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I don´t know if this is how mission rewards in survival must work but theese days I was doing survival and i only got 2 or 3 prime parts from the missions but i was spending from 35 to 40 minutes in survival.

For example I did t4survival and i only got R5 fusion cores but no single prime part, then I was doing survival t1 keys and I only got more void keys as rewards and only 2 prime parts. 

Like I said I don´t know if this is the system DE want for farming prime parts but I don´t like spending 40 minutes in any survival and go home without any prime parts or only one.

Let me know what you think about it.

Posted (edited)

20 r5 fusion Cores? Give me!


I am somehow confused in that point because having that amount of fusion cores is really useful and it isn´t that bad so I will just wait and see what is DE´s opinion about that.

Thinking more it´s  someway good to end the mission with a few prime parts, it really balances survival with the other void keys. Then it is a good idea if you stop and look over it.

Edited by SilverHazzes

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