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Session Unavailable


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Never saw this before 13.3.


Basically, try playing any map after finishing another with the same group.  You'll get stuck in a near endless loading screen, then get "Session Unavailable" and kicked to the starmap with a display of the mission results from the prior mission.  It's sorta killed any sense of continuity in grouping.


It seems very easy to replicate like that.  I don't know if other circumstances cause it as well.

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I am also experiencing this same behaviour. I play with the same group for long periods of time and right now we have to blow up the squad and reform after every mission.


When we play more than one mission in a row the host of the mission will be stuck at the waiting for players screen and all or most others will be stuck at the loading screen for a couple minutes before they get the session unavailable error and get sent back to the starmap with the previous missions results. At this point the host will continue to load into the mission. If the rest of us try to join in through the friends list or via invites from the host we get the message that the "session is full" causing the host to have to abort the mission, reform the squad and load into the mission again.


The only work around at the moment seems to be disbanding and reforming the squad after every mission.

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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?




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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?




- Any size group

- All friends of the host

-All players are invited

-Any and All missions are affected

-No host migrations, only happens after the first mission is completed and your are loading into the second mission.

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I've seen this when 4 people play a level and try to play another without somebody leaving.  I doesn't matter if they are on your friends list or not.  Generally, what happens is the load screen comes up and 1 or more players progress bar goes about half way and it just sits until the error pops up.  I've seen this happen without any host migrations.  I'm not positive about the invites, but I believe it doesn't matter.  I think I've seen it with and without invites.  I've been mostly playing the rescue 2.0 on Ceres, but I think I've seen it on other nodes.


Hope this helps!

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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?


Different size groups


- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  


No, it was me and a friend and 2 randoms each time


- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  


No, only my friend, 2 randoms joined during the game and the next session the error occured


- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?


Only played a single mission at the time (credit run ;) )


- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?







See in line :)

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Yes im getting it too, 'Session Unavailable'.


Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?








-Yes it usually happens in groups with more than 2 players

-Yes we are all on eachothers friends list certain times in same clan.

-Yes its always invitations

-Only played Void, Dark Sector and alert missions.

-Happened once but when host migration happened the game crashed and restarded app. This occured when game first loads mission

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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?





1. I've seen it most in groups of 4, but it's happened at least a few times with groups of three.  


Sometimes joining a game in progress or a game that's about to start has similar "Loading" issues, but doesn't return the "session unavailable" message.  Rather, the load takes a super-long time, then you get dropped into the game with only one of the original group (or none).  I have a theory that the group your joining in those circumstances is getting caught by the bug, but you're not because you weren't with them in the last match.  Like some bit of character data is getting flagged/altered after the end of a mission so that a brand new group member won't necessarily get kicked, but still has the loading issue.


2/3. I've yet to look there.  All of my encounters with this have been with complete strangers - no one on my friends' list.


4. I don't know that it's specific to a map type, but I've definitely encountered it on invasion and infestation maps - they lend themselves to repeating the map with the same group for the completion bonuses.


5. I made a separate thread about issues I was having with host migration, but none of these load problems shifting to session unavailable bits have had host migrations involved.

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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?





- I've only noticed it in groups of 3 or 4. (haven't played solo or with only 1 friend)

- Not all are in friends list, but are all in an alliance.

- All Invites

- not certain, but on Ceres rescue 2.0 is the one that sticks out in my mind (that's where we ran all of the event missions)

- No host migration.  We got into the habit of starting the match, then inviting all others to the game.


Hope this helps.

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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?




I was having the exact same issue.


-Consistently in any size group. I would play a round, then we would all select a map, then I would be stuck at the loading screen. Still able to hear players sometimes, other times I couldn't.

-I only have one player on my friends list that I played with and I was able to play with him. Though some times a third person would join and at that point it would boot my friend. Since I seemed to be host, I was able to load in. Some times I was alone, some times I had a random with me.

-It was happening to me in both instances. Didn't seem to matter if I had invited someone or not.

-The level didn't seem to matter. I was playing mostly Nereid.

-I didn't encounter any host migrations at all.

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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?




-Been happening in groups of 3 and 4 for me.

-Been with groups of friends as well as groups of randoms.

-Has happened with players invited and randoms joining.

-Happening on all nodes.

-Only seen host migration happening once in game but usually resulting in all but 1 party member being kicked. If there is a host migration during loading it isn't showing but makes it so 1 or 2 players are in the mission with nobody else being able to join because of the party reading as full.

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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?




1. It happens at least once-twice per session to me. I haven't seen it happen with less than 3 people in the party

2. No, not all on host friends list as Ive had it happen several times while joining up with random people.

3. No, because like I said in #2- it happens to me when just entering a particular node at the same time as others sometimes- it can also happen with a party though

4. Not that I can tell- Ive seen it on Rescue 2.0's that have the Ceres Tileset, but also on an alert that had the Venus tileset, and once on a void T3 key

5. Sometimes if a host leaves and you get migrated, it can happen on the re-load into the match. Not any more or less frequently than when it happens when loading into a node with friends in a party, or randoms though.

Hope this helps!! :-D

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It seems better to me.  I spent some time this weekend running defense missions on Pluto to collect T3 keys and was able to run serveral missions with the same group.   It seems like when I was having the problem I was playing the new rescue 2.0 missions.  Once I passed the 100 points mark, I was sick of rescue missions and haven't gone back. 


Sparticus21 are you still playing the rescue 2.0 missions?

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Hello Dante_Espada,


We do have a forum post dedicated to the problem you are experiencing https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/245131-some-content-updates-could-not-be-downloaded/, and we are working very hard to resolve it. If you have any new information to add please do so on that post. When I have an update in regards to your issue I will post right away. Until then we are open to any new information you or other users can provide so long as it is constructive.


I know things can be frustrating but please try to keep the communication polite and non-confrontational.

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Sparticus21 are you still playing the rescue 2.0 missions?


I played one or two last night.  but the "session unavailable" wasn't just restricted to the rescue 2.0 missions.  I think we ran some dark sector conflict missions as well as an alert or two.  We also ran keys, but since they force you to re-form the party, it was a non-issue.

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Howdy folks,


A couple of questions if you don't mind:


- Are you seeing this consistently in groups of 4? or can it happen with less than 4?

- When this happens are all players in the lobby on the hosts Warframe friends list?  

- Are any/all players in the lobby invited to the lobby?  

- Are there any nodes/missions that this happens on frequently?

- Are there any Host Migrations that occurred prior to the issue happening?




- Group of 3 or 4 but others told me that even with 2 it happens.

- Friends or random ppl, doesn't matter. As long as it's the same squad trying to replay a mission.

- No, it happens even in random lobbies.

- Rescue 2.0 seems the most affected if I tried to replay it but if I took the squad to other node/Rescue 2.0 mission, the problem doesn't occur!

- No, host migration doesn't happen.

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Well ryan you know what we posted in that forum but I don't see how hard you guys working its 2 weeks and we can't even play the game am done playing warframe anyway after this problem where I can't find help nor solution for this problem and also not seeing any support from you DE staff.

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