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Need Help With Nyx Armor Modding



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Nyx should be built around efficiency and range. Duration is important and can be tailored to what you feel is comfortable to your playstyle (chaos drives my gear train; I like it at 13 seconds).


Flow isn't necessary on Nyx...IF...you have high efficiency. The goal is 75% with can be reached with the Vespa helmet and max fleeting. If you don't have an arcane Vespa, then some combination of fleeting and streamline will do it. Heck, even 60% is fine if you want the mod slot for something else. Her base energy is entirely adequate for your needs at this level of efficiency.


Range if very important. Overextended should be used. If you don't have it, you now have homework: run vaults until you get it. Range on Nyx is life. Her survivability hinges on doing things to enemies before they even know she's around.


She's going to need forma for the corrupted build we're talking about. You should have energy siphon as an aura (more forma).


Nyx is rather a high maintenance warframe, but if you put the time and effort in she will reward you with one of the most fun and powerful warframes in the game.

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The only reason to use flow is if you're planning on using quick-thinking for a survivability option. Then the larger pool actually will serve a purpose.


It's also useful for leveling Nyx up until you get your energy pool maxed and/or get your efficiency mods in.


Intensify serves no purpose on Nyx. The V slot should be forma'd off for something more useful.

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try that

pretty good HP/shields

spammable abilities

little extra boot to absorb damage

if you are still having trouble pick up a paris/paris prime or a sniper rifle and stay at range

remember to spam chaos




I get the impression the OP is not going to in the position to be using a build that requires a Forma and a corrupted mod.  Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno...

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Don't bother modding for armor on Nyx--or any other caster-type warframe.


15 base armor is way too low to worry about. Even 100% increase still has you less than half what Mag sports out of the box.


Not worth the mod slot.




You're better off fully ranking your vitality and redirection on Nyx. Even then, she has rather vanilla stats (740 is max for her on each).


Survivability on Nyx comes down to using your powers. Nyx isn't a tank. She simply can't take the abuse a Zephyr, Valkyr, or Saryn can. Use your chaos. Use your mind control. Use absorb when pressured hard. These are the things that make Nyx an outstanding 'frame and allow her to dominate (quite literally) high level content.

As a player who uses Nyx primarily everything, especially after the edit, that Sloan said is spot on. Once you get the abilities down it makes using her much easier and allows you to go on the offensive more =]

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