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I was making a trade *Rhino Prime Chassis, Rhino Prime Systems and a Rare 5 FC* to a user named Nosscheech, I was to get a T4 Survival Key in the exchange.. After all was done and we exited the dojo, He still had the items I gave him and lost his key but I on the other hand, didn't have my key NOR the items I gave him. What happened? I relogged to see if my account would update but no dice. I lost out compleatly on this..


send a support ticket,they will refund you what you apparently don't have.


and,seriously? a rhino prime chassi and system and rare 5FC for a T4 survival? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?


It was to a friend of mine who can't host keys due to his wonky connection. He loves Rhino and hasn't gotten the Prime version. So my clan mates and I are helping him get it. That key was to help us try and get a Loki prime helmet.. *and other rewards* So to us who already have Rhino Prime, the extra parts aren't any good but for a T4 survival for 40 minutes is worth the trade. I've put in a ticket and now awaiting a response, Thanks guys!

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