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Wts Prime Parts And Mods

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I have a few things to sell, prices can be lower if you buy more than one thing :)

Contact me in game : GaffBiginsane


T4 capture key 5p


Prime Parts :


bo ornament 15p

boar stock 10p

boltor stock 5p

boltor receiver 10p

braton stock 10p

burston barrel 20p

burston stock 5p

dakra handle 10p

latron barrel 5p

paris lower limb 5p

paris string 10p

paris upper limb 10p

sicarus barrel 10p


akbronco BP 20p

boar BP 5p

reaper BP 10p 

braton BP 5p

sicarus BP 5p


Warframe parts :


ember chassis 5p

ember helmet 10p

frost chassis 10p

frost systems 10p

mag chassis 5p

rhino systems 5p


Mods :


barrel diffusion 15p

berserker 20p

constitution 10p

crossing snakes(maxed) 30p

fired up 10p

flow 10p

hell's chamber 15p

rage 20p

seismic palm 15p

energy siphon 25p

malignant force 15p

power throw 5p

reflex guard 5p

shotgun ammo mutation 5p

sniper ammo mutation 5p

stabilizer 5p

steady hands 5p

sundering strike 10p

thunderbolt 5p

undying will 10p

pistol pestilence 15p

streamline 10p

enemy radar 15p

fever strike 10p

stretch 5p

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