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all the surroundings, I speak French and I do not speak English, so I translated by Google translation. Thank you for your understanding 


I hope I wrote this topic at the right place.


I do not know if this is a bug,


My Problem I did there environt one month change my nickname(pseudo) since I constantly message Lotus saying "the tennos greatly gained strength thanks to you, the great master "Abneco". Note : your site will be added soon! "

as at the beginning of every game 


Well it's been a month I will post so I decided to write to avour your help. thank you 


The grand master tasks they are unavailable to other players too? 

Or is it do I change my nickname(pseudo)? encien my nickname(pseudo) was "Hirokin2.0" and my new is "Abneco" if it can help ... 


Thank you for your help




So, I rewrote my message simply. 


My problem has lasted about one month, I changed my nickname, and since I can't do missions "The Founders program." ==> Solar Landmark : http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Founders


I have a message from "Lotus" saying "the tennos greatly gained power thanks you, the great master "Abneco" Note: ! Your place will be added soon" 
Well it's been one month I have this message , I think this isn't normal that last much time.
Thank you for your help

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