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Hello Everyone


Was just looking through the specter wiki




Now we have trinity specters using link, excal specters using radial blind etc.


Please does someone have a list of the powers each tenno specter can use.


Am especially interested in Zephyr and Nyx i.e. does Nyx use absorb like the stalker and does zephyr use turbulence to deflect projectiles.


I would love to test this out but in dark sector conflicts everyone seems to use trinity or rhino specters lol.

6 answers to this question

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I can tell you right now, I have not seen my Zephyr specter use her abilities. I've seen my Valkyr use Ripline and Paralysis, I cannot vouch for Nyx since I haven't made her specter.

Posted (edited)

Oberon: Smite

Frost: (Avalanche)

Rhino: Rhino Charge

Valkyr: Rip Line

Trinity: Link

Zephyr: Tail Wind

Loki: Switch Teleport, Decoy

Saryn: (Contagion)

Mag: Pull

Hydroid: Undertow

Nekros: (Soul Punch)

Excalibur: Slash Dash

Nyx: (may be Absorb)

Volt: (Shock, Electric Shield)

Banshee: Sound Quake

Ash: (Shuriken)


(bracket) = guesses

Edited by Ralikin

Oberon: Smite

Frost: (Avalanche)

Rhino: Rhino Charge

Valkyr: Rip Line

Trinity: Link

Zephyr: Tail Wind

Loki: Switch Teleport, Decoy

Saryn: (Contagion)

Mag: Pull

Hydroid: Undertow

Nekros: (Soul Punch)

Excalibur: Slash Dash

Nyx: (may be Absorb)

Volt: (Shock, Electric Shield)

Banshee: Sound Quake

Ash: (Shuriken)


(bracket) = guesses

Nice adding to the list excal uses radial blind as well.

Am interested in banshee soundquake, does anyone have a video of it in use. Does it stagger players,throw off aim??


Oberon: Smite

Frost: (Avalanche)

Rhino: Rhino Charge

Valkyr: Rip Line

Trinity: Link

Zephyr: Tail Wind

Loki: Switch Teleport, Decoy

Saryn: (Contagion)

Mag: Pull

Hydroid: Undertow

Nekros: (Soul Punch)

Excalibur: Slash Dash

Nyx: (may be Absorb)

Volt: (Shock, Electric Shield)

Banshee: Sound Quake

Ash: (Shuriken)


(bracket) = guesses

From the ones I have watched very closely:

Excalibur = slash dash, radial blind

frost = freeze , ice wave

oberon= smite

Rhino = Iron skin,rhino charge

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