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I mean no offence to people who like Loki/Prime, It's just that I don't see the entirety of the point in making a Prime version of a frame which people will only use for invisibility.


I mean no offence to people who like Loki/Prime, It's just that I don't see the entirety of the point in making a Prime version of a frame which people will only use for invisibility.

...Wow really? is this an actual thing? Ok then. I only use frost's Snow Globe. Does that mean he shouldnt have a prime version?

I only use Mag's pull. Cause its soooo goood. Still a prime there

Excalibur is a frame I dont use other abilities from other than Super Jump (Me too OP from before NEEDS NERF) stiiiill an exclusive prime

and then we have ember. RARELY uses anything else than WORLD ON FIIIIIIREEEE!! Still a beautiful prime.

Lets not forget Rhino Prime. I only use Iron Skin, cause its really the only useful ability (not at higher levels but). People say "BUT RHINO STOMP MAAAAHN" but no. I dont use that.

Should I not have these primes then? cause I play differently? 

Now please.. Give me a good answer to why these shouldnt exist and why I shouldnt have them


Loki is a very versatile frame capable of a number of builds. There are players who use Frost Prime only for Snow Globe, or Excalibur Prime only for Radial Blind. If that's the choice the user makes, then fine. But there's always more than one way to play a frame. 


...Wow really? is this an actual thing? Ok then. I only use frost's Snow Globe. Does that mean he shouldnt have a prime version?

I only use Mag's pull. Cause its soooo goood. Still a prime there

Excalibur is a frame I dont use other abilities from other than Super Jump (Me too OP from before NEEDS NERF) stiiiill an exclusive prime

and then we have ember. RARELY uses anything else than WORLD ON FIIIIIIREEEE!! Still a beautiful prime.

Lets not forget Rhino Prime. I only use Iron Skin, cause its really the only useful ability (not at higher levels but). People say "BUT RHINO STOMP MAAAAHN" but no. I dont use that.

Should I not have these primes then? cause I play differently? 

Now please.. Give me a good answer to why these shouldnt exist and why I shouldnt have them

I'm not sure if you understood what I meant, do you realise what the invisibility does? It makes your warframe go away! OHMAGAWD! In other words, making your "Oh so pretty" gilded frame disappear.


Prime Warframes has extra polarities and some even have some buffs here and there. Plus they are shiny so yeah... If you have the parts why not make them? If you like the normal version, why not make the Prime version? I really don't see your point here. It is like seeing a kid bragging that he doesn't want a certain toy of his friend because he doesn't have one. (BTW I don't have Loki Prime yet he is still building in my Arsenal)


The OP has a point there... you can't admire the gloriousness of the Loki Prime Master race if it's invisible.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

First thing I thought when I read the OP:



"Tired of not seeing thine own glorious hide? Well do we have a deal for you! Using merely half the energy and twice the tactical use, decoy will make you double the trouble, with precious aggro mechanics to boot! Find your local Loki prime dealership today...

But seriously, decoy is one of Loki's best abilities when used correctly.


But... But... I like being Invisible man... Radial disarm and Decoy are quite useful as well (not to mention funny^^). Using him only for Invisibility kinda kills the fun...

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