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Selling [Basically Everything] <Rare Stances And Complete Prime Sets Inside>

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Well guys from all around the world, i'm in need of some platinum so i'm here to sell all my spares of usefull thingies. Hope u like some :)

Please note that i've got a S#&$load of all other mods, so if u're looking for a more common one or one i might have forgotten listing, feel free to whisp me in game asking.


-Accelerated blast- 3plat
-Arrow ammo mutation- 5plat
-Barrel diffusion- 10plat

-Blind rage- 15plat
-Burdened magazine- 2plat
-Continuity- 3plat
-Corrupt charge- 10plat
-Equilibrium- 5plat
-Fever strike- 5plat
-Fleeting expertise- 15plat
-Guardian- 5plat
-Handspring- 10plat
-Heavy trauma- 20plat
-Hell's chamber- 10plat
-Hollow point- 5plat
-Intensify- 4plat
-Maligant force- 20plat
-Narrow minded- 15plat
-Natural talent- 15plat
-Overextended- 15plat
-Pistol ammo mutation- 5plat
-Pistol pestilence- 20plat
-Retribution- 5plat
-Sanctuary- 10plat
-Seeker- 15plat
-Shield flux- 10plat
-Shotgun ammo mutation- 5plat
-Sniper ammo mutation- 5plat
-Split chamber- 10plat
-Spoiled strike- 10plat
-Stabilizer- 7plat
-Sure footed- 8plat
-Stunning speed- 5plat
-Tainted shell- 5plat
-Thunderbolt- 10plat
-Toxic barrage- 20plat
-Undying will- 10plat
-Vile precision- 10plat
-Whirlwind- 10plat


-Brutal tide- 20plat

-Clashing forest- 5plat
-Coiling Viper- 20plat
-Failing branch- 25plat
-Gleaming talon- 80plat
-Gnashing payara- 20plat
-Grim fury- 20plat
-Pointed wind- 20plat
-Rending crane- 10plat
-Seismic palm- 15plat
-Shimmering blight- 10plat
-Stalking fan- 20plat
-Swirling tiger- 15plat

----I Sell rare 5 fusion cores for 2plat each if anyone is interested in those----

Prime Parts:


-Akbronco prime BP- 10plat
-Ankyros prime blade- 15plat (got 2)
-Bo prime ornament- 25plat
-Boar prime (everything but the barrel)- 15plat each part
-Boltor prime Barrel and stock- 15plat each
-Burston prime (everything but the BP)- 15 plat each part
-Dakra prime blade and BP- 15plat each
-Frost prime (everything but the BP)- 20plat each part
-Glaive prime Blade and disc- 15plat each
-Latron prime (everything but the BP)- 15plat each part
-Lex prime BP- 20plat
-Orthos prime full set- 80plat complete
-Paris prime full set- 100plat complete 
-Reaper prime full set- 70plat complete
-Rhino prime chasis- 20plat
-Sicarus prime full set- 70plat complete

For sets, ask for separated parts prices

That is all i've got worth mentioning (i guess). Whatever else u're looking for, feel free to PM me and ask, bargaining and offering are openly recieved and i'd like to see some. Also note that i work with some friends so for some items you might see yourself having to trade with someone else, anyways, quality is guaranteed.

Thanks for passing by, and hope you like something from here :)

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