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Posted (edited)

There's a bit of a muted discussion on this subject going on in the patch notes thread, but I think it needs to be somewhere where it will get more attention.


This change was introduced to prevent players from stacking absorbs for nearly unlmited damage. While I understand the need for this change (despite LOVING doing this), since hopefully lasting a long time in defense/survival wont be a novelty, and rather actually generate GOOD rewards in U14, and this would break that reward system. If such a system isn't implemented, then it should just be changed back, as it is a very niche exploit that is actually fun.


This thread is to discuss alternatives to the new problems introduced, namely making the ability less useful against corpus where the majority of teammates will likely be using magnetic damage, making their contributions to the absorb much, much less useful.


Discuss, and hopefully we can come up with a better solution for DE to use.

Edited by (PS4)MoriartyHaaaiii
Posted (edited)

I don't agree that the expolit should be kept, because it's exactly that- an exploit. However, the fix was absolutely horrible- anyone who knows anything about Damage 2.0 uses Magnetic for Corpus, and that turns anyone shooting at the Absorb bubble into a useless guy wasting their bullets on Corpus missions. Instead, make absorb deal its own damage type.


Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by UpgradeInProgress

I think DE wants to avoid making custom damage types, they didn't like it back in damage 1.0. 
How about simply making it ignore AoE damage/AoE damage not targetted/centered at Nyx? So, an Ogris rocket flying at Nyx will affect it, an ogris rocket that explodes in proximity because of an ally won't, because most AoE attacks will be targetted at Nyx due to the effects of absorb this is essentially a nonissue. The magnetic explosion of Absorb isn't targetting anyone technically, especially an ally, and therefore doesn't contribute to a second absorb. 



I don't agree that the expolit should be kept, because it's exactly that- an exploit. However, the fix was absolutely horrible- anyone who knows anything about Damage 2.0 uses Magnetic for Corpus, and that turns anyone shooting at the Absorb bubble into a useless guy wasting their bullets on Corpus missions. Instead, make absorb deal its own damage type.


Edit: Ninja'd

De already let us keep an exploit *cough coptering* cough*


I don't agree that the expolit should be kept, because it's exactly that- an exploit. However, the fix was absolutely horrible- anyone who knows anything about Damage 2.0 uses Magnetic for Corpus, and that turns anyone shooting at the Absorb bubble into a useless guy wasting their bullets on Corpus missions. Instead, make absorb deal its own damage type.


Edit: Ninja'd


So much This.


You can use nova antimatter drop to absorb absorb's damage and absorb to absorb antimatter drops damage for nearly same results if not better...

Posted (edited)

You can use nova antimatter drop to absorb absorb's damage and absorb to absorb antimatter drops damage for nearly same results if not better...

 But thats something different! Its teamwork and 2 frames combinging their abilities and you need timing and ... wait.... thats the same as 2 nyx.... DAMN, THATS OP! NERF NERF NERF!


No, seriously, the Nyx nerf shows once more, that DE does not want us to use teamwork, to cooperate with others, they don't want the warframe abilities to work with one another and they also don't like synergy effects, at least it appears to me that way. And I don't like the way this game has been going for the past months. We have warframes wich are fun to use and warframes wich are less fun, and instead if making the less fun ones more fun, they punch the fun out of the fun ones. Great job DE, great job. And yes, making Nyxs absorb completly resistant to one damage type is once again a very bad "fix" for that so called "exploit". Luckily nobody at DE thought it would be a good idea to make nyx absorb completly resistant to all player inflicted damage......

Edited by Scr4mp

That's not an exploit. They even made it better :)

they should at least make better animations or have different ones for each weapon. Because it still looks terrbile


Why is Absorb magnetic based in first place?

What has to do magnetic with Nyx?

I would understand on Mag...


I think that Blast would fit more... Explosions you know.


Doesn't matter.


As for "anyone who knows anything about Damage 2.0 using Magnetic against Corpus"...I don't. I just bypass the shields with Toxin damage, hit them hard with impact (which will also stagger).


But besides that, I think it's a decent change. The only alternative would be to resist all teammate damage, which precludes team-play.  But then most Nyx's are in and out of Absorb so fast these days it's not a big deal.


Damn it... i wanted to crank up the exploit. 
Rhino roar boosts all sources of damage done by you = use roar on 2 nyxes while they bounce their explosions between each other, which would cause the damage to get endlessly bigger and you don't have to keep throwing dmg into absorb it will just grow exponentially while Roar is active. 


The changes have not hit PS4 yet so we won't know until it actually gets here. We're still on 13.3.


I know that haha, and I'm enjoying it while it lasts, doesnt mean I dont read patch notes and keep track of where the game is headed. I also experiment with new mechanics on PC occasionally, so that I understand them better before they get to PS4.

Posted (edited)

Why not just make absorb into finisher damage or something. There are practically no sources in the game that uses it.


This is probably the best suggestion.


Making her deal finisher damage would allow a teammate with an ill-suited elemental combo to pump their gun into an absorb and have that damage be dealt without resistance (or any sort of bonus).

Helps nyx keep her role as the most balanced, CC and teamwork based frame that there is. I'm honestly surprised that any changes were made to her as she, at least for me, was the most perfectly balanced frame. Not to say that this new change ruins her, it just makes her innefective in corpus mission, and removes encouragement to work as a team instead of "who can blast their dex soma prime dragon faster", especially on missions other than defense.

Edited by (PS4)MoriartyHaaaiii

One thing bothers me, why are people so concerned about exploit being removed?


I don't think we're concerned about it being removed.


The concern is more that this isnt an "absorb nerf" its more of a "Teamwork/synergy nerf" and above all a HUGE nerf to the already pitiful (for the most part) magnetic damage.


This thread is for figuring out a better alternative that doesn't negatively effect other parts of the game.


Use toxic: problem solved.


Frankly, in most matches your fellow travelers don't have a clue how Nyx works and don't bother shooting the bubble. PuGs simply aren't going to notice this change.


I could do on about how DE doesn't balance around high round count defense or survival and regards it as "aberrant gameplay."


The idea of finisher damage for absorb is a good one, but for about 95% of the gameplay the community indulges in this won't matter.

Guest Shibboleet

I don't agree that the expolit should be kept, because it's exactly that- an exploit. However, the fix was absolutely horrible- anyone who knows anything about Damage 2.0 uses Magnetic for Corpus, and that turns anyone shooting at the Absorb bubble into a useless guy wasting their bullets on Corpus missions. Instead, make absorb deal its own damage type.


Edit: Ninja'd

No. We use Mag.

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