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Greetings all!

Myself and Knucelss have undertaken the Sword Alone challenge created by Coatduck (Thread can be found https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/241003-sword-alone/'>here)


We must go from planet to planet, starting at mercury, fighting every boss, using only a melee weapon. No powers, no guns, just a sword.

We must start unranked on both our frame and weapon, and begin with only an aura+stance and single mod on both weapon and frame. These can't be shield/health mods, like Redirection, or damage mods like Pressure point.

For every 3 missions, we get a new mod, and if we start bleeding out in a mission, the other gets to choose a mod to take off of either your Frame or weapon! Nasty!

Can we beat every boss and planet with nothing but a melee weapon? Let's find out, in these, WARFRAME CHALLENGES!

P.s. You can view the video below, or by clicking this link here



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