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Are You 100% Absolutely, Positively Sure Burston Prime Receiver Drops From T2 Survival?


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Because I'm 100% sure it doesn't.  I have no less than 20 hours logged in T2 Survival (mostly before Loki Prime update but about 3 hours after) trying to find the freaking Burston Prime Receiver.



RNG and performance issues are the only thing holding this game back in my opinion.



This post was supposed to be a sarcastic one but now it is turning into a rage thread so I'll just stop it here....







(P.S. Willing to trade for it...)




(P.S.S. This thread is 99% General Discussion so don't move it Tulzscha, thank you)


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ppl often spend days/weeks/months to get some parts, nm 20hours of play.


i remember it took me 4 months to get 1 braton prime reciever and a bronco prime reciever, in a different situation tho i got frost prime, mag prime, glaive prime and rhino prime in 2-4 runs, done and dusted in a day.  Other parts typically took me between a few weeks to a few months, even now theres still things i havent got, but these days ive not as excited to collect leftovers so just let it happen slowly/whenever.

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I've been grinding for this since 2013 Methanoid. (Have taken breaks from the game and from trying but it has been months; the better part of a year)


i dont have it either :) and yeah ive been been around since Oct'2013 quite a bit later than yourself but of all things i just cant get the blueprint for the burston prime.  i also only just recieved a final part for the sicarus prime 3 days ago as well, also i havent got the boltor prime blueprint yet either, got the last part of the reaper prime of all things a few weeks ago, havent got lex/akbronco and a few others either, lots of "missing a final piece".


i also recall it took me 3 months when i first started to get 1 single damned Stormbringer mod (sick of the sight of neptune defence at that stage), a freaking uncommon mod of all things.

Edited by Methanoid
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I played a T4D yesterday, had to make the rest wait because mother asked me to go to the phamarcy for her medicine (I was the host). Boy, were they happy they waited: Wave 20 --> Loki Prime Systems

Edited by Kao-Snake
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It took me about 200 Psmanthe (old hyena runs) for it to drop Loki Systems.  That was so freaking painful.  I would do 5-10 speed runs a day for a few months.  Then I gave up.  Then finally got it during another grindfest.


OMG I almost forgot about the original grind to get parts for the original frames.  I remember doing Earth over 100 times to get the three parts for Trinity.  And I never did get that last frost part for the longest time, gave up and was able to get Frost Prime so much easier.    Ah, the memories.  You grind a level and get nothing for it, now you grind a level and get things you've already have many times overs.  I prefer the later over the former, at least that's credit in the bank if I ever want to try transmute again. X_X

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