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Selling Prime Parts And Rare Mods

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Posted (edited)

Just a bit of this and that - prices are negotiable


All prime parts are 5 platinum unless otherwise marked


latron prime barrel

latron prime stock

mag prime bp

mag prime chassis bp

orthos prime bp

paris prime bp

paris prime lower limb

reaper set (3 pieces, 3*5=15 plat)

sicarus prime barrel

boar prime receiver

bronco prime receiver -10p

bronco prime bp

akbronco prime bp -15p

ankyros prime gauntlet -10p




natural talent  7p

coiling viper  8p

pointed wind 6p

reaping spiral 10p

sundering weave 5p

flow 10p

constitution 10p 

stretch 5p

intensify 10p

rending strike 5p

wildfire 5p

Edited by instig8r

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