Melee weapon.


Hope you liked my idea fellow tenno I had to get it out  :D        








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I've been maining Oberon since the day he came out, and I gotta say: I like your ideas.  Obsidian Wall and/or Aegis would be a wonderful replacement for either Hallowed Ground or -yes I said it- Reckoning.


Would love to see these ideas implemented.

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Don't have much of an issue with Renewal, but how about this:


It does an instant heal based on level and power strength, and from then on starts to gradually heal by ticks until the duration expires while ignoring damage (speed of regen dependent on level).


Not so complicated, and would leave a choice to the player, If they want a big chunk of health restored per use (to function as a lesser Blessing, which it's supposed to be), or longer regeneration (to keep allies gradually healthy in the heat of battle).

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Oberon needs a buuf desperately, even a rework. DE made mention of a rework for oberon but its still not here. Update 14, no oberon buff, update 14.1 still, no buff. Lets face it. Its not gonna happen in the next few months because DE is to busy puping out useless weapons like the Quanta and the spectra. Also, i think they should put him in the tenno dojo. I've killed like 30 eximus in the pas week and have recived not a single drop.

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Abilities Oberon is probably better off/should be reworked


Hallowed Ground: I feel this ability should not deal damage at all, but instead create a field that debuffs enemies and buffs allies. There is also the issue that players find the current Hallowed Ground's AOE relatively small. So I would suggest this change:


Hallowed Ground: "Forges the ground with a sanctified field that renders enemy defenses vulnerable while improving ally defenses."


> Creates a 8/10/12/15 m radial field that reduces enemy Shield/Proto Shield/Ferrite Armor/Alloy Armor and increases ally Shield/Alloy Armor which lasts for 12/15/17/20 seconds.


>This ability is affected by Strength/Duration. and Range mods.




Maybe give Hallowed Grounds a slow effect, to give some utility, to go along with the buff/debuff.

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I would also ask that they give a skin at the very least that makes him look more like a Paladin and just remove the "druid" from him completely, seeing as Paladins and Druids dont mix or fit together at all, save for the fact that they have healing.

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DE should change a little bit how he looks to make him look more like a paladin(am not saying he doesnt look cool cause he looks awesome but not for a look of a paladin) but whenever i hear the world paladin i expect he will look tough(bulky ahahahhahahah)  and he has to have alot of buff skills and i bit of damage :D well thats my opinion and the only thing that i didnt like so much was his last skill cause it had a small range :( 

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Obsidian Will: Grants Oberon an aura that reduces incoming damage and grants him a melee buff.

>only affects Oberon

>reduces incoming damage to Oberon by 30%

>lasts 10/13/16/19 seconds

>melee attacks are granted additional status chance proc @ +50%

>Can be modded with Strength and Duration mods

Which ability is this one replacing?

+50% status can make for some pretty sick melee with jat kitag/bo prime/Silva+aegis

Oh, why obsidian? Obsidian just doesn't feel like paladin material... maybe just unbreakable will instead?

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I main Oberon in Warframe utilizing his ultimate and renewal, and to be honest, I would NOT like to see any of his current abilities taken away. I like the way Oberon feels in gameplay (like an excalibur with a little more focus on power usage and damage, a little less gunplay, and like the wiki states, fight-flight abilities are traded for support/healing abilites). I agree that Oberon needs buffs, he seriously needs buffs to all his abilities. Here are my thoughts on the changes to his current powers.


Smite: I don't use smite, I don't like target abilites. (if I'm going to aim at an enemy, why not just use this handy gun I have. Come to think of it, if this ability were buffed well enough, it could be a powerful addition for a melee only Oberon build). However, I agree with others that this ability needs a buff. I like the ideas of Smite having an aoe on impact with a surface (like the anti-moa's is how I imagine it working), and the homing of the secondary projections would compliment a small increase in damage. Over all, I don't have any personal suggestions for changing this ability but I do like the suggestions I've read thus far.


Hallowed Ground: I think that hallowed ground should be a toggleable ability that surrounds Oberon and moves with him, along with the addition of many of the suggestions in this thread (things like buffs to allies, debuffs to enemies, a bit more damage). Oberon would be sanctifying the ground around him with a righteous fire helping allies and destroying enemies that dare to come near him, I don't personally use Hallowed Ground much, mostly because it doesn't seem to fair well even in the lowest tiers.


Renewal: I like the ability in it's current state, however it does need some buffs to make it more viable, especially in later gameplay. I've seen ideas about damage reductions along with the healing, I think this is a great way to enhance and add utility to Renewal. The instant healing would also help in game as well. Also I imagine Renewal to look and behave similar the ancient healers healing aura. When cast, an initial wave of healing radiates out from where the weapon hits the ground, this would travel really fast and could provide a set amount of heath that is instantly added to the allies it affects, say 50/75/100 and this is affected by power strength. after this initial wave the ability continues as it does now giving a regenerative state and healing allies over time (this is where things like damage reduction as part of the ability would be utilized). Of course using the ancient healers idea, DE already has something in place for Renewal to become.


Reckoning: I admit it, I spam Reckoning sometimes. I think it's a lot of fun to sprint into the middle of a mob and then hit 4, watch them all get lifted up and slammed to the ground, dying most of the time (my current build allows me to kill most grineer eneimes up to level 27 with one reckoning use) there's a certain satisfaction involved when one clears a room with an ability like this that is unique to Warframe. In fact, Reckoning was one of the abilities that was a major selling point for Oberon to me. But Reckoning does need a small buff, something like a 100% rad proc would be great, as it has been mentioned before. (Rad proc causes eneimes to frenzy and attack whatever is closest to them right?) It would add a good utility to Reckonings CC and help it to last longer when enemies can no longer be killed with one activation of the ability.


Also, I think that Oberon needs some buffs to his stats, I'm thinking a small increase in armor rating, maybe 90 or 95 armor? That way he can tank a bit more than other medium frames but not be as slow as actual tank frames like Rhino/Frost/etc. Overall, I will probably only be using two of his four abilities, even after the buff/rework for Oberon. But if DE can find a way to change Hallowed Ground and make it very viable, even into low tier end game, I could probably find a place in my build to squeeze it in. I absolutely love Oberon and Playing as him, and I like the idea of a Paladin warframe, but he does need some attention, and for the most part I like the suggestions I see here and the Ideas my fellow Oberons and the community are creating.


P.S. (to the OP, I don't understand your concern and fears with/about Reckoning, the way it is used by Oberon players in warframe, and the dislike of it being replaced with something else in his rework, could you please explain what you mean?)

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Here is my ideas for him


I'll TL;DR it as much as possible:

* Increase his armor to 200, but reduce his speed to 0.95. Fitting for a Paladin imo.

* Merge Smite and Renewal and call it Purge. Check the thread for the mechanic, but basicly it can be said that you blast the place where you aim with both positive and negative orbs. Positive orbs seek out to heal, cleanses allies of debuffs as well as give them debuff immunity for a brief while. Negative orbs seek out to damage, stagger and forces the Puncture proc on enemies.

* Make Hallowed Ground heal allies in it as well as boost their armor

* In place of Renewal, I've suggested to add Guardian's Oath, a protective "thorns" aura (or buff), which causes enemies to deal less damage towards Oberon and his allies, while also returning some of their damage dealt! Retributive and Protective Paladin, yesiree!

* Reckoning also debuffs enemies as soon as they are lifted. If they die while debuffed (not just from Reckoning damage), they spawn a healthorb. Just to make sure that Reckoning doesn't have to get the killing blow, killing them during the lift or for a time afterwards also gives a healthorb-dropchance.


There, now he would be more Paladin-like

I think this fits the paladin theme as well as the OP post.

Points to retain are:

->Smite needs utility, could be like an orb that damages a crowd and returns healing orbs to allies, like the post above.

->Hallowed ground is only good for some maps with choke points and is also odly shaped. Needs a serious rework. I like Obsidian Will as it was suggested by OP.

->Third ability should be what i call Blessing, creates an aura around close players which cures any status effects and grants temporary resistance to them.


-> Reckoning in my opinion should be kept but with a better cast animation and a direct relation between the enemy level and the chance of health orbs being dropped.

What do you guys think?  =)


Edit1:My suggestion needs some support by the UI team to create a way to see status effects on our allies easily.

Edited by agente2012
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